Anti-Cheese Billboards.. Really?? (pic)



  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    I guess if they had their way, we'd all be eating grass..I see campaigns against meat, against sugar, against wheat products and now cheese.....I wonder what is the REAL purpose behind those campaigns. Tobacco is still legal and in Canada, they're trying to legalize marijuana but...nah!!! let's have a campaign against cheese...the world is gone bonkers. What ever happened to the human mind that we are now too dumb to decide for ourselves . . . Just don't eat a whole pound at one sitting, everything in moderation please.

    People want something to blame for all their problems and these guys takes advantage.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Its Nonsense..My bet Vegans trying to get people to stop eating Dairy?

    =/ I'm vegan, we're not all like that. I really don't care what everyone else eats.

    I agree with the OP. It is quite silly and obviously created by someone very uninformed.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I'd be more understanding if it was your thighs/ abs on donuts or potato chips. But really? cheese?

    ditto...take it out on potato chips. Cheese is a decent source of protein and you can definitely get it low cal and low fat.

  • lissadavis
    lissadavis Posts: 20 Member
    I agree wholeheartedly. Why not target something that's an "edible food-like substance," including all those 'low-fat' foods that are really just made of gelatin and paper. I agree we have a societal problem. We were evolved to be much more active than we are in a much more food insecure world. But the ads in GA shaming overweight children (girls) and these stupid anti-real food ads are ridiculous. Smart people should be able to do better.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    LOL I eat cheese pretty much everyday.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'd be more understanding if it was your thighs/ abs on donuts or potato chips. But really? cheese?

    Ditto! A healthy diet can absolutely include cheese.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    cheese is also loaded with sodium ,fat ,cholesterol and calories.It is also the number one source of bad fat.

    Contrary to popular belief, dietary fat and cholesterol is not bad for you. We need both of those things to function. The only "bad fat" is trans fat.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Maybe they were attempting a metaphor? Cheese- as in cottage cheese thighs? :ohwell:
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    Its Nonsense..My bet Vegans trying to get people to stop eating Dairy?

    =/ I'm vegan, we're not all like that. I really don't care what everyone else eats.

    I agree with the OP. It is quite silly and obviously created by someone very uninformed.

    I'm vegan also, and not all of us are judgemental. I agree that this ad goes too far and is inflammatory.
  • cafard79
    Are you kidding me?? Yes, they have gone too far! These campaigns make it seem like human beings are not capable of this thing called MODERATION. Instead, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine goes straight into shock therapy, and tries to scary people out of eating cheese.

    Well, the problem is that people, Americans in particular, really do not seem capable of moderation. I support these types of ad tactics, just like I support the idea of showing blackened, cancerous lungs on the side of a cigarette box. Take the ugly truth and put it in front of people's eyes. People are far more likely to make excuses for themselves ("Oh, I can have just a little") if given just a little bit of leeway. When I look around, I see that the "moderation" approach isn't too effective.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I don't care what they say about cheese. It's delicious :) And I have it pretty much every day-in moderation of course.

    To them I say :P
  • Icklemellie
    these arms fueled by cheese.
    Love this post!!!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Not all cheese is made from cow's milk, dear. Most yes, not all.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    That's ridiculous. Let's face it, French and Italian women eat cheese every day and aren't exactly burdened by obesity.

    I've eaten cheese pretty much every day since I joined MFP and I'm still losing :smile:

    Huh? when I LIVED in Italy, I recall eating VERY little cheese. Pasta, yes, lots of pasta. Cheese...not so much. I did lose weight while I was living there too. However, my guess is because we walked absolutely EVERYWHERE.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I watched a movie this week that changed my mind about diary. I'm not a vegan, I don't get nearly enough plant protein nor enough fruits and vegetables because I like others believed all the BS that said we need to eat dairy in the first place. Don't think of these ads as trying to reverse peoples thinking, I see it as correcting a wrong that we were all led to believe. If you have a chance watch "Fork over Knives", I found it on NetFlix. Then post your thoughts.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    LOL I have seen one of these in Wisconsin of all places!! We love cheese and I refuse to give it up!!
  • cafard79
    Huh? when I LIVED in Italy, I recall eating VERY little cheese. Pasta, yes, lots of pasta. Cheese...not so much. I did lose weight while I was living there too. However, my guess is because we walked absolutely EVERYWHERE.

    I have to agree here. When I lived in France, where we DID eat a lot of cheese, there were still other factors to include:

    1. Walking everywhere
    2. Less 'crap' injected into food
    3. General aversion to fast food
    4. Smaller portions...

    As Americans, we cannot compare ourselves to Europeans on this one point. There are many lifestyle factors there that are different, so while an abundance of cheese for them might not pose a problem, it definitely does for us.
  • Icklemellie
    Are you kidding me?? Yes, they have gone too far! These campaigns make it seem like human beings are not capable of this thing called MODERATION. Instead, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine goes straight into shock therapy, and tries to scary people out of eating cheese.

    Well, the problem is that people, Americans in particular, really do not seem capable of moderation. I support these types of ad tactics, just like I support the idea of showing blackened, cancerous lungs on the side of a cigarette box. Take the ugly truth and put it in front of people's eyes. People are far more likely to make excuses for themselves ("Oh, I can have just a little") if given just a little bit of leeway. When I look around, I see that the "moderation" approach isn't too effective.

    I think its the wording to be honest it shouldn't say 'your abs on cheese' it should be more like 'your abs on fast food'. I work in the UK healthcare sector myself and think that the advisors for this campaign are completely stupid as cheese is not th culprit here and they need to be careful about scaremongering. Especially young kids that may stop eating a healthy balanced diet by eliminating cheese type dairy products etc.
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
  • rachliz247
    rachliz247 Posts: 5 Member
    this is ridiculous!!! how bout anti drug billboards! we need more of them! People don't know how to control thier intake of food! Insane... I'm sure the cheese didn't give them cottage cheese legs or a beer gut! ugh! annoying!