For the Ladies - Mirena?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The hormones, as I'm told, are local and not systemic, meaning they shouldn't cause weight gain because they are not traveling through your entire body.

    That's what I've been told, but how is it possible that they absorb into one part of your body and don't travel around your tissue? It's BS.

    I got Mirena in August 2009. In September, the weight started coming on and I haven't been able to lose ANYTHING no matter what I do ever since. There is no other explanation, according to my docs.
  • StupidLamb02
    StupidLamb02 Posts: 3 Member
    Ive had the Mirena for 2 years. I love it! No, periods, no weight gain but HELLO hair loss! Ive noticed it a lot lately. I also googled it and it's very common. Has anyone else had this problem??
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    ive had mirena for nearly 6 years, my weight has been up and down in that time but that is caused by my overeating and being lazy!! i had a new one fitted on december and have had no problems losing weight with it - 25lbs in 3 months down :)
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Did it hurt at all having it put in and does hit hurt to remove? I am on Depo and while i love it I have definitely gained weight.

    My opinion...yes it hurts to have put in. It's gross because you have to go in when you have your period because it leaves your cervix soft. And it's no worse than some light contractions but it's definitely uncomfortable when they put it in. I was cramping up pretty badly the first day or two. But it phases out.

    I can't speak for removal. I'm not there yet. But I assume it's probably the same. I hope not though. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Did it hurt at all having it put in and does hit hurt to remove? I am on Depo and while i love it I have definitely gained weight.

    My opinion...yes it hurts to have put in. It's gross because you have to go in when you have your period because it leaves your cervix soft. And it's no worse than some light contractions but it's definitely uncomfortable when they put it in. I was cramping up pretty badly the first day or two. But it phases out.

    I can't speak for removal. I'm not there yet. But I assume it's probably the same. I hope not though. :)

    Not all OBs require you to have your period. I didn't have mine when I got it.

    And, to me, it was uncomfortable but not painful
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I had one for 3 years until recently. It wasn't painful to put in but I did cramp and bleed heavily for almost a month afterward. Then things settled out. Overall, I didn't care for it. I don't do well with hormones, local or otherwise, so I removed it myself a few months ago.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    you removed it yourself !!!!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi im on my second mirena first one 2005 secong one 2010 in 2010 I was losing weight regulary week in no gains no sts I then had a gain 2 weeks after the mirena then sts Id started my weightloss plan March 2010 every week a loss then June 2010 Mirena out 2 weeks later new mirena in and 2 weeks a 2 lbs gain and I had been 100% sticking to plan and exercise
    I lost 1 stone in 5 weeks
    2 stone in 14 weeks
    3 stone in 22 weeks
    4 stone in 40 weeks
    It did settle but carried on having sts and gains

    I will see this time what happens but I know Im more down since having it x
  • suindamach
    suindamach Posts: 13 Member
    Hmmm, now that you mention it. YES! I got my Mirena one year ago in December 2010. I have gained 20 pounds since. But I was blaming it on my relationship and our eating habits... I am not getting it taken out but I haven't lost any weight since I started working out and eating better 2 weeks ago... I hope it doesn't hinder my weight loss...
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    A friend of mine gained weight while on Mirena, but it was in the form of a baby. Twice. Clearly that was not the proper form of BC for her. (Either that or her doc had inserted it wrong) I don't think she gained any weight from it prior to that little mishap, though, if that helps any.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I had the Mirena for a little over a year... it was great, I had no weight gain or ill- effects. I also had no period, which was awesome! I also was able to get pregnant about 2 months after getting it taken out. It was a great investment, with no worries!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    i have it, and i am glad i do. It is so much easier than remembering to take a pill each day.
    I had gained weight, but i dont blame mirena, i blame my eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. I have almost no periods and what i do have is mild spotting on occasion.

    no complaints here! (have had it about 2 and a half years so far)
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    i've heard only good things about it! i go in to get mine next month, can't wait!!!
  • Did it hurt at all having it put in and does hit hurt to remove? I am on Depo and while i love it I have definitely gained weight.

    It did not hurt me to have it put in and I have not gained weight from it. I am also wondering if it hurts to get it out!! I want to take it out soon.
  • I had mine in for the full five years. I just got it taken out in October. Due to complications with my insurance not covering most of the procedure I had to opt for the pill. I miss Mirena badly. I had no side effects other than light or missed periods. No weight gain, no headaches, etc. I do know a couple people who had PID who had complications with it. If you have multiple sex partners there's a good chance you'll get infections easily. I had no problems with mine what so ever. Best birth control on the market if you ask me. As soon as the health care section on birth control goes into effect in 2013 I'm having mine reinserted.
  • I had one for 3 years until recently. It wasn't painful to put in but I did cramp and bleed heavily for almost a month afterward. Then things settled out. Overall, I didn't care for it. I don't do well with hormones, local or otherwise, so I removed it myself a few months ago.

    You removed it yourself! Was it hard to do? Did it hurt?
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I had mirena for almost 4 years and just had it removed in December. No, I didn't notice any weight gain or loss related to it while having it or since it has been removed. The best part was not having a real period the whole time.... When I did it get my period it was only for a day or two... However, hoping it didn't mess with me too much since now DH and I are TTC.
  • I got mine inserted two days after my period. It's a slight pinch, no worse than a pap smear really. I had slight cramping afterward but nothing unbearable. I didn't even feel it when they took it out.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Can't fathom taking that out myself. Yikes. Having mine taken out in November and prolly replacing. not sure about weight issues as I gained a ton from not watching food intake and not working out! :(
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    you removed it yourself !!!!

    Yes, but I am also a nurse and knew what I was doing. No pain, no bleeding, it came out fully intact. Tada! But don't try that at home kids.