

  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member
    I prefer Pillsbury carbs.

    Amen to that!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I eat lower carb higher protein because carbs make me want more carbs and you know what that means!:sad: I limit my carbs to fruits, veggies brown rice and potatoes. But I limit my fruit to 1-2 serving a day and I try eat the lower sugar/carb fruit like berries! ( I only have high carb fruit like 1-2 a week) It just seems to help me avoid gaining wt
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    so true!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?

    Because you constantly spout nonsensical bull****.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?

    Because you constantly spout nonsensical bull****.

    Nice ad hominem attack. I thought you could do better than that.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member

    Curious as your trainers stated reasoning for limiting carbs after 4pm

    I'm pretty sure the reasoning has something to do with fat burning requiring long periods
    of low blood sugar, and limiting the carbs will assist in that.

    I can only verify that this advise has contributed to my weightloss, having no other substancial evidence.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?

    Because you constantly spout nonsensical bull****.

    I happen to agree with grinch, guess it is all personal opinions on what works for your own body!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?

    Because you constantly spout nonsensical bull****.

    Nice ad hominem attack. I thought you could do better than that.

    Why bother? When presented with facts you stick your head in the sand and continue to spout your carbophobic nonsense.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Carbs are the least valuable nutrient and the most likely to be over-consumed.

    Great information here I really liked your source.

    Why am I the only poster who is obligated to provide a source?

    Because you constantly spout nonsensical bull****.

    Nice ad hominem attack. I thought you could do better than that.

    Why bother? When presented with facts you stick your head in the sand and continue to spout your carbophobic nonsense.

    I can't help it that you can't distinguish between my arguments and those of Gary Taubes.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    Curious as your trainers stated reasoning for limiting carbs after 4pm

    I'm pretty sure the reasoning has something to do with fat burning requiring long periods
    of low blood sugar, and limiting the carbs will assist in that.

    I can only verify that this advise has contributed to my weightloss, having no other substancial evidence.

    The problem with that statement though, is it doesn't work like that. Fat burning requires low insulin, not low blood sugar. Eating anything, carbs, protein, fat, all will cause an insulin response, as just the act of eating causes insulin release, and protein is just as insulinogenic as carbs are. Which means even if you don't eat carbs after "x" time, if you eat anything at all, you still spike insulin and stop burning fat. That's why I hate the "eat 600 meals every 5 minutes" kind of advice, because it never allows you to fast long enough between meals to actually burn any fat.

    Now, for a lot of people, cutting carbs after a certain time causes them to eat less calories, but that just proves that it's all a matter of calorie deficit and has nothing to do with the carbs specifically.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Without carbs, I wouldn't be eating anything
  • ram210
    ram210 Posts: 3
    Hey I know we are talking about carbs but does anybody know the maxium amount of sugar we should in take per day?
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Without carbs, I wouldn't be eating anything

    I might've said the same thing until I discovered there is life without carbs. It isn't so bad either.
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    I don't think we are talking about carbs anymore !! Lol!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hey I know we are talking about carbs but does anybody know the maxium amount of sugar we should in take per day?

    I believe for a healthy individual, the absolute upper limit is 100 grams of sugar a day from all sources, but most nutritionists recommend staying under 40 grams. Personally, I don't care, my metabolism is healthy, so whether I eat 5 grams of sugar a day or 85 grams of sugar a day, it doesn't affect me.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    There is little or no nutritional benefit in "simple" carbs that are found in processed foods mostly.
    IN addition, simple carbs/empty carbs are highly addictive- even if they are fat free, you end up
    eating so much more than you can burn, and then the leftovers are stored, as you guessed it . . fat!

    Complex carbs are the way to go- those found naturally like fruits, veggies and whol grains. But
    be sure to watch the sugar content- don't over do it. My trainer has me limit any carbs to be
    consumed before 4pm also.

    If you eat enough protein and healthy fats, as well of complex carbs you should feel fuller, longer.

    .Curious as your trainers stated reasoning for limiting carbs after 4pm

    Same here as I hate reading limit after 3 or 4 or absolutely none after 7 pm. If I had that mindset I would surely binge. I have to always ignor that advice or I have to try my absolute best but ignoring it works better for me...thats just me though. I have my goal set at 40/30/30 and almost never go over carbs or much but you just cant tell me when to eat them or I'll go nuts.
  • ram210
    ram210 Posts: 3
    cool thank u
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    Now, for a lot of people, cutting carbs after a certain time causes them to eat less calories, but that just proves that it's all a matter of calorie deficit and has nothing to do with the carbs specifically.

    Somehow I missed this one. So if cutting carbs after a certain time causes them to eat less, why doesn't it have anything to do with carbs specifically? Are you suggesting they are cutting carbs AND fat and protein or is there in fact something special about carbs?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Now, for a lot of people, cutting carbs after a certain time causes them to eat less calories, but that just proves that it's all a matter of calorie deficit and has nothing to do with the carbs specifically.

    Somehow I missed this one. So if cutting carbs after a certain time causes them to eat less, why doesn't it have anything to do with carbs specifically? Are you suggesting they are cutting carbs AND fat and protein or is there in fact something special about carbs?

    For the slow kids:

    1. Cut a single macronutrient
    2. Keep others constant
    3. DeFacto reduction in calories
