Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • getfitjane
    getfitjane Posts: 10
    Friday weigh in report... my very first one!

    starting weight (29/05/09): 140
    current weight (05/06/09): 138
    goal weight by August 1st: 134
    exercise a day: 30 mins minimum.

    I'm on my way with my first two pounds lost... and i already feel more fit!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Looks like everyone is staying focused and seeing results!

    I'm 30 years old, 5' 10" and my name is Shauna! I have a 3 kids, ages 4, 2, and 2 months.....I never lost the weight from the 1st couple, then I tried to get rid of it all before getting pregnant with the 3rd. I managed to lose 94 lbs before getting pregnant and was only up 28 lbs from that at the start of this challenge!

    Start weight for this challenge 222lbs
    Last week 220lbs
    This week 219 lbs
    Goal 180 lbs
    Got in 6 x 45 minute workouts this week, and I burned over 3000 calories....with 3 kids at home, I know I won't always find this much time to workout, so I make sure that I really push myself when I get the chance. You have to make every workout count!!!

    Only lost a pound this week, but I'm feeling tighter and stronger, so I'm okay with that! I know it'll happen!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Okey Dokey. Just started this on Wednesday.

    sw june 3/09 259.0
    cw June 5/09 256.0
    goal weight Aug 1 230.0
    exercise this week 180mins

    My oldest daughter (about to be 12) started track last year and is now in fabulous shape. I tell her I wish I looked to good. She frowns when I do extra snacks, so I'm doing this for me and the ladies in my life! :heart:

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL!:wink:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Mind if I join? I need to get back into gear... Been kind of in a rut the last month.

    Starting Weight (1/09): 183
    Current Weight: 162
    Challenge Goal Weight: 142
    Goal Weight: 135
    Age: 25
    Work Out Goal: 150 min/week

    Looks like everyone's doing well! Keep up the great work, and stay on my buttootie! :wink:
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    Hey, hartkid13-

    What day is your birthday next week? Mine is the 11th.

    Mine's the 9th.

    Happy Birthday to us! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hey, hartkid13-

    What day is your birthday next week? Mine is the 11th.

    Mine's the 9th.

    Happy Birthday to us! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    :happy: HEY HART!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    :happy: HEY HART!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    PIPI!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Start Weight--163.5 when I came to MFP (technically 184lbs before that)
    Current Weight--156.5
    8/31 Goal Weight--147lb
    Goal Weight--140lbs
    Minutes/Days Exercised This Week--320 mins (not including today..dk if I'll have time with work)
  • tdboone
    tdboone Posts: 11
    CW:164 no gain or loss:grumble:
    GW: 149 for 08/31
    Minutes/Days Exercised this week 150 mins(could have done more but a lot of stuff went on this week but next week will be great):wink:
  • Hi and thanks to everyone (new and on week 2) who logged in and recorded your stats.
    I have to say I did think the response today would be much greater and am let down by the lack of drive out there.
    Seems we get out of the gate with such strong convictions and promises and then what takes over- Life -which we can choose to translate into excuses. There are none any more for those of us who are really serious about our weight loss.
    We are already into the sixth month of the year. How many of us have made those resolutions to really take control and conquer the demons. I did and guess what...in 6 months I have lost more weight (all be it 4lbs) on this challenge than I possibly hoped for.
    So does this work? Yeah, it does, but only if we are in it together FOR THE DURATION.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I hope its not too late to join in (just joined the site today)!

    Starting Weight (Pre-MFP): 219
    Current Weight: 214
    Challenge Goal Weight: 194
    Goal Weight: 135
    Age: 24
    Work Out Goal: 5 days a week for 30mins - 1 hour
  • Sorry late with the check in

    age - 50
    sw - 216.2
    5/29 weight - 188.2
    cw - 188
    8/31 wt - 178.2
    gw - 160

    Exercise I failed miserably here due to work stress and bad news to a guys I have been seeing for almost theee years. This is the area I will concentrate on this week I am going to shoot for my 5 days and 60 minutes a day.

    Congratulations to the ones who lost and did good in the exercising. I will also try to post more on this thread.
  • Sorry double post
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hi and thanks to everyone (new and on week 2) who logged in and recorded your stats.
    I have to say I did think the response today would be much greater and am let down by the lack of drive out there.
    Seems we get out of the gate with such strong convictions and promises and then what takes over- Life -which we can choose to translate into excuses. There are none any more for those of us who are really serious about our weight loss.
    We are already into the sixth month of the year. How many of us have made those resolutions to really take control and conquer the demons. I did and guess what...in 6 months I have lost more weight (all be it 4lbs) on this challenge than I possibly hoped for.
    So does this work? Yeah, it does, but only if we are in it together FOR THE DURATION.

    Too many times I have joined challenges and fallen short. NOT this one. Thanks for posting this, I think we all need a reminder of how positive we need to be, and follow through with our promices!
  • ntminter
    ntminter Posts: 10
    I have seen alot of posts about the "30 day shred" what is that?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I have seen alot of posts about the "30 day shred" what is that?

    Assuming its the same one I know of, 30 day shred is a program designed by Jillian Michaels to blast away the last 10-20 pounds and get you ripped in 30 days. Theres a 30 day shred DVD and a book both by Jillian.

    I haven't seen the DVD but the book is full of recipes (tells you what to eat every day for 30 days) and excerizes to do for the month.
  • Hi and thanks to everyone (new and on week 2) who logged in and recorded your stats.
    I have to say I did think the response today would be much greater and am let down by the lack of drive out there.
    Seems we get out of the gate with such strong convictions and promises and then what takes over- Life -which we can choose to translate into excuses. There are none any more for those of us who are really serious about our weight loss.
    We are already into the sixth month of the year. How many of us have made those resolutions to really take control and conquer the demons. I did and guess what...in 6 months I have lost more weight (all be it 4lbs) on this challenge than I possibly hoped for.
    So does this work? Yeah, it does, but only if we are in it together FOR THE DURATION.

    Too many times I have joined challenges and fallen short. NOT this one. Thanks for posting this, I think we all need a reminder of how positive we need to be, and follow through with our promices!
    You got that right:wink
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Yep, Lizagna is correct. I just started the 30 day shred yesterday. It's intense!!! but sooo fun. Jillian Michaels is very demanding but extremely motivational. I highly recommend it.
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    I just joined today but I've been on my weight-loss plan for about a month. Hope it's alright for me to join this challenge! :)

    Age: 24
    SW: 186
    CW: 170
    GW: 150
    Days/minutes of exercise : 1-1.5 hrs, 5/6 days a week

  • jaimelee93
    jaimelee93 Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry checking in late.

    SW =178

    31/5 = 177.

    I was sick all week so I only got a 30 min run in.

    Yay 3lb loss this week.
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