can you keep "bad" stuff in your house?



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Yes. I have a cupboard full of chocolate left over from last Easter. I have no interest in it.

    Ohhhh slice some of those little eggs up and put them in whole wheat pancakes! Then you get nutrition and some deliciousness!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes. I have a cupboard full of chocolate left over from last Easter. I have no interest in it.

    Ohhhh slice some of those little eggs up and put them in whole wheat pancakes! Then you get nutrition and some deliciousness!

    I really don't like milk chocolate, so I'm not tempted! I have kept it for the children, but they don't really eat it either. We still have Halloween stuff left over from 15 months ago.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 192 Member

    I really don't like milk chocolate, so I'm not tempted! I have kept it for the children, but they don't really eat it either. We still have Halloween stuff left over from 15 months ago.

    If you don't like it, then it doesn't really count as a 'treat', does it? Or an 'achievement' for 'resisting' it! :p
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I rarely keep "snack" foods around the house simply because I already know I don't want to "waste" any of my daily calories on them (I sort of see calories as money and I get to "pay" for foods, so why would I throw it away on a Hostess cupcake??).

    When I do have them (rare occassion), I immediately open the box and divide its contents into single serving sizes, putting the correct number of crackers into individual ziplock bags. This way, if I do decide to eat something, I know exactly how much I'm eating rather than just digging my hand into a box over and over.

    Most of the time though, I just have no interest. It's not worth it to me. I'll look at a cupcake/cake/etc and think "This is equivalent to 45 minutes on the treadmill, do I REALLY want it that badly?" Most of the time, the answer is "Heck no!"
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I don't purchase this stuff, but my wife does so it is around. I have had to learn not to eat it. I just make sure I have my healthy snacks stocked up.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    I really don't like milk chocolate, so I'm not tempted! I have kept it for the children, but they don't really eat it either. We still have Halloween stuff left over from 15 months ago.

    If you don't like it, then it doesn't really count as a 'treat', does it? Or an 'achievement' for 'resisting' it! :p

    No. It more more the "bad stuff". I don't like or eat junk food, so I don't have a problem having it in the house.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I have two tubs of ice cream in my fridge that has been there since early December. I have icing in the cabinets (I use to LOVE icing). Its been there since July lol.

    I don't like to call food "bad". There are only bad habits. I killed my bad habits a long time ago. Now I practice moderation.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 192 Member

    I really don't like milk chocolate, so I'm not tempted! I have kept it for the children, but they don't really eat it either. We still have Halloween stuff left over from 15 months ago.

    I don't like or eat junk food, so I don't have a problem having it in the house.
    If you don't like it, then it doesn't really count as a 'treat', does it? Or an 'achievement' for 'resisting' it! :p

    No. It more more the "bad stuff".

    OK, so the question becomes, what foods DO you tend to overindulge with? And do you keep them in the house? :D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    I really don't like milk chocolate, so I'm not tempted! I have kept it for the children, but they don't really eat it either. We still have Halloween stuff left over from 15 months ago.

    I don't like or eat junk food, so I don't have a problem having it in the house.
    If you don't like it, then it doesn't really count as a 'treat', does it? Or an 'achievement' for 'resisting' it! :p

    No. It more more the "bad stuff".

    OK, so the question becomes, what foods DO you tend to overindulge with? And do you keep them in the house? :D

    Apples! And humous. I can eat a ton of humous. And yes I do keep them in the house, and eat them. My problem has never been junk food, I just spent too many years not thinking about what I was eating and having pasta every day. I don't even like pasta, but it's quick and easy and the children eat it.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Yes, I keep my fiance in my And I am serious with this response...he buys me chips and junk food all the time. I really need a will power made of steel to live with that man! LOL

    However, I have been really good. Right now as we speak there is a freezer full of ice cream and chocolate bars, not to mention 5 bags of chips sitting in the pantry - all my favorite flavors such as Dill Pickle, All Dressed, Salt N Vinegar and Ketchup...but I haven't even considered opening one! Good eh? Let's see how long this lasts...haha
  • Lindy901
    Lindy901 Posts: 71 Member
    Generally I don't keep things around that might trigger a binge or derailment, but with a husband and daughter who aren't calorie counting it happens. In addition, I try to live by "everything in moderation" and I really want to be able to eat 1 cookie without eating an entire box. For me it was a learning curve. There are things that I cannot have around or I will binge, there are things that I can keep around and enjoy as an occasional treat, and there are some treats that I don't generally even want. Figure out what your specific trigger foods are and get rid of them, then buy other treats for your family that don't cause you too much temptation. The other thing that I do is to freeze treats so that they have to defrost in order to be eaten. If I want one, or if I am going to give one to my daughter, we have to wait, and there isn't the temptation of too many at once. Also, you can buy mini packs of things or pre-portion them at home so even when you do have one, they are within an acceptable calorie range.

    Very smart post. I can see why you've lost so much. You've pretty much got it figured out. :smokin:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I used to, but then realized they LOVE jello, and jello is super low in calories :)

    They have this and that for them as far as sweets go. I just try not to eat it. Like "ice cream shoppe pop tarts" I don't like over sweet stuff in the mornings, so I don't eat them.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I usually don't buy any of the junk, but on occasion I do for my daughter and husband - but it usually is stuff or flavors that I don't like so there is usually not a problem. My biggest problem comes when Girl Scout Cookies arrive - I am a troop leader and all the extra boxes reside at my house. Once a box gets opened, they are as good as gone.
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    I try not to keep trigger foods in the house. For me these are the cakes and cookies you mentioned. If the kids need a sweet treat I do have light yogurt, fruit snacks or indivually packed servings of serbert. I always have fresh fruit that they like too. If they want cinnamon rolls for breakfast I do bake them, but then I package the left overs right after. If they want cookies we buy one at the bakery not a bag to bring home.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    If it doesn't feed the body nutritiously, then it rarely makes it into my house. My kid's, mostly teens and 20 somethings now, still eat this way even outside the home. It's not that we can't stop ourselves from eating it, we just choose not to do so.
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    My husband is not on board with me, so he has his treats. But we have agreed to a couple of things that he likes that do not tempt me in any way (like Golden Oreos - Yuck!) However, if he were to bring the real kind in the house, I would be done for. I don't have a lot of will power, especially after dinner if I'm craving sweets. So I keep Fiber One brownies, and one 70% chocolate bar and I eat 1 square at a time. So I only keep things here that I can resist completely, or eat in moderation. (I would never consider pigging out on Fiber One brownies - I think that would be a bad mistake! LOL!)

    I have to say though, I did want to slap my husband when he brought home donut holes from the bakery section last week.
    "They were on sale!" he said. Yes, great reason to buy them. Ugh. Fortunately he was a pig and he ate them all before temptation set in.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes and no...I can usually handle most things but if you put Hot Cheetos in my house then I will eat some or most of it lol. SoOoo I try to keep it away and everything works out great :bigsmile:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I usually can leave them alone, we had a pack of chocolate biscuits in for 2 months for the kids, odd time I will binge though, so apart from the odd exception I don't buy junk in. The partner and kids don't need it in their lives either. I will make up sugar free jelly as a dessert for us all, or sometimes fat free muffins... Treats done have to be really naughty. Once every week or two the kids will go to the shop and buy some chocolate or something. They don't mind. They enjoy their healthy sandwich, fruit, cheese string and yogurt in their lunch boxes and enjoy healthy home cooked meals... We would be doing them no favours at all having loads of junk in, kinda annoys me when they say its for the kids. Storing up trouble for their future. My kids do have treats, but they are in moderation, I don't want them to grow up obese, I want them to have a long, happy and healthy future... And to know a treat doesn't have to be something really naughty. They love home made milk shakes and smoothies and low fat\fat free muffins... Everyone wins x
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    I grew up in a house where a sugary cereal, store bought cookies, Joe Louis, May Wests and the like never, never came through the front door. I had no weight issues until I had money of my own and would spend it on these "wonderful" treats or I would eat them excessively at friends' homes. I have decided that this kind of restriction is not going to be part of my children's lives. We always have something in the house, but I am teaching them how to eat reasonable quantities. I figure if they know that there is always a goodie available that they will not feel the need to choose goodies any time they are available. So far, so good. I've witnesses my daughters refuse cake and cookies in favour of an apple or another fruit on so many occasions (not just in our home...). I realize that my own battle with food is not something that I want for them. If I want a cookie, I have a cookie... but more and more I find myself not wanting these things and I'm pleased with that.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm "on the wagon" at the moment and I'm managing fine with the beers that are outside the back door and the drinks cabinet in the hallway. In the past I've hidden it all away, but no need these days.