Replacing 2 meals a day with fresh juice

I Started Replacing 2 meals a day with freshly made juice from a juicer. I drink juice for breakfast and lunch. When I eat dinner I eat lean proteins, veggies, etc. I have only done this for 2 days now. I dont contiue to do it for a long period of time. I might do it every few days or so..What do you guys think??? I am trying to lose weight to win a weight loss challenge. Of course I'm doing it for healthy reasons too, but I could win $4000 if I loose the most percentage of body weight. I dont want to do anyting drastically crazy that will hurt my body. To me, this idea seems ok.....Any input would be great.


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    The amount of body weight lost due to the calorie deficency is what worries me. What is your total calorie intake with that plan?

    You're going to lose fat and muscle.

    As long as you know the ramifications, it's neither "good" or "bad". It's a choice. Question is do you understand the choices?
  • It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...
  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    After a workout your body has about a 30 minute window to get good protein to its muscles. A lot of people take a protein shake to get it there the fastest. Whole foods take time to digest so that means the protein might not make it to your muscles in 30 minutes. Protein shakes are great because they are already broken down and get to your muscles the fastest. Think of a spounge that has been sitting out in the sun all day. When u throw some water on it the spounge soaks it up. This is what happens when you give your muscles protein after a workout, your muscles soak up the protein!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    You'd probably be better off ditching the juice and eating some eggs. All a juicer does is extract the juice and sugar and leave all the fiber behind.
  • I'm just simply looking for opinions and input. I know my choices, I just like to hear what others think... Thanks for responding!
  • I love juicing and Ithink its a good option to get a low calorie nutrition filled meal. Check out and you can find lots of help and resources.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    After a workout your body has about a 30 minute window to get good protein to its muscles. A lot of people take a protein shake to get it there the fastest. Whole foods take time to digest so that means the protein might not make it to your muscles in 30 minutes. Protein shakes are great because they are already broken down and get to your muscles the fastest. Think of a spounge that has been sitting out in the sun all day. When u throw some water on it the spounge soaks it up. This is what happens when you give your muscles protein after a workout, your muscles soak up the protein!

    I asked a registered dietician about this protein within an hour. Her response was, unless you are of elite athlete status, {professional/Olympic level} that protein immediately after workout is not necessary. As long as you get an increase amt throughout the day of workout, its fine.
  • Just eat low cal bagels or egg whites for breakfast and a salad or some chicken for lunch with a piece of fruit and a normal dinner. I promise you will see more results and be less hungry this way. Also, when you work out, do it in intervals to burn more calories. Go fast one minute then slow another. It works.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Brace yourself. This will generate a lot of disapproval here. People here tend to a) prefer real food and b) be clear about that. Good luck.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Sorry but I think its a horrible idea.

    Protein, fiber, and fat are the "tri-fecta" of feeling full and satisfied. You are planning on taking out all 3 from your diet. I say you'll be starving!

    If you really want to drop pounds fast (for this contest), how about doing a low carb diet. You won't be hungry and won't lose as much of your lean muscle mass.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Not what I would consider healthy. You are getting lots of sugar...granted natural sugar but alot of it and not a balance of nutrients. You can't get everything in one meal. You could do the same thing by replacing the juice with a protien drink. Pick the right one and you'll get a better balance of nutrients that your body needs and still keep the calorie count low. That said, if you aren't planning on a life time of this, then don't be surprisedat how fast you gain weight back when you stop juicing and start eating food again.
  • After a workout your body has about a 30 minute window to get good protein to its muscles. A lot of people take a protein shake to get it there the fastest. Whole foods take time to digest so that means the protein might not make it to your muscles in 30 minutes. Protein shakes are great because they are already broken down and get to your muscles the fastest. Think of a spounge that has been sitting out in the sun all day. When u throw some water on it the spounge soaks it up. This is what happens when you give your muscles protein after a workout, your muscles soak up the protein!

    The OP asked nothing about what to do after excerise. Good try though.:ohwell:
  • To be honest, I think that is not real safe. When you drink juice, whether you drink store bought or stuff you juice for yourself, you are getting all the sugar and little to non of the fiber. So, you are still getting the calories, but no fiber for your body to work on. That is the high glycemic approach (not good) and probably less efficient for weight loss than just eating the fruit.

    800 cals a day is not enough to sustain you even with days jumping up to 1200.

    Good luck. I wish our society would get past this rapid weight loss obsession. I've lost weight fast in the past, and I believe that is one major reason I'm so fat now. My own feeling is that slow goes the course. I wouldn't risk my health or life for 4 grand or for any amount of money.
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm just simply looking for opinions and input. I know my choices, I just like to hear what others think... Thanks for responding!

    A friend of mine asked me to do this with her this weekend. For those that are worried about your low calorie intake, you can always add an avacado to each shake/juice (One cup of mashed about 370 calories) It will also give you the good fats. Also I saw a comment about it just being the juice of the fruit and or veggie....try puree mixed with juice so you dont lose all the fiber.

    I know you just wanted thoughts about it but I did a little reasearch before I told her I would do this with her and these are the options that I have found so that I do not go WAY under my caloric intake because I know that can be counter productive to what the juicing would be doing.

    But my thoughts are if it works for you and you are not cheating yourself out of healthy stuff that you would get out of eating whole food then go for it. Maybe a multi vitamin while we do this would be a good idea.....or fiber supplements....Have fun juicing!
  • I appreciate everyones input, I know there will be alot of disapproval. But that is ok. I respect that people have their own opinions and that is why I posted this. I might learn something new! I dont even know if I am going to continue this. I was just trying it for a few days to see how I feel. So far I havent been hungry. I plan on EATING breakfast unch and dinner tomorrow. I may throw in some juice here and there because I really like the taste! and its full of nutrients!
  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    I also just started juicing, but I haven't found it to be filling enough to replace a meal. I just supplement my diet with it, and I think it encourages me to make better food choices. I'd recommend having vegetable juice, especially the Mean Green to, you know, "cleanse", but I don't think this sounds like a plan for long-term weight loss. You could try having a low-cal fruit smoothie to replace a meal, though, because it is substantial enough to keep you going. The other problem I'd see is that replacing a meal with juice will probably make you so hungry that you overeat at dinner, and that messes with your metabolism.

    Then again, $4,000 is a great prize, and I'd honestly be tempted to do whatever it takes to win it...but is it really worth doing that to your body?

    Anyway, my fastest weight loss occurred when I was eating 5 small meals a day and doing cardio exercise for at least an hour a day--usually in two 30-minute periods.

    Good luck! I want to know how this works out!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I don't know how long I personally could maintain that few calories, but I'd sure give it a try for $4000!! Unless you are losing a very small amount you will always lose muscle along with the fat. On this plan you will likely lose more than if you did it more slowly. Just be careful and listen to your body.
  • I weight 175...looking to get down to 145
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Plese, stop messing up with your body.

    You cannot simply "replace" meals by fruits. If you want to eat without the calories, what about eating paper ? I think it contains 0 calories :)

    The less you eat, the less you will loose, but the more close to death you are.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Why would you juice when you can blend the whole fruit into a smoothie? You are getting rid of most of the fiber and great nutrients when you are just taking in the juice plus there is usually quite a bit of wasted fruit/refuse that again you wouldn’t have if you blended.