Soda: Why we drink it, how to stop



  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    I am in Nursing School and these things are very true! Cola can even be used to help clean out drains!
  • If someone is posting something as scientific fact then they have to back it up. i have spent a lot of my own time reading numerous (and often conflicting) articles about the health impact of soda. i don't think it's up to me to have to find the proof myself if someone is categorically stating 'this is how it is'.

    My data is scientific, but I used myself the lab rat and just sharing what work for me! :)
  • A lot of this information is wonderful! I would like to see the research on this ( I could probably just google it or find it in a research database).

    I gave up coffee and regular soda for new years....lets just say I am back on the coffee but still drinking diet and not regular!! But I am trying to slowly get rid of.

    What about TEA--it still has caffeine in it and will dehydrate you but how does it affect you? Good, Bad, or In between?

    Thanks for the advice on soda (pop)!!
  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    I havnt had soad in years, and now if I have a taste it actually tastes nasty to me.
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    Because google searches always have credible sources at the top of the results....

    Not nessecarily, but you can find some great, credible stuff if you dig a little. =)

    Indeed. And a little digging will show that the caffeine present in soda is not sufficient to cause dehydration. I think the point of the one response is that instead of just presenting a long laundry list of ills, they should also be backed up by reliable sources and research. Too often much anecdotal and misguided information is presented as fact in these forums.

    I cut back on sodas because there are better uses for the calories. Simple.

    I'm no doctor, but when I was drinking 4-6 cans a day, I was sure as heck dehydrated.
  • For the most part, people are just so out of tune with their bodies that when they have a routine of drinking soda, they really don't "feel" what's happening to them. I can remember when I was eliminating juice from my diet (found my sugar intake was too high, so I cut back everywhere), and the one day I decided to drink a glass, I actually FELT the insulin spike. The sensation was out of the blue, but I swear it was like I drank a cup of coffee.

    This is also why I cannot stand this craze of energy drinks, because I feel they're 10x worse then soda. People will replace whole meals with these Monster or Rockstar drinks, and I cannot help but wonder how they simply do not crash.

    Since I work in a restaurant, I've been finding ingenious ways of dealing with the impulse of wanting a quick drink of soda. I find club soda with lemon juice is pretty darn good. I liked soda when I drank it religiously mainly because of the "bite" of the carbonation, and club soda truly does satiate that for me. Don't like the bitterness? At a splash of your favorite juice like cranberry or orange. People order these all the time, and now I know why.
  • Don't buy it for your home! Don't order it when you go out! You will be surprise how small your dinner or lunch bill is without any beverages! Good Luck!

    And always have a water in your bag!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I don't want to stop.

    My teeth are incredibly healthy....I brush them

    The damage to my body is from eating more calories than I burn and being sedentary

    It does not dehydrate me, because I drink water most of the time in addition to 1-2 sodas a day

    Anything bubbly will help remove stains....ever heard of people using seltzer water to get out stains? If not, ask your Grandma
  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    Actually it does cause dehydration if you do not drink any water with pop. My dad actually had to go to the hospital a few years ago because he was dehydrated from only drinking pop. These things are very true!! :-)
  • tsuki_ryuu
    tsuki_ryuu Posts: 19 Member
    I'd give almost anything to pick up drinking coffee......but yeah right. Coffee tastes like um....yuck to me.

    I know how you feel! When I first started drinking coffee a while back, it was more like, "I'll have a little coffee with my cream." It's taken a while but I can now drink my coffee with only a couple of tablespoons of creamer. Don't know if I'll ever drink it black though, that seems gross to me.
  • J3n1f3r
    J3n1f3r Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the info! i definetly have cut back on my soda intake but like you say it is a hard habit to break off! I will have to keep in mind the info you just provided for the next time I feel the need for a soda! (:
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    I have heard this so many times and I AGREE I am addicted to diet coke and can not lose weight!!! I hear that if I cut out diet products I will take off some weight almost immediately. Easier said than done, I just love popping open a can of diet coke way too much. I need help with this, I cut back alot but can not cut it out completely. Anyone have any suggestions????
  • I'm no doctor, but when I was drinking 4-6 cans a day, I was sure as heck dehydrated.

    But then again, was that ALL you were drinking? I was a pretty addicted to sodas (worse kind too, Mt Dew and the like), and couldn't stand the taste of water. I was dehydrated for most of my life. I would get headaches all the time, and couldn't figure out why, but when I started forcing myself to drink water, the headaches went away.

    And it wasn't a caffeine thing either. I still drank coffee.
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    Thanks for the info! i definetly have cut back on my soda intake but like you say it is a hard habit to break off! I will have to keep in mind the info you just provided for the next time I feel the need for a soda! (:
    Thank you. I'm just trying to do my part to help motivate people and support them in their weight loss goals, the same way I would want to be motivated.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I love how these topics really stir the pot. Some of you people are really holding on to that soda.

    It's one thing to say: "I love this stuff and I'm not giving it up"

    I can truly respect that. It is really up to you and you alone to decide what you put in your body.

    It's a whole different ballgame to try and defend this stuff. Listen to yourselves!

    Google = inaccurate smear machine clearly aimed at eradicating the world of delicious soda

    huh? health claim??? better give me a bunch of links to stuff that i couldn't possibly understand without a firm grasp on molecular bio-chemistry, or it's just conjecture!!!

    Love soda? Drink it. Please just don't try and sell it as healthy, hydrating or natural.
  • Im thankful that I never had to worry about this. I never liked soda. It was always too sweet and carbonated for my taste. My family and boyfriend has a hard time with this though. He can drink a liter a day if I let him. Ever since he had his kidney stones he has cut down and turned to more sports drinks and green tea in order to hydrate him and it still has flavor. There is also carbonated flavored water that you can use as a substitute that is cheap and calorie free! Some are even sweetened with splenda. Try it as a substitute to soda. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    I have heard this so many times and I AGREE I am addicted to diet coke and can not lose weight!!! I hear that if I cut out diet products I will take off some weight almost immediately. Easier said than done, I just love popping open a can of diet coke way too much. I need help with this, I cut back alot but can not cut it out completely. Anyone have any suggestions????

    Try it in small steps. Instead of drinking a full can, try to find and buy some of those mini cans they sell in the market now. Also, if you don't like plain water (I sure don't), add a drink flavor packet (I buy pink lemonade, mmm). Every time you want a coke, drink a full glass of water first! That's how I've been cutting back!
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    I love how these topics really stir the pot. Some of you people are really holding on to that soda.

    It's one thing to say: "I love this stuff and I'm not giving it up"

    I can truly respect that. It is really up to you and you alone to decide what you put in your body.

    It's a whole different ballgame to try and defend this stuff. Listen to yourselves!

    Google = inaccurate smear machine clearly aimed at eradicating the world of delicious soda

    huh? health claim??? better give me a bunch of links to stuff that i couldn't possibly understand without a firm grasp on molecular bio-chemistry, or it's just conjecture!!!

    Love soda? Drink it. Please just don't try and sell it as healthy, hydrating or natural.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member

    * The most disgusting reason I found? Coca cola is tough enough to remove BLOOD STAINS! Think about what it's doing do your poor stomach, your teeth, and your body in general!

    just this alone, eeww gross!! thanks for sharing this!!!