Full Figured Women On TV (My daily Rant)



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    But while overweight might be a norm these days, it's not healthy. As a country, the US is getting fatter and fatter. Vanity sizing is running rampant, trying to trick women into thinking they are smaller than they are. I get how hard it is to lose weight, to be healthy, and to get out of the mindset that overweight is ok. I've been overweight almost my entire adult life. I'm doing everything I can to get over the mindset, and change my brain, then my body, and maybe get back to healthy for the first time in 15 years.

    But in my mind, we shouldn't encourage or accept being overweight, any more than we encourage or accept any other serious health risks, like smoking or tanning.

    Same goes for the reverse though, shouldn't accept or encourage skeletal thin.
  • mortla
    mortla Posts: 73
    Wow this post went 7 different directions! First off I agree with the original poster. I compare it to seeing nothing but Caucasians on TV shows and advertisements over faces of color and ethnicity. I personally prefer to see all the colors of the rainbow, not just one. As far as the last post about his employer not hiring anyone who is obese, I am not sure where you work so I can't full speak to that but I will say that, that is basically the last acceptable discrimination.
  • shalae1
    shalae1 Posts: 12
    Unfortunately, women drive the industry. We're our own worst enemies and biggest critics. I don't know the actual psychology (psych majors, were are you??!), but fashion magazines, commercials, and sitcoms wouldn't feature [only] skinny women if the average American woman would stop criticising her fellow female.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member

    We just do not hire obese people, smokers or unfit men or women - period.
    Our bodies are the one thing we have complete control of, and if a person can't master that, they're not the right fit for our work culture. We only want can-do, result oriented associates who have ownership of their life and health.

    A) I'm somewhat surprised you've been lucky enough to avoid a discrimination lawsuit, if that's your stated hiring policy, and b) Has it occurred to you that "can-do, result-oriented" people may not all prioritise their weight and/or physical fitness, preferring to focus on achieving results in many other aspects of their lives? I'm very can-do and goal-oriented, but I'm not in perfect shape, because my focus has been my work for the last decade. I'm in good health, and I consider that I have ownership of my life. I know a lot of very accomplished, professional people this would also apply to. The most competent person for the job might have got that way by focusing on the job, and his or her skills, exclusively, rather than splitting their focus. Not criticising, just curious about this mentality.
  • Georganna1962
    As long as we (women) continue to buy into the TV idea of beauty they will keep doing it - so they can continue to sell us more make-up, clothes, shoes, etc... to give us the "perfect life". Beauty comes from within - it really does - starts in the heart and the spirit - but we continue to watch these ridiculous programs while munching our celery or chips.
  • BenderFitness
    I completely agreee! Two of my good friends, who also happen to be two of the most stunningly gorgeous women I know, fall into the "full figured" category. I have never met a person that didn't think these ladies are gorgeous, and I would like to see them more represented on television/the media. There are so many body types out there, and small boned, petite women aren't the only body type out there.

    Also, skinny isn't the same as healthy, and many people on television are frigteningly small.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Drop Dead Diva

    I just started watching that show from the beginning, and one episode I watched I LAUGHED. I work in a plus size clothing store, and when the character said she was a size 16, I just had to go PFFFFFFTTTTT! And then there was a judge that said she was a size 16. Now compare those two characters, and I would say Miss Drop Dead Diva, is actually an 18 or 20.

    That pissed me off too. They lied about the size. Shows need to be MORE realistic.

    They are saying she is a US 16- which is a UK 18 or 20 (depending on which charts you look at, US sizes are equivalent to 2 sizes smaller than UK)

    Another beautiful lady with a bit of meat on her bones is Sara Ramirez who plays callie in Greys Anatomy. She's stunning.
  • koolcat686
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.

  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    I see too many woman walking around heavier then me and I cant consider them full figured or normal or real or whatever you want to call them and btw I aint skinny.
    So we shouldn't encourage or accept being overweight.

    Stop making excuses!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was thinking about this the other day. it drives me nuts, especially Mike and Molly and that one blogger who said she didnt want see fat people kissing. WHAT THE HELL!!! I wanna know why there isn't a heavier Bacholorette?!?!!? Big girls need love. I am 185lbs, I had 245lbs when I had my daughter, my husband is 160! every guy I have ever dated was never over 180lbs. That is just how it happened, it wasn't planned that way. It pisses me off that our society is still so ashamed of big people. I know we are all here to get smaller and whatnot. Honestly when I have been big I have always been comfortable in my body. I am trying to get healthier to live long for my daughter sake. I wanna see her graduate and have babies. HOnestly though, I know for a fact even still being 185lbs you can put me ina doctor office with someone who is a 120lbs and I could be healthier than her.
  • cryspetstalerson
    Drop Dead Diva

    I just started watching that show from the beginning, and one episode I watched I LAUGHED. I work in a plus size clothing store, and when the character said she was a size 16, I just had to go PFFFFFFTTTTT! And then there was a judge that said she was a size 16. Now compare those two characters, and I would say Miss Drop Dead Diva, is actually an 18 or 20.

    That pissed me off too. They lied about the size. Shows need to be MORE realistic.

    They are saying she is a US 16- which is a UK 18 or 20 (depending on which charts you look at, US sizes are equivalent to 2 sizes smaller than UK)

    Another beautiful lady with a bit of meat on her bones is Sara Ramirez who plays callie in Greys Anatomy. She's stunning.

    Sara Ramirez is a beautiful full figured woman. As you said she has meat on her bones, but it isn't unhealthy. She would be a good example of full figured vs. Fat.
    Sara Ramirez vs. Rosanne?
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I think the new UK Ann Summers model is gorgeous, and shes a size 16.
    On the same note I know a size 16 who is less than attractive (although that may be her personality shining through.meow)
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I understand what you are saying BUT you have to remember that all the extra FAT causes DISEASES!!!! yes women should not be scary skinny but they need to be close to their height/weight..there is a good reason for that....YOU live LONGER..cardiovascular disease strikes people overweight...I am a middle aged women and I hear all the time that people I went to school with are dieing way way too young....diabetes has also increased.....My niece is a massage therapist..she makes all her clients fill out a medical record of the meds they take..she tells me how bad it is...that most PEOPLE are taking LOTS of MEDS!!!!!..I don't want to be among the NORMAL that take MEDS..so I am doing something about it..

    We are so overly aware of this, we are politically corrected to death. We all know the misgivings being overweight, must we be slapped with it constor a movie be entertantly. Can't we watch a show that represents every shape, color, and size without a surgeon general's warning across the bottom of the screen. Can't televisionment and movies be sheer entertain anymore must everything sent social and political messages. I say let the "fatgirl" be smart, stylish and pretty and let her get the man she deserves, smart, handsome, and witty. It's what most of us want to see, and by the way, we like or Santa plump, too.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I'll take the Marilyn Monroe body over a Twiggy body any day of the week. I want my womanly curves but in a healthy way. When I look at profiles of women who are almost 6 foot tall and they say their goal weight is 105, I cringe inside but this is what women are told is beautiful by the fashion industry. And recently I read that a size 6 is the new plus size for models???? I see too many plus size catalogs or websites that have size 8's or so modeling plus size clothing? Really? Plus size starts at a size 16 or 18. To me that is false advertising. And there is my rant for the day!

    Oh and the other thing I hate hearing from people is......You would be so much prettier if you would lose weight! And yeah you would be so much prettier on the inside if you found compassion in your heart butthead!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Yes I agree, and lovely to see a man saying so... Zara
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Sara Ramirez is a beautiful full figured woman. As you said she has meat on her bones, but it isn't unhealthy. She would be a good example of full figured vs. Fat.

    She is beautiful, yes. Maybe even the prettiest of the women on the show. But she's gained quite a bit of weight since she started on the show, and she's now overweight, saying herself that she's a size 14. I'm sure she's under intense scrutiny, given the sizes of the other women, but I think she's more than full-figured. She was full-figured when she was first on.
  • AzizaBell
    Glad so many ar thinking the same thing and are sick of super skinny women on tv.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member

    We just do not hire obese people, smokers or unfit men or women - period.
    Our bodies are the one thing we have complete control of, and if a person can't master that, they're not the right fit for our work culture. We only want can-do, result oriented associates who have ownership of their life and health.

    A) I'm somewhat surprised you've been lucky enough to avoid a discrimination lawsuit, if that's your stated hiring policy, and b) Has it occurred to you that "can-do, result-oriented" people may not all prioritise their weight and/or physical fitness, preferring to focus on achieving results in many other aspects of their lives? I'm very can-do and goal-oriented, but I'm not in perfect shape, because my focus has been my work for the last decade. I'm in good health, and I consider that I have ownership of my life. I know a lot of very accomplished, professional people this would also apply to. Not criticising, just curious about this mentality.
    After my accident, I took medical leave and did not return until I was down 50 lbs from my top weight.
    And even then I was encouraged to continue progress.
    I am just a hair away from the pants I was wearing the very day of my accident.

    It's been a long, hard journey, and what makes it more difficult and sad is that I know now that my associate's regard for me is conditional. When I gained all that weight, I was written off. It was like I never existed.
    And now that I'm back, I can't just move on as though nothing happened.

    Things are just not the same, and now I make it clear where these people stand in my food chain.
    It's been a nice season of vengeful PAYBACK!

    That beats any law suit, because I sit as judge, jury and executioner.
    I'd say I am more than even with the ones who tried to take advantage.
  • lovinbeinold
    You are right. I believe it is because our society has adopted a terrible, destructive attitude towards heavy women. Women in particular. So, tv doesn't represent a true reflection of society, but of how they think we want to see society.

    The stereotypes are downright cruel. The actresses lose weight to keep their jobs. A man that skinny would look emaciated and wouldn't likely be hired to act. But the skinnier the women, the better. This is unfair and unhealthy.
  • cryspetstalerson
    Sara Ramirez is a beautiful full figured woman. As you said she has meat on her bones, but it isn't unhealthy. She would be a good example of full figured vs. Fat.

    She is beautiful, yes. Maybe even the prettiest of the women on the show. But she's gained quite a bit of weight since she started on the show, and she's now overweight, saying herself that she's a size 14. I'm sure she's under intense scrutiny, given the sizes of the other women, but I think she's more than full-figured. She was full-figured when she was first on.

    Okay haven't seen the show since she first started. But still to me there is a difference in full figured vs fat.