i need to stop weighing myself 24/7

seriously, its so discouraging, because obviously throughout the day your weight fluctuates, and then you get all worried about the next morning because you will start to restrict.
it sucks, but i can't seem to stop!


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    My gf has HIDDEN the scale from me for this exact reason. I become obsessive, weigh 5-6 times a day and then whine. She said I needed weighing yourself way to often anonymous. Glad she pulled an intervention on me. Now, i just weigh in once a day and that is fine with me. That is still probably a little too much. ha
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I am the same way and it worked for me before (kind of set the tone for the day) but it's not working right now and is only irritating to me....so good luck, do what I do and MAKE yourself NOT do it....my plan that I have put into FULL force is to put the scale away, ONLY weigh in on Friday's and just work hard by tracking and working out.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We all do it in the beginning. You'll stop once you start losing steady. Your clothes will be a better indicator.:drinker:
  • I am obsessed with weighing myself. Most people weigh in 1 time a week! Im too afraid to do that. What is I gain 5 lbs that week! I want to know if I gained 1 pound so I can work a little harder to remove it right away! I know that it is not likely to gain 5 lbs in a week, but still!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Same here, it's quite obsessive actually, even though I know I shouldn't do it.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I had to quit doing that. If the number was higher than I wanted, I would be in a horrible mood for the rest of the day. Lower than I was expecting, I ended up eating and drinking crap for the next 24 hours thinking there was no harm in doing so.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I do it too. Multiple times a day, usually right in the morning which always makes me feel good because the number is low (duh it's been hours since I have eaten) then usually mid-day and it's like "eh, so so" then at night where I go "holy crap!" My DH keeps threatening to hide the scale. lol

    I'm not too far off from my goal weight and the numbers are not coming off fast enough and it's very frustrating. I can see the definite difference in my body and my clothes but I want to see those last numbers just go away already! So yes, I am being obsessive about it. Before when I was heavier I never weighed myself, ever. I would go months and then when I would it was high and I would be upset and sad about it, so then I would go longer and not weigh myself and then when I did, usually the same reaction (more weight, higher number).

    I did make it a while once where I went one whole week and did not weight myself, worked out like a fiend, ate really well, when I finally weighed myself, day 8 I think it was, didn't lose a single pound!!! GRRRR!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I weigh once a day now. I'd like to weigh every five minutes but somehow that jsut isn't going to help me.
  • AndreaDaPrincess
    AndreaDaPrincess Posts: 58 Member
    Weigh yourself at the beginning of your week.....whenever your calories count starts over on Myfitnesspal.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    You stand on a scale all day long? How do you potty or work or cook? I'm intrigued.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I know that the scale will be at it's lowest number first thing in the morning after I use the restroom.. So, for me, that's THE only time I ever want to step on it! Restrict yourself to once per day and stop driving yourself crazy!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    After 4 yrs of eating healthy and exercise, I still do a morning naked weigh in after using the restroom. I feel the number reminds me of how far I've come, so slight gains don't discourage me. Keeps me focused.
  • code156
    code156 Posts: 31
    I'm strict about only once a week. It pretty much guarantees I will always see a lower number. Any more than that and it gets too stressfull!
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day...once in the morning, naked after using the restroom....and once at night before bed. Personally I just like to see the ups and downs so I can better understand my body.... how what I eat that day affects my weight....my water drinking ...etc.... But it doesn`t drive me batty if I see it go up because every so often it does (especially during TOM and all the water I am retaining)

    I play a guessing game with myself everything I get on the scale.... I guess how much I will weigh before I get on it by the way I am feeling.... how my body feels to me that day....and I have gotten really good at it....
  • i just posted my own blog about this. a friend of mine and i are committing to each other for the next 3 months to only weigh in once a month. that was 2 days ago......i asked my boyfriend to hide the scale for me while i was gone. thankfully he did. i usually weigh myself 4 times a day. itll be nice to check in with a 20 pound weight loss rather then a 2 pound weight loss. i keep repeating that to myself in my head so its worth the wait. its still killing me to not know but the 23rd of february will be here before we know it. have someone hide the scale on ya. it sucks but it helps in the long run. :)
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    I feel like if you weigh yourself all the time the minute fluctuations will drive you BONKERS. I don't have access to a scale here at school unless I use my roommate's, which is hard to do in the morning because she doesn't know I borrow it... oops. Me being a bad roommate. That said, I *refuse* to weigh myself unless I haven't eaten anything yet, because I will know the number isn't accurate and spend time trying to figure out how far off it is. So sometimes I go a long while without weighing in. I go more by what I look like and how I feel about that.
  • tpomeroy727
    tpomeroy727 Posts: 11 Member
    I do the same thing as brynnsmom if I weigh everyday. I've gotten to where I have the hubby or kids hide the scale from me for a week and it's seemed to help!

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  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    I used to weigh myself daily and keep a Microsoft excel chart of my weight, lol. It was super stressful because if I saw the line stay stagnant more than a day or two I'd feel like I wasn't making progress, when in reality if I was losing oodles of weight every day that would be bad for my health. It's a hard habit to break, but if you can have someone hide the scale for you or keep it locked away except for a pre-determined weigh-in (for some people that's every week, others can still handle once a day without being hard on themselves). I managed to break myself of the habit and actually weigh myself probably less than I should, mostly because I don't care enough to buy myself my own scale and the one we have is in the upstairs bathroom, which is always occupied in the mornings when I'd weigh myself.
  • I am guilty of this as well. My fiance gets on to me all the time for checking it more than once a week. I try not to check it anymore than 2 or 3 times a week but I can't help it. I'm surprised he hasn't hid it from me yet. lol But don't worry, it's going to be better :)
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I am the same. Very discouraging!

    Hide it! Get rid of it!