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Anti-Cheese Billboards.. Really?? (pic)



  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Maybe they should investigate all the crap they are feeding our livestock. It makes me wonder about the stuff we eat when the cows (& chickens) are feed growth hormones. Has anyone stopped to think about how tall our kids seem to be & how early the girls are starting thier periods, and growing breasts?? I had a friend how took their daughter in to be checked because at 11 she has not started her period yet!! Myself & most of my friends were around 13. Yes, that was a few years ago, but doesn't it seem strange?? The more *kitten* they feed these animals and in turn, feed us the more whacked out we get.

    We are a lazy society & are looking for an easy quick fix to our problems. Here's a suggestion: get off your *kitten*!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    our society puts cheese on just about everything. i gave up dairy this year all together except an occasional 1/8c of feta on a salad a few times and nonfat plain greek yogurt.. my stomach isnt bloated and full of gas anymore because of that move ..and i am aiming to get my cholesterol lowered. cheese in moderation is not bad but really how many people actually eat anything in moderation these days . i find the billboard just making you think about how much cheese you eat and what it can do to you. cheese is also loaded with sodium ,fat ,cholesterol and calories.It is also the number one source of bad fat. A 1 inch cube of cheddar cheese has 9 grams of fat.. who eats just one inch cube of cheddar?

    Look at the cheese they throw on meats, nachos , mac and cheese ect.. there is no 1"inch cube of cheddar in anything I mentioned

    This. Thank you! Since giving up 98% cheese our of our diets, allergies are lessoned and all our bloodwork is improved. It is all about moderation.
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    i disagree..any fat that solidifies when it cools is not good for the arteries.


    so it solidifies in body temperature?
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Let me just say, as a vegan, that the PCRM is/was a very great group, who have done amazing research and have helped many people reach a healthy lifestyle. HOWEVER, these ads have even ticked off the vegan community...vegan pages on Facebook and other sites are all lashing out at PCRM over these ads, basically saying that cheese makes you fat...like there's no such thing as a chubby vegan or something. As a proud chubby vegan, I apologize for these ads. They make us all look like crazy as$holes, but we're not, I promise!

    ...agreed!!! well, okay, I AM crazy, yes...but I'm not and *kitten*! ;) lol

    Well said from an aspiring vegan
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I LOVE cheese... yes I know it is not a health food, and I have it in moderation, but if I my only 2 choices were give up cheese completely and be thin, or be fat eating cheese, then I guess I'd be fat forever. but at least I'd be happy :) Sorry, I know this is a discussion about the billboard not necessarily cheese, but just thought I'd throw my love for cheese out there :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    My mother tells a story that when I was a toddler, I got up in the night, climbed out of my crib and went to the kitchen. She found me sitting cross-legged in the light of the fridge door (English fridges back in the 70's were 3ft high, not the giant things of today).

    Apparently I had tried a nibble of just about everything in the fridge then tossed it over my shoulder (lots of broken eggs on the floor behind me). What I'd settled on, and was chowing into nicely, was a good old block of yellow cheddar.

    Cheese is is the food of the gods. :wink:
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Maybe they should investigate all the crap they are feeding our livestock. It makes me wonder about the stuff we eat when the cows (& chickens) are feed growth hormones. Has anyone stopped to think about how tall our kids seem to be & how early the girls are starting thier periods, and growing breasts?? I had a friend how took their daughter in to be checked because at 11 she has not started her period yet!! Myself & most of my friends were around 13. Yes, that was a few years ago, but doesn't it seem strange?? The more *kitten* they feed these animals and in turn, feed us the more whacked out we get.

    We are a lazy society & are looking for an easy quick fix to our problems. Here's a suggestion: get off your *kitten*!

    You can't always blame diet for stuff like that. Family history comes into account too, my mom grew up on her family's farm and they grew and ate their own food, and she developed SUPER early.

    But you're right, there's still a lot of crap going around in the livestock, but everyone just wants to find this easy solution for things maybe because *GASP* they might have to spend money! :ohwell:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I personally don't eat cheese for many reasons but that's a very vague statement. I think it would have been a better ad for hydrogenated oils or something, but then again where would that get us? bad advertising.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I watched a movie this week that changed my mind about diary. I'm not a vegan, I don't get nearly enough plant protein nor enough fruits and vegetables because I like others believed all the BS that said we need to eat dairy in the first place. Don't think of these ads as trying to reverse peoples thinking, I see it as correcting a wrong that we were all led to believe. If you have a chance watch "Fork over Knives", I found it on NetFlix. Then post your thoughts.

    FYI--"fork Over Knives" is by the same group that put up these billboards. Not exactly another perspective on the issue!

    I remember my mom saying that cheese on a sandwich was adding protein to protein. Cheeseburgers were for the 4th of July, they were not everyday fare.

    Also, I find that using 1/4 to 1/2 of the amount of cheese called for in a recipe is plenty. And yes I DO eat a 1 inch cube of cheese at a time--and not every day, either!

    It's not the cheese that made me fat!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    They will pry cheese from my cold, dead hands.

    And even though I've eaten my share of cheese all my life, I have never had thighs or a belly like the ones pictured.

    Also, my love affair with cheese has nothing to do with being told I need dairy. It's because cheese is yummy.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Milk is linked to obesity, heart disease, cataracts, cancer (ovarian, breast, and prostate), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis/joint pain, allergy/headaches/back pain, Crohn's disease, infertility, severe menstrual cramps, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (basically mad-cow disease in humans), and tuberculosis.

    I'd love to see your proof of this - milk doesn't have anything to do with most of these things. It is just propoganda and misinformation. Where is the scientific research that leads you to say this?

    I agree, show me the evidence. I am pretty sure milk is NOT linked to any of these things except perhaps Allergy and Crohns (as an irritating factor but not as a cause)
  • KatrineJohansen
    KatrineJohansen Posts: 24 Member
    Totally sucks. I mean, I STARTED eating more cheese in order to get a bit more protein in my diet IN ORDER TO EAT HEALTHILY AND BALANCED.
    I mean, come on. Cut out chips instead, damnit.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I don't think it's just the cheese, guys.
    Maybe eating piles of cheese while sitting on your *kitten* for hours on end.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I think they meant to say, Cheese Doodles
  • AJ1966
    AJ1966 Posts: 18
    Cheese didn't make me get overweight, eating fatty foods did...cheese was the last of my problems with weight.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    It should say "Your abs on McDonalds" "Your thighs on McDonalds"
    Cheese is always part of my diet and that add is silly
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    Agree, absolutely! Target the processed food, the McDonald's of the world, not cheese. Don't think those people got their thighs and guts from too much cheese. Learn moderation, that's the key.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    They will pry cheese from my cold, dead hands.

    And even though I've eaten my share of cheese all my life, I have never had thighs or a belly like the ones pictured.

    Also, my love affair with cheese has nothing to do with being told I need dairy. It's because cheese is yummy.

  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    What's better than cheese? Fried cheese! OK, jk.

    This is crazy!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What none of you realise is that these poor people are obviously cheese addicts and have taken to injecting melted cheese directly under the skin this is known as "Chuffing the Cheddar" and is extremely addictive. Every time you "Chuff the Cheddar" you can gain up to 5 lbs. There is a growing concern among dairy farmers that they will have to put warnings on their cows as some addicts believe they can get a "cleaner" high if they inject straight from the cow.

    My name is Maureen and I am a cheese addict

    Hahahaha, I'll keep my eye out for you on Intervention! :laugh:

    I have a 12 step programme. :bigsmile: