Feel like giving up :(

I tried really hard, lost 5lbs the 1st week, gained 3, lost 6, and now i seem to have ended up heavier than i started. I've ended up getting obsessed with weighing, which doesnt help, as i've apparenly put on 4lbs since monday which I dont think is possible.
My food has been getting worse, because I just dont see a point now.

Just needing a kick up the *kitten* really, and is it normal to be like this?


  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Oh huni dont give up!
    It is normal to feel this way and often gaining weight is normal often before the weight starts to come off. You need to hide those scales and only get them out once a week because if you become obessed it will feel like your not getting anywhere. Feel free to to add me as a freind and we'll do this together. Ill help you x
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I tried really hard, lost 5lbs the 1st week, gained 3, lost 6, and now i seem to have ended up heavier than i started. I've ended up getting obsessed with weighing, which doesnt help, as i've apparenly put on 4lbs since monday which I dont think is possible.
    My food has been getting worse, because I just dont see a point now.

    Just needing a kick up the *kitten* really, and is it normal to be like this?

    Hi there, here's my advice....

    When you make changes to your diet or exercise plan, it will take time to adjust. Weigh yourself once a month and hide the scales in the meantime. You need to remember that hormones play a masive role in how our body manages its weight and energy.

    Go back to basics........at least 8 glasses of water a day. At least 5 portions of fruit and veg. Try and eat as lean as you can and when you work out, give it your all.

    I would advise you to take your measuresments then in a month when you weigh in again, re-do them!
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    dont stop now... you can do it.
    i never thought i'll be able to do what ive been doin.
    #1 join a gym
    ( even just a basic gym)
    #2 buy a sauna suit from sports authority and wear them while doing cardio at the gym
    #3 replace ur juices with either water or crystal light. those 3 alone will help you shed those lbs away
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    Dont give up. You need to keep trying. Changing your food intake and how much you eat is not easy! if it was, then no one would have fat on their body. Take a careful look at your food intake, make sure you are logging EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth and make sure that exercise is a part of your routine. Got to build muscle to lose fat :) the realization of the food that went into my mouth was the hardest and most eye-opening part of my adventure. My tickers says that i have only lost 10, but i have actually lost 50 with 40 of it being on weightwatchers where i learned how to eat :)
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    how many calories are you eating , what sort of food ?

    If you give up now where will you be in a year?

    Stay strong you CAN do this

    Good luck on your journey
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    Here is your friendly kick in the butt!!! Just kidding but please don't give up but I totally agree with only weighing once a week as we focus to much on the scale. It is just one way to see how we are doing but it should not be the only thing we focus on. How you are feeling? How do your clothes fit?

    Our weight does fluctuate so if we weigh every day it would make us a nervous wreck. Feel free to add me as friend.

    I am corny at times but I mean well.

    I am ready to dance in the rain to reach the rain bow? Are you? If so we can do it together and remeber its about Progress not Perfection!!!!
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    How hard are you really trying?

    I know, it may seem harsh to say but when I have done well I was being honest with myself about what I was and was not doing. When I was failing it was because I was making excuses for my behavior when I should have just put up and shut up!

    Your diary is private so I can't see what you are eating but I would say if you aren't being 100% with yourself you know it...and you are frankly the only one who can do this.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    My coworker does this but i dont... they say it works try following the aha 3 day diet
    heres the link
  • richelle67
    Don't give up. You can do this. It is tough thing to do, that is why we are here. We are living proof it is possible to do this, once you set your mind to it. We all have felt like you do. We all have bad days and that is what is great about mfp, we can come here for support on those days and it helps us get through. I come on here and look at before and after pictures and that really motivates me. There is so much help on here. One thing I found, is when I don't measure my food, I am usually giving myself more than what I write down. So measuring is so important. I learned about a sight with awesome recipes that I cook and put in containers for my meals or snacks so they are already portioned so I don't over induldge. The sight is: skinnytaste.com It has awesome recipes on it and you don't feel like you are dieting or giving up good food. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like support.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member

    ^love this :flowerforyou:
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    That picture about giving up is pretty awesome btw! OK...so you don't want to quit...as everyone else here has said, Hide the scales!! You can get so obsessed so easily in daily fluctuations which are completely normal. Cut back to weighing once a week and just do your best in between. Aim for all your fruit and veg, drink copious amounts of water, lean protein, just a general good balance. Keep logging everything that crosses your lips. Put your diary to open if you are worried you aren't eating correctly.

    And try to do some exercise, honestly, its what helps me carry on, I can eat a little more because of it, I feel better, more energetic and motivated. Good luck! Add me as a friend if you want some support, I'm here for the long haul :D x
  • MissGatekeeper
    Don't give up! You have the tools right here to make it! It might not be fast, it might not be easy.. But speaking from experience, living with an heavy body isn't too easy either. The weight might fluctuate, but as you get into this, the numbers it sometimes hover around will be lower! Have small goals. Don't beat yourself up about small slips, as that might lead to bigger slips. Just keep going! :D
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If the scales are depressing you, stop using them. Once a week at most.

    You have two options here. You can work through this and continue eating healthier and pushing through and hopefully start to lose the weight.

    Or you can give up, eat crap and keep getting bigger. In three/six/nine/twelve months you'll be bigger and sadder. And wishing you'd done something sooner.

    You can do this. You just have to believe. You have to realise this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. And that is hard.

    Friend me if you want :) It might also be an idea to open the diary so people can give you advice on what you're eating. (and if you're not logging everything you eat, START)

    etaI'm probably going to sound harsh here, but I just read your profile. It's not your parents fault. It's not your boyfriend's fault. AS someone who used to play the blame game (my parents put too much pressure on too young, I have PCOS ect) it's never going to happen until you decide it's your fault and you can fix it. You need to let it go. You're a gorgeous person and it's not impossible to lose weight. Good luck!
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you all :)

    This is why I love the fact I found MFP, I dont really know many people round the area since moving, so I dont really have much of a support network.

    I'll get there eventually I suppose :)
  • smashleyt
    smashleyt Posts: 36 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!

    I AGREE with what everyone said! I looooovvveee to eat and honestly what is helping me is I get up a few minutes early every morning and exercise. It starts my day out right, I have extra calories to eat during the day (which is AWESOME) and I'm less likely to go over in calories because of the hard work I know I've already put into my day!
    Please stick with it, you will get over this hump and be so glad of the decision you made today! :)
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    its like saying...i want to stay fat and unhealthy! is that what you want? don't give up...push through! i know i look at myself and think i have so far to go, its useless, and its much easier to be fat. that was 25 lbs ago for me! stick with it, find something that works for you! check out some food diaries of some successful people on here to find what's goin wrong!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP! I have been there and totally understand what you're feeling - but you're worth the effort! Stick at it and you WILL see results eventually. I have been at this for a while and it's only in the last couple of weeks that the weight has started coming off (and staying off!) A few things that have helped me:
    1) Only weigh in ONCE a week! Your weight will fluctuate daily! Once a week - same time of day is the way to go.
    2) Try to do some form of exercise each day (even just a short walk is fine). For me if I don't make myself do it each day then it is easy to "excuse myself" and put it off until another day. Exercise is NOT easy at first, but it does very quickly become part of your routine and you do miss it when you don't do it. Honestly!
    3) Watch what you're eating. Log everything - even if it takes you over your calorie goals initially. That helps you see what you're really putting in to your body. And beware of portion sizes! I thought I was eating normal portions until I actually WEIGHED the amount of rice/whatever that was on my plate!
    4) Find a couple of good friends on here and "check-in" with them each week. I have one friend in particular who has REALLY helped me in this sense and keeps me motivated!
    Hope some of that helps a bit. Feel free to add me as a friend if you think that might help. But whatever you do - DON'T give up!
  • eawilkrsn
    Please don't give up! I know how it feels to lose and gain the same weight over and over. it's frustrating. I started 2012 off differently than any other year. I made 3 small changes that have made a huge impact on the weight i have lost so far (6lbs, but it's lost and not gained) That's good for me!!!

    #1 drink more water. (8-10 glasses per day)
    #2 walk at least 1 mile per day. (12-15 minutes) you would be amazed at what one mile does for your emotional state. You have more energy and you feel better about yourself. it even makes me walk 2 or 3 miles. .. simple but makes such an impact!!
    #3 log my calories on MFP. My calorie goal is 1200 per day. I have been logging for almost 30 days straight. and i can tell the days i have done well and the foods i eat too much of.

    Set a goal. a manageable goal a small goal. if you try and look at the total number of lbs you want to lose, it seems hopeless. Set one small goal and it seems obtainable.

    you can do it!!!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I would also change your food radically. You're eating under calories but you're eating complete crap right now. There's fast food every day and I don't see any fruit and veg in the days you've logged. You'll feel SO much better in yourself by eating healthier. You're not logging water (and I KNOW how hard that is!) With the exercise you're doing you need to fuel your body better.

    I promise, as someone who ate the exact same way you used to, you'll feel SO MUCH BETTER once you're eating better. And the water is an amazing tool.

    Oh and you'll find the weight will come off as you won't have as much sodium holding the weight on!