Moms who have lost the weight without the gym!



  • Jen2ssaint
    I am a working mom of a 5 yr old. Last March I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and started doing that video EVERYDAY before work and on the weekends. I still do a 25-30 min workout DVD every morning I have expanded my DVD collection and also like the Jackie Warner DVD's (they are usually less than $10/each) I also got into Zumba and running. I have found that running is easy & cheap as all you have to do is walk out your door and start running. Sometimes I even take my 5 yr old with me in a stroller (when it is not too cold out)!
  • RunNadineRun
    RunNadineRun Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a SAHM to almost 2 year old twins and lost 20 pounds (170 to 150) running, I started with the C25k, then kept going running a 10K race and now training for a half marathon. Running is cheep, all you need are good sneakers. I run outside either pushing the twins, or go for a quick run when my husband comes home, 40 minutes and I'm back and have my work out for the day complete (then he goes for a run). Now I'm working on the next 20 pounds.
    KYMUSE Posts: 66
    You can always do bodyweight exercises (do a google search or hit youtube) and you'll find tons of good ones. You can go to the website and search for exercises (they give you an option of "no equipment). Try HIIT (hi intensity interval training) to burn max calories-go as hard as you can for 1 minute on the treadmilly, immediately followed by 10-12 reps of an upper body exercise, immediately followed by a lower body exercise-THEN take a 1 minute rest. Repeat 3-4 cycles and you will have an intense workout. Good luck!
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    totally going to try this!!!!!!!!! Thank you
    well i have 2 kids and have lost the weight once before (20 lbs) and now doing it again, i don't use the gym cause for me it is expensive and i have no car and it is far for me, so i walk a lot and have done the 30ds once but i have issues with repetitive videos cause i get annoyed with their voices lol, so now i am going the 100 workout you can do it any where any time and i love it waaay more cause i just put on my own music and done in 30 mins, i try to do it as fast as i can and log it as circuit training i am drenched after for sure, my 1 year old tries to work out with me it is adorable her trying to do crunches lol when i get better at it i plan to do it 2x per day, i also add arm raises or curls to the squats cause lets face it they are boring lost 8lbs, in 3 months which is good for me cause i hate to exercise lol

    lame website but they give a good example of what leg lift they mean (i suck at those still) so sometimes i substitute the reverse crunch or bicycle crunch,

    you can add me if you like :)
  • Katie41907
    You tube!!!!!!!! You can find almost any kind of workout video on youtube and a lot of them are super fun. Also if your kids have a wii get in there and join them! Make it fun!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Hello! I have a 7 month old daughter and an almost 2 year old son. I lost my 45 pounds without a gym. I started on the treadmill in the playroom while my son watched Barney:). I then began running outside with a running stroller, and finally in November I ran a 5k. I did the Jillian Michael's DVD as well, about twice a week. Healthy eating is what really changed it all for me though. I found that I could eat my way through any benefits of I had to be careful. I eat about 1200 cals a day. I still haven't reached my goal but I am getting there!
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I lost 60lbs before having my second child by walking and cutting out pop/junk, and put 40 back on while pregnant with our 3rd child. Hes 2, and I'm finally ready to lose it. Again, I'm just walking and watching what I eat. No exercise videos, no gym, no treadmill. We go to the local walking track. Once its warm we'll walk outside. I would like to do C25K but my iron is so low its not possible right now, the breathing ussues suck. Once its taken care of I will try again.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 kids, 3 & 5, work full time & no gym, all at home wk-outs and great eating. lost 78lbs in 8months, on maintenance 4months going. so it's possible
  • vivianahm
    vivianahm Posts: 54 Member
    I am a mom of two children ages 4 and 2 and I work part time. I don't have time for the gym and that was always my excuse for not losing weight.
    I got a used stationary bike (but I would LOVE to have an elliptical trainer) and I ride1 hour each day, no excuses. I usually move the bike to the room where my kids are playing and read books to them while I ride.
    I have lost 7.5 kgs (16.5 lbs) in a litttle under 3 months. I'm a slow loser, but I'm happy the weight is coming off.
    Good luck!
  • arlyn70
    arlyn70 Posts: 55
    i am going to ask my sister permision to put her pics.. as testimony
    i honestly dont do it because i work 12 hrs a day so i prefert to do the dvd at hom
    but my sister she just have her baby, he is 9 month old
    she walks everyday 30 min, cut salt and sugar, she dont eat faty but she drink one can of diet sprite once a month,
    she lost 50 pounds.. just doing that..

    i want to be like her, but honestly i am so tired that going out isnt an option for me.. i am waitting for summer time lol
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    All I've done is walking (I did use our Wii Fit Plus a bit last spring). Last summer, I was walking every morning (until I tripped and broke my arm, oops). Now that it's cold I won't walk outside. I'm debating between getting a gym membership or a cheap Craigslist treadmill so I have something to do until it warms up again.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lost 3 sizes and 20 pounds without setting foot in a gym.

    Workout DVDs, running or walking around your neighborhood or a local park, invest in some home gym items (free weights, balance ball, etc). And if you have the money and space and know you'll use it, a large piece like a treadmill, elliptical, treadclimber, whatever you want.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member

    My current weight is 240.
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    Ok, so I am needing some inspiration (I haven't lost anything this last week!)

    Moms (or even non-moms), how have you lost the weight without going to the gym everyday? I have 2 little kids and are a one income family, so I can't afford to go to the gym. What kind of exercises did you do to lose the weight? What have you been doing to tone up? How did you change your eating habits? How much weight did you lose? Pictures are always a plus! And thank you so much! :smile:

    I use the 30 day shred and have lost a TON of inches... like over 18! .... and about 15 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks. it gives a great cardio and strength training. It was only 9 bucks at Target... Highly recommended!
  • amystpierre
    amystpierre Posts: 52 Member
    I am a SAHM of 5 kids the youngest just turned 1 my oldest almost 13. We live on one income as well so gyms are def out! I use Leslie Sansone workout dvd's which are really great if done regularly. I eat absolutely nothing fried, deep fried, etc, and my older children do a flyer route twice a week for about an hour that I walk with them for a change in pace. Try to mix it up every week so you don't get bored and your body doesn't stay at a plateau...
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    I do Jillian's 30 Day Shred religionly every day. Also rotate weight training areas daily and add 20+ mins of something else (cardio, pilates, calisthenics) if I am not tired and find the time. In less than 3 weeks I have lost 11 pounds and many inches (11 in total) so I am getting great results.
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I do alot of Leslie Sansone DVDs... and eat well.. I love her videos. I usually do 3 miles in the morning (37 mins) and than try and do another later. wal-mart has a bunch and there super cheap.. I hear your problem. I wish sometimes i could just go to the gym and workout... but I cant, I work fulltime, and am home with the kids the rast of them time while Hubby works. Its tough.. but theres always ways around it.. You can do it! :)
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    I have a gym membership and never use it - too crowded this time of year anyway. I do Zumba and just dance and after reading all of these posts I am definitely doing JM 30ds!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Ok, I have one been at this for about 2 weeks, but I am a working mom of 1. I go the a "gym" about 2 days a week...the gym I go to is just me and a personal trainer---no one else there to make me feel like I'm doing something wrong, I can scream if I need to, and work my tail off. Also, I work at a place that has a treadmill and elliptical downstairs for us to use when we want to, which helps. I go on my lunch break and get my cardio in. And the days when I can't do any of the above, I get home, change clothes, let the hubby have some father/son time, and walk by our house.

    Does your town have a walkway, or trails? You could take your kids to them with you and let them run and play and release their energy while you are doing something good for you.

    Check out for workouts you can do at home. I know---it sounds crazy, but there are some really great ones on there. And they have a TON of recipes that are low fat, on the WW plan, etc.

    And, does your town have a local mom's group? If so, why not have a play date where you and other moms can get out and enjoy each others company WHILE letting the kids play? Or maybe if it is a small group, have a babysitter or two (maybe other moms from the group) watch the kids and let those who want to have a workout group? Not only does this make you accountable for meeting up with the rest of the group, but also gives you all some "you" time that all of us moms need!!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I lost 96 pounds in 2011 and never set foot in a gym..(pics on my profile) Im a SAHM to 3 that are 4 and under. We(the 4 of us) did a LOT of walking. (of course only when weather permits). My oldest walks with me (he does pretty well) and I push the younger 2 in a stroller. Its a great workout for everyone.

    When the weather doesn't cooperate (about 5 months a year) I have a treadmill, free weights, resistaance bands, dvds...all bought on sale. Hubby uses our "weigiht" room mostly...

    We used to have a gym membership, but until you pay for the gas, wear and tear on my car, and the extra time it takes to get everyone ready and out the door, we were better off investing at home.

    I am still maintating my weight loss! Good sure is crazy! :)
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