How do you excersize when you are so overweight??



  • debshedkg
    debshedkg Posts: 28 Member
    Hi how do I get the kg sign onto my ticker - ths d:drinker:
  • trentnivins
    trentnivins Posts: 68 Member
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    i'm in the same boat thats why i get on the treadmill when i get some of the weight down i plan on running
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    When i started my weightloss road(nearly 400lb) i just started with gentle walks to the end of the street and back and slowly it just built up speed and length now i walk 3 miles EVERYDAY in all weathers :)
    I also do wii,dvds,running from time to time,crosstrainer,bike and just started swimming too! oh yeh and babmiton :drinker:
  • rosa1thorn
    I used the couch to 5k running plan with a buddy and I am only 5'2 and I weighed about 205 lbs, when I started. It was really hard to stay motivated, because you want everything to just happen automatically. The program was not hard to do the only thing hard was the time, and week 4 or 5, but once you get through that everything starts to fall into place...I am down to 177 right now and although I am losing weight slowly everything else is changing shape, so I am happy with the slow weight loss...
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    What REALLY is stopping you running? You shouldn't have problems with injury if you break in to a light jog, so long as you are kitted out appropriately. I.e wearing decent running shoes and clothes and choose suitable terrain (I suggest even ground/pavement). Running/Jogging is a great way to burn calories. Run/Jog for as long as you'd walk for and you'll burn more calories for that time. However, if you're still feeling edgy about it 'til you've lost a few more pounds power walk, moving your arms... this should feel quite difficult to do but at least it'll be harder to roll an ankle or something. It feels a bit awkward but is very good for you. Power walk is about 5MPH pace, the same as a slow jog but the motion is different. Any real concerns...speak to your doc who'll be able to point you in the right direction for an exercise program.

    Other alternatives include workout classes, strenght training routines with interspersions of cardio and all exercises done vigorously/rapidly to elevate HR and get max results. Cycling - low impact... Elliptical trainer... very stable/low impact.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 186 Member
    I started this journey back in Oct. I had lost 28 pounds before I joined MFP. I am finding that just moving, the treadmill, biking, dancing, moving is the answer. It hurts, but I feel so much better about myself. I look forward to not stealing my husbands shirts so I have something to wear. Good Luck on your journey.