Top 10 Reasons Posters Are Too Sensitive....



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    5. You think abortion should be legal and assisted suicide shouldn't (consistency people, consistency):embarassed:

    I think I love you!
  • 5. You think abortion should be legal and assisted suicide shouldn't (consistency people, consistency):embarassed:

    I think I love you!

    Why did I read your response in David Cassidy's voice?
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
  • piercedanatomy
    piercedanatomy Posts: 28 Member
    Gee I wonder which posts this is referring too. I think I saw you on that one about gym stereotypes. Oh, I am just so offended. I have the right to freedom of speech and the right to not be offended. I am appalled. :sad:
  • piercedanatomy
    piercedanatomy Posts: 28 Member
    Dang it, was trying to post a perfect pic that I found on facebook but can't get it to copy right and couldn't just delete the comment.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    5. You think abortion should be legal and assisted suicide shouldn't (consistency people, consistency):embarassed:

    I think I love you!

    Why did I read your response in David Cassidy's voice?

    You do realize that you just aged yourself, right? And so did I by knowing exactly what you were talking about!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Gee I wonder which posts this is referring too. I think I saw you on that one about gym stereotypes. Oh, I am just so offended. I have the right to freedom of speech and the right to not be offended. I am appalled. :sad:

    I know, those people must be a barrel of laughs. Like something out of George Orwell.
  • 5. You think abortion should be legal and assisted suicide shouldn't (consistency people, consistency):embarassed:

    I think I love you!

    Why did I read your response in David Cassidy's voice?

    You do realize that you just aged yourself, right? And so did I by knowing exactly what you were talking about!

    I saw him live... In Vegas. And I liked it. :\
  • maddiecab
    maddiecab Posts: 12 Member
    What if we drive a Prius WITH brass balls?
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    What if we drive a Prius WITH brass balls?

    Not possible. A Prius doesn't have enough clearance for brass balls. Maybe ball bearings, but definitely not brass balls.
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i think 'not enough carbs' shouldv'e made the list!! i know i can be many different emotions when i deprive myself of carbs!!! lol
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member

    2. You drive either a Prius or a truck with brass balls hanging from the hitch.:wink:

    :laugh: Couldn't stop laughing at that one!
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    IMG_0298 by , on Flickr
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    :bigsmile: love this one!!


    I don't know how to put the picture here....but taking billboards like this and thinking it's all a big underground vegan cult ploy....yeah that should be in the top 10. : /