Couch to 5k



  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    I finished the program last month and did my first official 5K race on Memorial Day. I started out doing my jogs at 6 mph and walking at 3.5 mph. I finished my race in 29:59, which put me at a pace of 9:40/mile. In the 9 weeks of doing C25K I lost 18 pounds, about 6" off my hips, 6" off my waist, and 2" off my neck. It's also what started reshaping my body. It's a great program!

    Wow! Great time on your first 5k and great weight loss! I wish I saw those results...
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am in week 6 - day two today....I am loving the program and it's also helped me with a surge in lost pounds too. I cannot beleive what this program makes you accomplish-my speeds are slow - if I am on the treadmill I jog at 5 mPH outside I use the distance model not time and its slower - but I am doing it!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    I just finished the last workout of week 4 this morning!

    I actually have a question for anyone who has gotten past this point...did you find the workouts to be continuously challenging? For example, at the end of week 4 were you tired when running the last 1/2 mile/5 min. segment? I had to take a 1 min. walking break during the last 5 minutes to be able to finish. Is this normal, or should I repeat the week before continuing on?

    Thank you!

    Yes, the program is challenging, but I never repeated a week. If you couldn't finish, then maybe you should repeat the day. The only reason I was off schedule (it took me 10 weeks to finished) was the weather. I run only outside and there were days that the rain was too much to run in...
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    No shame in repeating - the elements will also play a part in how well you do - I had one day that I took extra walk time because it was so hot I couldn't breath - but I did it and have moved on...if you need to repeat a whole week it's fine just keep moving forward!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    No shame in repeating - the elements will also play a part in how well you do - I had one day that I took extra walk time because it was so hot I couldn't breath - but I did it and have moved on...if you need to repeat a whole week it's fine just keep moving forward!

    I had to repeat week 3, no shame here. Sometimes your body needs to adjust a little longer - everyone is different.
    However after repeating that week I managed to find my pace, and since then its been a cake walk. Starting week 8 this evening. Ran my first race on saturday, 1.5 mile run for the newspaper.
  • Kati_Marie
    Kati_Marie Posts: 24
    Today was day three of week one for me and I feel great! I told myself that I wasn't even going to have started before today but I am very glad that I can say today is day 3.

    My hardest thing is food... I love to go out to eat so I'm trying to teach myself how to cook something healthy and still love it just as much as I love the food at restaurants. Doesn't help that I work at a mexican restaurant and can eat whatever there...

    Do you have any ideas or great things that have worked for you?
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    No shame in repeating - the elements will also play a part in how well you do - I had one day that I took extra walk time because it was so hot I couldn't breath - but I did it and have moved on...if you need to repeat a whole week it's fine just keep moving forward!

    I had to repeat week 3, no shame here. Sometimes your body needs to adjust a little longer - everyone is different.
    However after repeating that week I managed to find my pace, and since then its been a cake walk. Starting week 8 this evening. Ran my first race on saturday, 1.5 mile run for the newspaper.

    Hey Msarro - how was your race?? I remember you posting about it a while ago. Hope you liked it!!

    I'm doing the couch to 5K from Cool Running also - just did day 1 of week 2 today. Really, really like it. Never, ever thought I'd say something like that!! I also say that if you feel you need to repeat a week, do it. It would be better to repeat a week then move on to the next week and suffer! I'm going to sign up to run a 5 K on Sept 5th. I will finish the C25K on August 1 if I don't repeat any weeks, but I will have a nice cushion if I need to repeat and to work on my time before the race. I may sign up for another one on October 3, but that is also DD's birthday so still waffleing a bit on that one. Yay for Couch to 5K plans!!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    can anyone post it on MFP? I have tried looking it up, but can't find the whole program anywhere :-( I signed up for a 5k in September and sounds like this would be an awesome way to train for it :-D
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    can anyone post it on MFP? I have tried looking it up, but can't find the whole program anywhere :-( I signed up for a 5k in September and sounds like this would be an awesome way to train for it :-D

    here you go!

    Good luck!
  • io_ragazza
    io_ragazza Posts: 23
    Oooh, I did the couch to 10k and completed the Bupa London 10k a couple of weeks ago in like 50 minutes... And I couldn't run a mile straight when I first started it! Not only do you lose weight and tone up, but it does INCREDIBLE things for your fitness - I never thought I could be this fit, EVER!

    Doooooooo iiiiiiiit!!!!

    My advice? Eat properly, drink plenty of water (you don't need energy drinks for a 5 or 10k) and run outside - trust me, as you up your time and distabìnce the treadmill will get boooooring.
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I'll be doing my 2nd run of week 1 tomorrow. I did my first one on Monday, that was all good. I used to do my walks in the mornings before I go to work, and now I run before going to work. That way I can also do a 8 min abs program after the run (found it on Youtube, seems good!). I guess I'll save one run for the weekend, though, so that might be in the evening then, who knows.

    By the way, I'll also be trying a Zumba DVD soon, so we'll see if I'll add that to my weekly program as well :)
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I'll be doing week 6 day 3 at lunchtime...can't wait

    In the month I've been doing this (it's taken me since 5/6 to be at the end of week 6) - I've lost 10 pounds....amazing results
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Did it - week 6 DONE! today was 2.25 miles or 25 minutes-I went the distance! :glasses:
  • Kati_Marie
    Kati_Marie Posts: 24
    Did it - week 6 DONE! today was 2.25 miles or 25 minutes-I went the distance! :glasses:

    Awesome job!!!
  • I started this week im on day 2 as well..i have a 5k in september with a friend...i was suprised how well i did:happy:
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I'll start week 2 tomorrow morning! I'm changing the podcast from Robert Ullrey's to a Christian Indie thingy. Let's see how that works :smile: I also downloaded a new podcast for week 3, I'm actually checking it out right now and I want to get to week 3 so bad! This podcast is awesome, love it :heart: It's from

    I can recommend it to you all :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Keep running everyone!!

    I am up to week 7 workout 3 - I jogged at lunch today but only 1.25miles and walked 3/4 - just a quicky since I have a strength training class tonight...can't wait to have laptop fixed so I can get into my itunes account and download some of these pod casts.
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    Week 3 reached! This morning I started my 3rd week of the program :smile: The podcast that I mentioned earlier is awesome really.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'm starting week 4, today or tomorrow. Depends on how the schedule goes. Was supposed to get up this a.m. and go, but had too many late nights this weekend and too much fencing and gardening!!
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    I think I'm going to have to start over. I was doing well with the first week, and really getting into it. But the last 2 weeks have been a mess with some personal things going on and I haven't been able to work out much. Then, I was going to go tonight and do one of the week one days over again, but my stupid toe is killing me. I think I twisted or sprained my big toe on Friday. I wish I had a good story, but I don't ...I was just chasing my darn cat. :mad: So I don't think I should run on it yet. I think I will have to go with the elliptical instead. I'm bummed.

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