can you keep "bad" stuff in your house?



  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    I cant - its hard to resist the temptation of the vending machines I have to walk past, I pile weight back on when I return to the family home - just to much temptation!
  • rheiah
    rheiah Posts: 84
    I admire those who have the willpower to resist but I know that I'll eat the bad stuff eventually.

    And I usually find it really hard to stop after one piece/bite...
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    I can't have stuff like that around. yes you should be able to have it and just not eat it but i'm sooooo weak for it. I try and try i ignore it for days but eventually i cave and hard. I have tried to use moderation and just have 1-2 cookies a day or something like that. 1 leads to 2 which leads to 4 or more.

    Basically now if i want sweets I have to run 2 miles down to the store and buy 1 thing and run home.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I have a husband that has never been on a diet in his life. Last week he bought two boxes of cookies. :( I resisted though. I guess it comes down to how bad you want it. I want to lose weight more than I want the cookies. I get irritated with my husband and tell him he's a fata$$ (he's really thin so he just laughs). But sometimes I feel like I have have something and load up on peanut butter. LOL. I don't know what's worse?
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    only ice creams because i keep it in the fridge and i dont open it that much and sometimes i just eat as snack
    other than that no i can't see it in front of my eyes n just leave it
    anyway i live alone so who else would eat whatever in the house
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I soooo can't have it in the house...I buy a bag of chips and I'll be sitting there eating it .....I'm halfway through and I'll be like "Stop!" and put it away....5 mins later its out again......I know its there and it plays with my willpowere till I throw it out and then throw the garbage bag down the garbage chute lol
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    My ultimate weakness is chips - any kind of salty chips.

    If they make it home from the grocery store, (it's a l-o-n-g drive home ... something like 7 minutes) they last up to an hour. So, in order to help me reach my GW, I steer clear of that aisle while at the store.

    I still eat them every once in a while, but I don't stock my kitchen with them.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    No, absolutely NOT!
    I am much too weak.
    We didn't get fat from too many cherry tomatoes....

    And don't say it's "for the kids" - :laugh:
    We have 5 kids, and guess what? They survive just fine without junk food.
    Sure, they complained at first, but that stopped once they realized it's just not happening - except on my "free day".

    Then, it's like a treat.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I do, I have to really for the other 2 in the house - they have it in their lunches each day. They get that sort of stuff and they don't touch the things I like, so it kind of works both ways, although I do buy things purposefully so I know they won't touch it.

    I've had a box of chocolate cupcakes (Fabulous Baking Boys) in the cupboard for 2 weeks, and I havent touched them (apart from to move them to see what is actually in the cupboards!) :)
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    I have no choice my partner eats it and my children have treats no ones overweight except me thats years of yoyoing I think its part of life its in so many shops you come across it all the time so it helps learning to live with it

    exactly my problem. for the most part it depends on my stress level weather i touch it
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    my son went back to uni after christmas ans left a huge tub of Haribo on top of the fridge,,, it is still unotuched... I AM REGARDING IT AS A CHALLENGE...YES I AM... ARGHHH!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't decide ALL the food that is in the house. I can only make sure I have good go to things in the fridge and pantry. I even started single sizing everything so that when I reach in my fridge for a snack I pull out just what I need and get out of the kitchen. I don't think tempting yourself is a good idea. If you can't be around junk and not eat it, then get it out of the house. There is no reason your children should be eating junk while you try to eat healthy. It should be an oppurtunity to instill iin the kids now how important a healthy lifestyle is.
  • Pancake86
    I can not have biscuits around me at all if i drink a cup of tea, if i know they are in the house i must eat them lol everything else i can control myself with!
  • paulyarwooduk
    I house share so it's not always up to me.

    Whenever I have told myself that I am on a diet and cannot eat certain things, I eat them to excess. So for me this isn't a diet; it's a positive change in my eating habits as well as getting myself in the habit of exercising regularly. Literally nothing is off my diet but I just try to regulate how much I eat and when rather than worry over what I am eating. I do try to eat more heathily though.

    I have found that helps...along with self control!
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I find that an unopened pack is safe! Once it's opened I try to get my children to eat it asap because that's when I am more likely to pick! My mum gave me some bars of Lindt choclate and so far they remain unopened! Children don't get Lindt chocolate though - it's too good for children :devil:
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I used to have the worst willpower in the world. I live with my parents who, no matter how hard I try, will not join me in eating healthy. So I keep all of my food in a spare bedroom, while they have theirs in the kitchen. It's surprising how well my willpower has come on in the past couple of months, simply because I don't have a choice over what is kept in my house and what isn't. If it was up to me though, chances are, I just wouldn't buy it, it's far easier!
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I house share so it's not always up to me.

    Whenever I have told myself that I am on a diet and cannot eat certain things, I eat them to excess. So for me this isn't a diet; it's a positive change in my eating habits as well as getting myself in the habit of exercising regularly. Literally nothing is off my diet but I just try to regulate how much I eat and when rather than worry over what I am eating. I do try to eat more heathily though.

    I have found that helps...along with self control!

    Agreed. I still buy myself chocolate and crisps, I just buy snack sized chocolate bars and baked crisps. I have found that I am never ever tempted to sit and eat a lot of them. They are to take to work, and I get one of each per day. I know people would disagree that this is healthy, but it works for me! :)
  • Renee0608
    Renee0608 Posts: 138
    I keep some stuff, as I won't deprive my children of everything. They tend to eat healthy anyway--they'd rather eat fruit or crackers or popcorn than cookies and stuff. But I do keep a package of Chips Ahoy for them, and I have no problem not eating it. I make sure to keep stuff I can snack on around that way I have something to eat too. I have a huge bowl of fruit on my counter and I will grab from that before I go anywhere else!
  • kcmg0730
    I solved this problem for myself in a VERY unconventional way...I was definitely one who couldn't have stuff in the house, or eat just one cookie. So, I started keeping EVERYTHING I loved in quantities that I couldn't possibly eat in one sitting (like four or five big bags of cookies instead of one, etc.). I figured out that for me, my binging comes from a sort of 'food insecurity' ...that if food I tend to binge on is not here, I will tend to eat more of it when I do have it; the more it's in the house, the more the novelty wears off. So, slowly, I haven't had to buy huge quantities of food like that, and I can eat the stuff I like moderately. I bought my favourtie cookies last week, and I've eaten 4 in total (and not all at the same time!!!) , and even though they're still here, I'm not tempted by them at all. I feel like I've tackled my binge eating once and for all...which has really boosted my progress.

    I know it sounds a bit strange, but it worked for me!! :)
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I don't. I look at it the same way as someone trying to quit smoking shouldn't keep cigarettes in their house. If I have a problem with a substance, I should keep it out of my environment as much as possible.