Brag on your spouse/SO! :0)



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I love my fiance because:

    1. He was there for me when my father was in the hospital, and even after he passed showing me all the support and love I needed.
    2. He is my bestfriend and can always make me smile.
    3. He cleans, does the laundry, does all the yard work and does the dishes too!
    4. He does all the grocery shopping too!
    5. He loves animals as much as me!
    6. Will sit and listen to me talk incessantly about clothing, shoes, and losing weight (he's skinny and doesn't have to worry about calories as much as me).
    7. Drives me everywhere!
    8. Has the cutest nose ever!
    9. Tucks me in every night and gives me lots of kisses!
    10. Buys me roses randomly... I love coming home to find a rose in my room. :) So thoughtful!
    11. He is very loyal to me and would do anything to make sure I was okay.

    ....I could go on and on and :) Love him!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    1. Has always made me feel beautiful and desirable, at any size (I've gone from a size 24 to a 6/8)
    2. Works hard to provide for our family
    3. Helps around the house - cooks, cleans, does laundry...whatever
    4. My go-to man for all things technical/computer oriented
    5. I LOVE that we've only dated each other (we've been married now for 20 1/2 years) - neither one of us has ever dated/been with another...

    I could go on :wink:
  • mkam1980
    mkam1980 Posts: 142 Member
    Bump- I'll be back
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I met my husband on a fluke.. we dated 7 days and he proposed. I was 19, he was 30. We've been married almost 19 years now.

    My top 5:
    1. He loves me, and has since the first time he laid eyes on me. He is the only person in my life (other than our kids) that I was never disposable to. Everyone else has thrown me away at some point. Even my parents.

    2. He is my teammate in raising our kids, both of which have special needs. Our life is very demanding, and he hangs in there and rolls up his sleeves to care for his kids.

    3. He lets me fly when I need to and come home to roost with him every night. I will immediately buck and fight a guy that tries to put me in any sort of box or tie me down. While we are polar opposites, he allows me the unencumbered freedom to do what I want when I want, he even supports me through things he wouldn't do himself in a million years (my weight lifting, running, etc).

    4. I love the way he smells. It smells like safety.

    5. He has absolute trust in me and no jealousy whatsoever.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    My hubby is perfect. When I say this people roll their eyes but he is.
    1) He loves the Lord
    2) He took me to a chateau in the south of France for our honeymoon and sends flowers for no reason (after 10 years of marriage)
    3) He joined me on my quest for health and has lost 100 pounds, but doesn't brag or make me feel bad because it is taking me longer
    4) He stood by me through cancer and never once let me feel like a burden
    5) He is a responsible, respectable, productive man I can be proud of. (and yes, he was an alter boy and Eagle Scout)
    He's perfect.
  • L.O.V.E this idea. Anyone can post what's wrong; everybody has "wrong" stuff. But posting the positive takes a forgiving heart and a positive outlook. Good for you!! Here are my top 5, but I really could go on for days. God has blessed me abundantly through this man!!!

    1. I love that my husband is such a good father. He is constantly checking himself to see if he can improve in any way and is always telling the kids something nice about them and why he loves them. They adore the fire out of him.
    2. I love that he loves me so unconditionally. He has never said he doesn't like me as I've gained weight; but he has confessed to praying that no matter how "big" I get, that God would make it so he would always find me attractive.
    3. I love that right now, as he is deployed for a year, that he makes time to call every single day just so I can hear his voice. He's tired, in another country, and uncomfortable but he calls to make sure I'm alright.
    4. I love his back. He's got such an awesome physique! I love that he loves to be healthy. He's all military, all the time, and is so super competitive with himself; he's got to be better.
    5. I love, love, love his eyes and his smile. No matter WHAT. NO MATTER WHAT, they stop me in my tracks. I'm so glad I get to look at him for the rest of my life!!!!
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    1. I love that my husband has stuck with me for so long (dating, before we got married in August of 2011); 5 years, 4 1/2 of that being a long distance military relationship...It's been rough.
    2. He helps me without being asked; dishes, trash, sweeping and moping...
    3. I respect my man for enlisting almost right out of high school, and for sticking with it. He re-ups this year, and has already been through one deployment.
    4. We 'nerd' together, playing video games, watching anime, discussing anything that crosses our minds. I love that part of that "Nerd Herd" mentality has crossed over into working out together, twice a day. We BOTH need to get in shape!
    5. I love that he'll do anything for me/with me (within reason). No on else, not even my family, has supported me like that. Ever. I don't hear the word "No". If something comes up, and it's legitimately something he doesn't want to do (Or can't), he'll give me a reason, instead of simply saying no.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Love this idea!!

    1. I love my husband because he get's me, even when I don't get myself.
    2. He's my number one supporter, through 3 different majors and everything in between, he never was upset, he just supported me.
    3. He makes me laugh, I love that we can laugh together. (he has an awesome smile, so it's always heart warming to see him smile and laugh)
    4. He makes an effort to look good for me, even though it took me a while to start looking good for him.
    5. Did I mention how unbelievably good looking he is? It seems he keeps getting better with age.

    One thing I hate:
    I can't see him for 7 months :(
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    1. My husband risks his life every night serving the community as a Police Officer.

    2. He also serves his country in the Navy (used to be active and has gone over seas but now is in the reserves.)

    3. He is a great father and husband and would do anything for us.

    4. He can make me smile and laugh when I am feeling like crap!

    5. He tries his hardest to help around the house when he knows I need it with laundry, dishes, ect!
  • I love that my husband is a loving, Godly man.
    I love that my husband loves me unconditionally, has has stood by me even when others wouldnt have, and is my biggest cheerleeder!
    I love that my husband is my best friend.
    I love that my husband can make me laugh,even on the days when its hard.
    I love that I can have more fun with my husband than anyone else, even if its just going to Walmart!
    I love that my husband is a dedicated, hard working man.
    I love that my husband cares for my parents as if they were his own (his are passed) including helping to move them closer to us, and helping them get a house they could have never afforded on their own.
    I love that my husband always holds my hand when we are snorkeling.
    I love that my husband always tells me how beautiful I am,, no matter what shape or size I am, or how I feel about myself.
    I love that my husband is the greatest Popeye (grandpa) in the world.
    I love that my husband has always loved my daughter as if she was his own.
    I love that my husband is always compasionate towards other people, and is always ready to give people another chance.
    I love that my husband is a giving, caring person.
    there are so many things that I love about my husband, I could go on and on but you would probably all get sick of me or think I was making it up! He is my lover and my best friend and we will stay newlyweds forever!

    thanks for this topic its great to have something positive!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Great thread!

    1. My hubby is MY BEST FRIEND!!
    2. I love his dreamy eyes!
    3. He took care of me while recovering from foot surgery this past summer and 10 years ago when I was in the hospital.
    4. He has climbed the ladder at his job which allows me to have a "sucky" job to pay for the little things LOL.
    5. He is an awesome father; especially now that our boys are college age and a 14 y/o.

    Love you Babe!!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Yay bragging! :happy:

    1. I love that he is the best friend i've ever had.
    2. I love how he unexpectedly teaches me things everyday. It's humbling since I sometimes feel like I have all the answers.
    3. I love that he is a good cook, as I am not! He can whip up something new and it will taste great, no matter what.
    4. I love that he has never once let me feel unattractive. He tells me i'm beautiful every day. :heart: Any time I have been self-conscious has been my own fault!
    5. He watches ALL the girly tv shows and movies that I want, and never complains. Sometimes he even unwillingly gets hooked :laugh:
  • RadBarb
    RadBarb Posts: 19
    First the author of this appears that lots of us thought it was a great idea!!! Of course we all could complain about our spouse/significant other at some point in time, but isn't it nice to reflect on the things that are positive and help us stay in touch with why we initially fell for this person....this is almost going to be too easy for me to do, because I have the most amazing husband in the world!
    1. I love the fact that husband is 100% committed to our relationship and would never dream of breaching my trust or the sacrament of our marriage.
    2. I love the fact that he is such a loving father to our children. He is always willing to listen to them, offer guidance to them, attends sporting/school events...and since our son is a college swimmer he TRAVELS miles to those meets....AND he travels for a living, so I know what he wants more than anything is to be HOME!
    3. I love the fact that my husband enjoys spending time with me doing ANYTHING! We cook together, we watch football together, we work out together, we boat together, we travel together, we have a large circle of friends that we enjoy hanging out with...and we just don't seem to get tired of each other, even after all these years.
    4. I love his sense of humor. He can make me laugh on the grumpiest of days!
    5. I love that he likes to hold hands. It makes me feel special to think that after all our years together he still likes to hold my hand when we are walking in a mall, when we are on a walk, or sitting in church...the touch of him makes me feel safe, and secure.
    6. I love that he loves animals and nature.
    7. I love that we both enjoy the outdoors, and share common interests such as bicycling, water sports, campfires, and camping.
    8. I love that after all these years we are both attracted to each other....he is one hot hubby!

    I am very pleased to see there are so many happy relationships replying to this feed! Life is too short to spend alone !
  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    This is a great idea!

    1. I love that a great listener
    2. I love that he tells me everyday that he loves me
    3. I love that he believes we should share housework duties :)
    4. I love that he makes me laugh
    5. I love that he is an awesome lover :-)
  • this is so positive, i love it!

    1. Hes traditional in a lot of ways.
    2. He so supportive and emotionally strong- I've been living upwards of an hour away from everyone I know for 2 years (which is nothing by comparison, but its still not the easiest of things), and hes the one who's kept my head on straight. Hes dealt with a lot, especially in the passed year, and hes been the rock for many of his family members, not to mention me on a ton of occasions. Its something I really admire him for.
    3. He sees good in everyone.
    4. He goes out of his way to do anything for anyone.
    5. He wants to settle down and get life started, and its really pushing him to pick himself up and make his dreams become a reality
    i had to add in a 6th. He's a cowboy at heart, which sums up so many different things. plus it just makes him automatically sexy to me. just saying.
  • 1. I love how hard he works to support our family, regardless of how much I complain about not seeing him.
    2. I love how great of a Daddy he is to our princess.
    3. I love how he supports me in every decision I make.
    4. I love how he much he compliments me.
    5. I love when he grabs my hand in public-it makes me realize that my weight doesn't make him ashamed of me.
    6. I love that even though he really doesn't have to lose weight, he has completely changed his eating habits as well to make it easier on me.
    7. I love that he texts or calls me 5 minutes before his shift starts every day to tell me he loves me and that he made it safely.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    1. I love that I don't have to ask for massages to get them (#1 right now because my legs are SORE!)
    2. I love being able to talk about nearly everything to him and it interests him to learn something new or to teach me something in return.
    3. I love that he was willing to adjust his own diet (unprovoked) so that we'd be eating similar things and being healthier together.
    4. I love that we're able to consider getting a phone plan together; a first for both of us.
    5. I love that I can trololol all day and he doesn't tell me to gtfo. XD
    6. I love that he adores baby animals.
    7. I love that he tells me he loves me daily with meaning and feeling, rather than just reciting a statement.
    8. I love that he takes the time to explain things to me when I'm lost on the topic... even when I get pissed off in the process.
    9. I love that I'm without words on how I feel about him. :P
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    This is an awesome idea!!!

    1. I love my that my husband is such a hard worker and great provider.

    2. I love that my husband can fix just about anything!!

    3. I love my husbands strong arms which I feel safe in.

    4. I love that he is still my soulmate after 26 years and lots of trials in our marriage.

    5. I love that my husband spends so much time with our family!!

    I have an awesome husband!!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Love, love, love this thread. After 6 years, my Frank:

    - Is the strong, silent type. My polar opposite - he's reserved and thoughtful, and when he speaks, you know he's about to say something of importance. He doesn't get caught up in drama, chit-chat, or gossip.
    - 90% of the time, puts the needs of our family first. I'd have been happy with a man that did this 50% of the time. But somehow, he manages to do this much more often than not, without being co-dependent.
    - Respects women, his mother, and himself.
    - Allows me to be me. Even encourages it! He doesn't comment when I lose weight. Or gain it. He doesn't understand my food-crazy, but he's accepting of it.
    - Shows me he loves and appreciates me not with his words, but with his actions every single day. He makes me coffee. He checks the air in my tires monthly. He pulls me up when I'm down. He scrubs the toilets. He calls when he is going to be late. He praises me to his friends.
    - Practices advanced martial arts and can put men four times his size completely out in under 3 seconds.
    - Is tall, bald, and I love that I still get butterflies when I'm about to see him.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    1- I love that my husband has never tried to change me. He loves me for who I am and embraces it. This includes my off sense of humor, my crazy *kitten* moments, and my body.

    2- I love that my hubs has always made me feel sexy and beautiful and wanted. I've been 100lbs heavier than I am now, and that man still made me feel like a goddess.

    3- I love how smart and clever he is. He challenges me and entertains me. He's an old soul with a quick wit, and he makes me laugh all the time. Truly my best friend.

    4- I love his looks. He has gorgeous green eyes, dark curly hair, full lips and an amazing smile. Whether he's in a preppy or mountain man phase- he makes my stomach flip. Yep- after 12 years and 4 kids! Oh- and he is built like a man. I feel safe in his arms and know he would take a bullet for me without blinking. His arms are my home and refuge.

    5- I love how amazing he is with our children. I love that my girls see what a man should be and how a woman should be treated and that my boys see a gentleman who doesn't take any bull. I particularly love how he lets our three year old fall asleep on his chest nearly every night because he loves his daddy so much.

    6- I love that he is SUCH a good person. He always goes out of his way to do the right thing and help a stranger or an animal.

    7- I love that he fell in love with me at first sight, and then waited for me to come around for over a year.

    8- Naughty stuff....LOL!
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    1.) I love my wife because she is the only one that has ever understood me and she stuck by me when I was at my lowest point, and helped me turn it around.
    2.) She is stubborn and very independent (both good and bad).
    3.) When she goes into something, she gives it everything she has and doesn't back down.

    I could go on and on, but the thing I think I love most about her is:

    The way she makes me feel.

    That's something you can't describe, no matter how hard you try.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I love that I can make him laugh and
    he can make me laugh
    He loves me and tells me everyday and shows it
    He writes me letters in the morning so i have it by the coffee pot on most mornings that he loves me and to be careful.
    We are still very intimate and it is 20 years we have been together.
    He has never made me feel not wanted, even when i am fat or skinny
    I can be silly, gross, sexy or anything I am, at anytime.
    And he tells me he is glad he married me, and i am glad to be married to him..
    He just makes me so happy, Id rather be with him then with any one else on the earth.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I could write a million good things about my husband but the one that really impresses me is that he rides his bike to his office everyday--rain, snow, 100 degree temps.Nothing phases this man. 6 miles each way and the route home is almost completely uphill. He's a beast and his legs and butt are to die for :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    I could go on and on, but the thing I think I love most about her is:

    The way she makes me feel.

    :heart: This
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    What a great idea.. hard to limit this to 5

    1) I love how he lets me be me. And he makes me believe that I am good enough as I am and worthy of love.
    2) I love how he treats our pets. He treats them like our children.. such a good daddy to the 2 and 4 legged ones in our life.
    3) I love that he lets me cook whatever I want and is always willing to try a new recipe .. and he is truthful about whether he likes it or not.
    4) I love that after I cook, he cleans.
    5) I love his laugh, his heart, his soul.

  • melrose09
    melrose09 Posts: 271
    1) My husband is incredibly sexy
    2) My husband is incredibly kind
    3) My husband makes me feel beautiful
    4) My husband is incredibly smart
    5) My husband is incredibly talented
    6) My husband is well respected among his peers and those above him
    7) My husband is an amazing father
    8) My husband is incredibly humble

    I could go on and on. My husband is the best
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I love this!!

    My husband:

    1. Works very hard so I can stay home with our kids. We have gone without a lot of extras so I can be a SAHM and he never complains about it.
    2. is a wonderful father
    3. is very loving towards our kitties (they all like to lay with him over me lol)
    4. is amazing in bed and is very sexy to me
    5. loves me unconditionally. Nearly 10 years later and its like we are 18 and 23 again :heart:
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    My fiance is the most incredible man on the face of the planet. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I don't know how I got so lucky, really.

    He does the dishes every morning, makes coffee, puts my lunch together, does laundry, feeds our cats, scoops the litter box, vacuums, makes the bed, goes to the store. Not to mention he is incredibly good-looking and is getting a PhD in rocket science (not a joke). Every day I find myself being thankful for the things he does, pinching myself because I can't believe he's real. Take today, for instance:

    I love that my fiance washed and peeled the sticker off of the apple I took to work today. He doesn't know that before him, I would likely have mindlessly eaten the sticker and have had to spit it out.
  • This thread is a great idea. Lets see just to name a few:

    1. My husband loves me unconditionally and I know it.

    2. He has a way to make me feel better when I am down.

    3. The sparkle in his big blue eyes will melt your heart.

    4. He can always make me laugh.

    5. He helps around the house, especially with folding clothes (I hate folding).

    6. He loves to watch scary movies with me.
  • gilream1
    gilream1 Posts: 6 Member
    What an awesome idea... life is all about perspective. If you look for the negative, you are sure to find it. If you focus on the blessings in your life, you will be amazed at how truly fortunate you are...

    1) My Husband LOVES and SERVES God 1st.
    2) My Husband is committed to our marriage. He has stood by my side when I was afraid, wanting to throw in the towel and downright RUDE... yet he still pursued me and stayed committed to his marriage vows.
    3) My Husband loves his children and enjoys spending time with them as much as I do
    4) My Husband supports me in every way... my spirtuality, my fitness goals, my career... you name it and he's right there.
    5) My Husband is my BALANCE... he soothes me when I'm emotional, understands me when no one else does and loves me so completely.

    I know the Bible says when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing but I truly believe that I am the one who is truly blessed!