can you keep "bad" stuff in your house?



  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Depends what it is...I have trigger stuff that just sends me over the edge so I don't keep them in the house because although I am fine when I am having a strong day there are always the weak days that raise their ugly head and why have stuff around that will make that any harder to manage than it is...I am definately improving with time though and can have more stuff in and be ok with the limits I aim is one day to be able to be around any foods and be strong ;)
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    Not at all! My husband like choco covered granola bars in his lunches and its a battle with myself everyday not to have one. Thats pretty much the only bad this I will allow other then stuff for baking and even then when I get chocolate cravings I will take handfuls of chocolate chips lol!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I don't. It's not that I don't partake from time to time, but if I do it's not at home :smile: There seem to be plenty of opportunities elsewhere!! If I'm going to splurge now it's going to be on something REALLY good and homemade.

    I'm not a parent, but I was a child! I'd say that I feel fortunate that I grew up in a home where the emphasis was on healthy food and junk and sodas were rare (those were for Grandma's house :)!!) I honestly don't remember feeling deprived/abused. We still got plenty of treats and did occasionally have pizza or whatever. Sure, I got plenty off track in college and my young adult years, but I think that influence on health from childhood has helped draw me back to what I want my lifestyle to be.
  • I just know I do a lot better if I don't keep the junk food around. If it is there and I am having a weak moment, I will tend to lose my resolve. I can't keep things like chips, chocolate or ice cream around. Soda is a bad one for me as well. What I do is try to stock up on healty snacks so that if I want to munch, I've got something handy.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    When I first started I emptyed the house of all unhealthy stuff I could no longer eat. Before the first week was up I baked a cake for my partner and watched her eat the whole thing over the next few days. It didnt bother me a bit because my mindset was made up. So I realized I could and would resist and buy the things that she wants and never bat an eyelash. I've made pies, desserts, etc almost weekly since I started in October and never taken a bite. I allow myself one mini peppermint patty at the end of each day for a total of 50 calories. My determination to succeed overcomes any desire I may want. So I have all my healthy choices on a list for the grocery and my partner makes her list which always includes candy and such. I know temptations will be around me for the rest of my life, but I choose the healthy path and honestly never feel deprived.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I know each person is on there own journey and if they want that stuff in their house is their choice. I just know for me it just isn't worth it. I brought a 32 gallon trash can in on day 1 of my journey and empty the house of all junk food. (That is all that I ate that led me to 560 lbs.) We then filled the kitchen with healthy choices and never looked back.... If it isn't here I don't think about it and the amazing thing is I stopped craving it months ago and now when I do go out and have a treat, it is normally way to rich and doesn't even trigger those cravings I use to have for any of it. I would much sooner sit down with an Orange, Apple, cup of Almond, etc.. and the biggest things is my relationship with food has changed so much that I just look at food as fuel to get me through my workouts and my daily life nothing more.......
  • erinw1011
    erinw1011 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm the same way. I'm fine with chips and soda but sweets, forget about it. My daughter was sick and wanted to make cupcakes, bad idea! I could not resist them. I made my husband eat what was left on the third day.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I can handle having naughty food in the house now but before I couldn't.

    Now I don't deprive myself of things like that; I just make sure I log it. As long as I hit my calorie targets for the day then it's ok if I eat a cookie or a chocolate.

    Of course I can't have a whole box of cookies and expect to hit my calorie target so I don't eat naughty food as often or in such large quantities as I used to. As a result the naughty food tends to go off. So I either avoid buying it or I buy single serving packets.

    I do think it's worth making it a goal to be able to have bad food in the house without it derailing you. Healthy eating is a long term thing and you need to be able to keep your composure when presented with temptation.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    I still cannot have any kind of chips in my house. But I think that my sweets cravings are under control. I allow myself 2 squares of dark chocolate 3 times a week and this seems to be enough to keep my cravings in check. This still amazes me, cause just a couple of weeks ago I would have eaten the whole bag 10 minutes after getting home.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    It depends. I love to bake (and I'm pretty good - might have something to do why I'm heavy hmmmmmmm), but anyway I have a hard time resisting anything that I"ve made.

    But generally I say yes I can have "bad" stuff around me b/c I try to budget it into my day.

    I do keep chocolate in the house on to shelf in cabinet. I usually buy individually wrapped Ghiradelli squares which are kind of $$$ so I don't want to eat it all at one time. Or sometimes I will buy 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp bars. I will buy 2 per week and they aren't *that* high cal so if I eat a whole one in a day its not the end of the world.
  • brewermc
    brewermc Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you! If it's in the house I'll do like you - ignore for a day, be so proud of myself, then eat 5 cookies after dinner the next day. After about 4 weeks of NO sweets my body finally adjusted to the cravings I had. Carbs are my THING! I love them with all my heart. Now that I'm using myfitnesspal to log my every morsel of food, I'm doing better with snacks. Must be a psychological thing!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I find it hard to resist completely but I can generally stay within calories over a week.

    - I think if there was an infinite well of Ben and Jerry's I would be in trouble though.
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    It is easier now that my kids have left the house but when my son came home for Christmas break from college he asked what I at because there was nothing in the house. I got him stuff and found myself eating it so as soon as he was gone, out it went. I'm a salty snacker and found my airpopcorn maker is my friend of late. You can make it salty with a little drizzle of olive oil and seasoning. Last night I was after something sweet and just sprinkled it with cinnimon, it was a nice treat.
  • I can't have it in the house at all... for me, it's a case of if I know it's there, then I start to crave it. I can go out all well-meaning and buy a multipack of skips to have the occasional bag as a treat, and then i'll just eat them all in a day instead.

    I've been healthy eating for about two weeks now, and although i'm craving the junk, because i don't have it in the house i'm managing to control these cravings.
  • I have to keep some sweet around because my husband's sugar drops sometimes and the other day I bought a bag of Cheetos for him and surprisingly I CAN do good. I read on the package and on here and I can have 13 chips which isn't that many but I did it and have done it more than once I eat just 13 chips. So yes I think I can keep the "bad" stuff in my hoiuse because I think I have enough will power.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I can keep small stuff like indiv. packed low call desserts or peanut butter or granola bars, etc. However, if I have a big tub of ice cream or peanut butter, or my weakness...OREOS...they will be gone within days!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    We live with another family, so it's hard to keep everything out of the house. I try to get healthy foods, but there are snacks, too. There is nothing off limits, I just need to watch my portion size. This is something I want to do for life, not just until I lose my weight. I WILL have a cookie, or chips, ice cream or beer. Not giving it up forever. But I do count everything, and limit what bad stuff.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I try not to buy it so I don't even have to think about it.
  • NO WAY! I have a bag of marshmallows in my kitchen cabinet and I think about it every evening! Had 3 the other night! I know, 3 won't kill me - but still! I must get rid of it! Also a few bags of chips (same thing)
    (leftover from my son's brithday party 2 weeks ago!)
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    I have a son and I pretty much stay away from all of his "snacks" So I can have certain things around. Even ice cream which I love. For the most part though I can resist any temptation in the house. Not saying I do all the time, but if I do snack on some of that stuff I try to keep it at one serving.