For the Ladies - Mirena?



  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    I have had Mirena for 2.5 years and have not noticed any trouble with weight gain.

    As for ladies asking if it hurts...IT HURT LIKE THE ****ENS TO GET IT IN! Of course, I went to my GP instead of an OBGYN AND I haven't had kids yet. It took the dr about 45 minutes to get it....but since then, I have had NO problems whatsoever. Just not looking forward to getting it taken out....

    Please see an OB/GYN to have it out. My insertion was pain free and took all of about 30 seconds.


    mine took all of 10 seconds to get in, and it was small pinch like a pap.

    mine was pain free and quick
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I'm on my second Mirena (8 years in) and I could not love it more. It did not affect my weight loss, and I have not had a period in eight years which is fabulous. I actually lost ten pounds when I first had it put in, but it was post baby. Same thing happened when I was on Depo between Kid #1 and Kid #2.
  • I have Paragard (the hormone-free IUD) and I love it. I had been on the pill for years and decided to give my body a break from the hormones, which are also in Mirena, and which can cause weight changes. My period got heavier so I occasionally wonder whether I should have gone with Mirena instead, but I am generally satisfied with my decision to keep it as natural as possible. At first, it was hard for me to find a doctor who would place it since I haven't had children yet (perforation risk). But once I did, yes, it hurt pretty bad to have it placed, but it was over fast and so worth it!
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Had mine put in November 2010. GP inserted it (it's standard that the GP or practice nurse does it in the UK), 2minutes, job done. Was a little uncomfortable, but no worse than the period cramps I was having at the time anyway. And no weight gain.

    Still get a period every 28days though (Boooo!) although took about 9months to settle down to that. That being said, my periods are lighter and only last 3 days now, plus previously my cycle would vary from anything between 25 and 35 days.
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 292 Member
    A friend of mine gained weight while on Mirena, but it was in the form of a baby. Twice. Clearly that was not the proper form of BC for her. (Either that or her doc had inserted it wrong) I don't think she gained any weight from it prior to that little mishap, though, if that helps any.

    THAT would be the worst kind of weight anyone could gain!!! Thanks for the warning - not that I use mine for that - but good to know it's a possibility - as was one of my friends tubal ligations!!!!!
  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    I love mine. I have not gained weight from the mireana and have actually lost weight pretty easily. For me I do get a monthly period, but its so light I only have to use 1 pad and it only last 1 day) I will probably have mine out in about 3 yrs, when hubby and I will try for 1 more.
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    i have the mirena. i was big when i got it in, and didn't notice any gain, if anyting maybe 1-2 kg, but i wouldn't attribute my gain to the mirena. i was eating badly and not exercising.

    i have lost a lot of weight while still on it and have no intention of getting rid of it. i love it. i love not having periods!!!

    Ditto for me to what this post says! And I've had mine for about 9 months. Periods were crazy the first 4-5 months though before subsiding to the spotting.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    My experience has been I didn't gain weight, but losing weight became more difficult. I also started losing a ton of hair and always felt like my head was in a cloud and severely depressed. My dr tested my thyroid and said it was normal and his only suggestion was the Mirena. He said it was the same hormone as the shot and he strongly believes it does go into your blood stream, maybe in smaller amounts. Since getting it out, my hair has stopped falling out, depression has lifted, and I can think more clearly, most days. Just my experience, I have friends that love it! And insertion was HELL, apparently my cervix don't open, duh the reason for 2 c-sections, but the removal was very quick and easy. At one point during the insertion, the dr. told me we may not be able to insert this and we will have to find another method. I
  • I know that the doctors (every single one of them) swears you don't gain weight - that it's not possible, blah blah blah. But you do!!! I have. I've gained 20 pounds in two years since I had it a month after my 2nd child. Up until this point, I didn't really do anything different eating or exercising wise, prior to the mirena. I've been exercising and watching calories, carbs, fats, etc. and it is alot harder to lose the weight too. I'm only 32 - so I don't really blame it on being old. Do the benefits of Mirena outway the weight gain - to some extent - yes. I haven't had a period in over a 1 1/2. BIG BIG PLUS. I used to have the most horrible periods - so to me, major plus. Not having to worry about getting pregnant - another big big plus. It hurt to put in, but personally, no more than a pap. If you've had kids - this is NOTHING!!! Just my opinion. I'm sure people will blast about the medical reasons on how you don't gain weight, but personally, I feel you do! Thanks!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    A friend of mine gained weight while on Mirena, but it was in the form of a baby. Twice. Clearly that was not the proper form of BC for her. (Either that or her doc had inserted it wrong) I don't think she gained any weight from it prior to that little mishap, though, if that helps any.

    THAT would be the worst kind of weight anyone could gain!!! Thanks for the warning - not that I use mine for that - but good to know it's a possibility - as was one of my friends tubal ligations!!!!!

    I've heard several people say that if you have a normal heavy period (spotting is normal) to go have it checked, because it probably came out.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I've just googled it and these are the common side effects

    Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)
    Change in menstrual bleeding, such as spotting, lighter bleeding or stopping of bleeding.
    Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries.
    Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)
    Decreased sex drive.
    Abdominal pain.
    Back or pelvic pain.
    Painful periods.
    Breast pain or tenderness.
    Vaginal inflammation or discharge.
    Weight gain. - BOO

    Sounds like every hormonal birth control on the market.

    Here's the list of side effects of Mirena from their site, btw -

    That said. I've had it for about 2 years now, and the only side effect I've had that I can contribute to it is the no period (got it post partum).

    Technically, because it's a hormonal birth control, it does have a chance of affecting weight gain, but it uses a lower dosage of hormones and releases it directly into the area, so shouldn't be as much of an issue as things like Depo.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    I know that the doctors (every single one of them) swears you don't gain weight - that it's not possible, blah blah blah. But you do!!! I have. I've gained 20 pounds in two years since I had it a month after my 2nd child.

    I think if you go back and read the posts on here, you may find that you are in the minority, and there could have been another cause.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I got a mirena six months ago. I have since lost 53 pounds.

    1. The mirena did not cause me to lose this weight. Diet and exercise did.
    2. Whether it had any effect on how quickly I lost the weight, I do not know. I don't really focus on outside factors, or get discouraged when I plateau. I just buckle down and work harder. ...and this attitude didn't come easily. It's taken me years of yo-yoing up and down with my weight, trying fad diets, etc. to learn to focus and change my lifestyle and attitude.

    Talk to me when you've been at a plateau for six months despite trying EVERYING, including being so desperate you drop down to 500 calories a day just so the scale will move and still it doesn't.

    Before Mirena, I ate healthy and exercised and dropped 2 pounds a week despite being in a healthy weight range. After Mirens, I continued eating right and exercising and gained 20 pounds back and can't lose it.

    I know not everyone has that experience, but some of us DO. I've had blood work. I've talked to my doctor about my diet and exercise. There is no other explanation. And the gains started a month after I got the IUD.

    And it sucks because I need to be on a hormonal BC unless I want to be out of commission for a week or more every month and the pill -- after 13 years -- was no longer an option. This was pretty much it because I will NOT get the shot.

    You're free to check my diary -- it's open and honest -- if you don't believe me.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I'm on my second Mirena (8 years in) and I could not love it more. It did not affect my weight loss, and I have not had a period in eight years which is fabulous. I actually lost ten pounds when I first had it put in, but it was post baby. Same thing happened when I was on Depo between Kid #1 and Kid #2.

    I am on my second one too. It is so nice not having my period for over five years. Occasionally cramping, but very mild and a lot less PMS! I didn't have any side effects like the others quoted. I love it!
  • I don't usually reply to anything on the forums but this is something I am pretty passionate about. MIRENA WILL MAKE YOU FAT AND THE DOCTOR WILL NEVER ADMIT THAT MIRENA IS A WEIGHT GAIN PROBLEM. I had Mirena after the birth of my daughter- within 3 mos I gained 45 pounds that I couldn't lose... after the 5 years of Mirena I had the unit removed and I IMMEDIATELY lost 70 pounds and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost all the weight in 10 months. I never had a weight problem before mirena and I didn't have a problem after Mirena- so it HAD to be the mirena that kept me fat for exactly 5 years- it can't be a coincidence. I REALLY hope you read this. I wish someone had told me the truth but I got Mirena 9.5 years ago so back then not a lot was known about it... but that stuff IS THE DEVIL.

    Here is the rundown:
    August 2001 155 pounds
    May 2002 - the birth of my daughter- 189 pounds
    June 2002 - Got Mirena
    January 2003- 235 pounds
    March 2008- had mirena removed
    January 2009 143 pounds

    ^^ there is a little science for you.

    I can't say they haven't reformulated since I got it 9 years ago but what I can say is that clearly this interacts badly with some women's chemistry. If you're suddenly noticing weight gain and you just got Mirena a few months ago... then you have a positive confirmation of probably weight gain from the drug- that being said... I am sure some women are happy with it... but I am CERTAIN that for some women it causes weight gain.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I had one inserted just last year, not noticed any weight gain, had it put in because I suffered from incredibly heavy periods and bad cramping, mid cycle as well, which also made me ravenous, which I controlled to some extent but maybe that contributed to some of the weight gain.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I'm on my second Mirena (8 years in) and I could not love it more. It did not affect my weight loss, and I have not had a period in eight years which is fabulous. I actually lost ten pounds when I first had it put in, but it was post baby. Same thing happened when I was on Depo between Kid #1 and Kid #2.

    I am on my second one too. It is so nice not having my period for over five years. Occasionally cramping, but very mild and a lot less PMS! I didn't have any side effects like the others quoted. I love it!

    I wish mine made me period free. Granted I have maybe a day of "period" but to be FREE would be awesome lol

    BTW, getting my second in Aug.
  • Roc1oM
    Roc1oM Posts: 4
    I have had both types of IUD's. I hated the Mirena,I did get all the side effects listed- especially a 15 lb weight gain, horrible acne, and continuous spotting for 2 months. I changed to the copper IUD (hormone free) and lost the weight and acne right away but had very heavy and long 8 day periods. I loved the copper IUD and had it for 5 yrs but had to recently take it out because I became extremely anemic. It didn't hurt me much when they were inserted, just felt cramping but they hurt alot when they were removed.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I just got mine in November. Had a non stop period till a couple of weeks ago but now I am doing well. I gained weight but I used the weight gain as an excuse. I think it is up to you what you put in your mouth. It is hard to say whether my hunger pangs are due to the IUD or not. The doctor said that about 20 percent of women have their periods stop all together but bleeding will be a lot less. My doctor also said that it doesn't stop your cycle and you still get all the symptoms of pms etc but just not as severe. I am really hoping to be one of the 20 percent. Having a period for 2 months straight was not at all fun. A good friend of mine is pregnant and had an IUD. They could not remove it for some reason. The baby is alive and well though. With 3 kids that story scared the crap out of me!!