30 Day Shred buddies?

I recently bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and have seen a lot of topics on this DVD. So I'm wondering, if anyone would like to start a buddy system? That way we can push each other to work out every day.

I worked out to it on Sunday, and haven't done it since because of how sore I am. But now I've decided to work through the soreness and make it to day 30. Is anyone with me? =]


  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
  • I started it yesterday, and man am I sore today! Fought through it though and did Day 2 this morning, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm so sore now though, tomorrow will be interesting!
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    I started yesterday, about to go downstairs and get after it right now!
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I started on Sunday night...was more sore the second morning after...we will see about the 3rd!!!
  • vwlgirl
    vwlgirl Posts: 40 Member
    I am on day 5 level 1 of Shred! Feel free to add me! I am loving it for sure! Very hard, but notice a significant improvement in my endurance!
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    Hope you don't mind, but I added all of you! =]
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    Ahhhh man! I just want to wish you ladies luck. Wish I would have found something like this when I was doing it. I finished Level III last week. Good luck to you all.
  • Kaylyn07
    Kaylyn07 Posts: 53 Member
    Ahhhh man! I just want to wish you ladies luck. Wish I would have found something like this when I was doing it. I finished Level III last week. Good luck to you all.

    How were your results? Where they what you expected?
  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    Just re-started it today. It was tough to get through the first day. I will be doing it every other day as I work out at the gym also. But I'd love to have people to keep me motivated and on track, as well as help others out!
  • I too started this yesterday and it hurts to...move. Ouch! Back at it I go tonight :)
  • I'm keen to hear from people who have completed it too. The worst part of this is the pain in my quads, I'm walking like an old woman at the moment! I'm thinking of adding something else at night, like Zumba, to boost the exercise for the day.
  • Danielle8706
    Danielle8706 Posts: 33 Member
    I started it saterday still in level one. Please feel free to add me :)
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    Ahhhh man! I just want to wish you ladies luck. Wish I would have found something like this when I was doing it. I finished Level III last week. Good luck to you all.

    How were your results? Where they what you expected?

    I definitely built up my strength. Before I could barely do 5 pushups..no joke. I can get at least 20. I don't get winded as easily. I pretty much did it for about 2 months lost 10 lbs and a total of 13 inches all over my body. 6 being in my waist.

    I think it was more than I expected. I expected to get bored and not be challenged and not to see any lasting results...lol. Totally not true. I even take the moves with me to the gym.
  • I'm hearing alot about this DVD. Thinking I might have to go buy it.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm on level 3 now. Haven't lost ANY weight, but (at the end of level 2), I had lost 3.75 inches from my mommy gut (below my belly button) and have gone from a tight size 16 to a comfy 14. I think I'm going to start again once I'm done, to see if I can actually lose weight this time. Best of Luck!
  • Did you do this 7 days a week or did you take breaks? Congrats to you, that is awesome.
  • I'm starting level 2 in the am. =( You can add me I want to hear how everyone else does.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    im on level 2- day 7:) and i do it everyday.. I love it ..it does kick my *kitten* tho! Anyone feel free to add me!
  • I started on Sunday night also! I was not sore on Monday but did it again last night and my arm were sore today. I was debating whether to do it tonight or not. Don't really want to but know I should.
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    I'm on 2nd day level one--stick with it, my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are in it to win it--