"Help! I Hate my Husband!"



  • I am confused with me right now. I would have said the same thing last week "Help, I hate my husband!" but this week, I'm wondering who will be there for me if I got ill or I loose my dad and it is comforting to know the answer to that. Besides God and my dad, the only man in my life is my husband of 24 years. He's known me since 15. We have 2 wonderful children, 17 & 15. The only thing I need him to change is to showing me more affection and desire. I am working on how I look and feel about myself but I'm lonely, even when he's home. The interest is not there and I always react to how he comes in treating me. I can hug him and kiss him and even miss him, but when he's home, he's got work or he just wants to chill. All the stress has tended to make me an emotional eater and I'm stopping that, because it will not make the stress go away, it could make you go away, as in DIE. Then who would be there for my kids?? So, I'm struggling with this issue. I love him so much and I hate him.

    Who knows, this could be a tourning point.

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Awesome read! Definitely puts things in perspective. This doesn't just apply to marriage. It could ALWAYS be worse.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?

    Umm... really?

    Me - I've never, never, ever sucked down wine to escape the monotony of my marriage. Why? Because I simply don't find my marriage boring or monotonous in any way. I've never considered divorce. I've never felt anything even closely akin to 'hate' toward my husband.

    I adore the man every waking moment of every single day of my life. I feel lucky that I met him and blessed that he chose to spend his life with me. I've felt this way for the entire 18 years we've been together. (14 married - 4 dating)
  • my wife hates her husband too!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    And today I will be sure to give thanks that I am single!
  • Thanks for sharing! It was a great read!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Wow, this was a depressing read! I've been with my husband for nearly 13 years and haven't felt this way about him - ever. I've never considered divorce, nor have I ever felt like I hated him. If so many women feel this way toward their husbands, then no wonder our divorce rate is so high. I'm so sad for all of these women who live in misery with only momentary joy in their lives. I love my husband and wouldn't give him up for anything in the world. Our routine and the consistency it brings satisfaction and comfort to my life.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    "Plenty of wives think about divorce at least once a month, if not more, and manage to stay married for decades."

    "What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?"

    I strongly disagree with these statements... I don't think there are truly that many women who honestly think about divorce as frequently as once a month. At least not in my group of friends. The thought process should be "for better or worse", and divorce shouldn't be considered for something as ridiculous as "domestic humdrum" or a little bickering and annoyances.

    As far as the second statement, I can say honestly no, I've never felt the need to "numb the pain" when it comes to dealing with my spouse. God created marriage, and if it is centered around Him, is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Of COURSE, it has flaws, because we are human. I, myself, have been through some real trials in my marriage, but what has kept us together is what our marriage is centered around... and that is God. He has thoroughly blessed our marriage, and when we come against something we can't handle, we take it to Him in prayer, and it always works out. His word gives us instructions on how to be good wives and husbands, on how to respect and treat each other, and He blesses our efforts to do so.

    I am also surrounded by many amazing, godly marriages to look up to and model mine after, and for that, I am thankful.

    Of course, not everyone is going to agree with me here or think about it in the same way, but just had to add my 2 cents... that's what forums are for, eh? =)

    Um, how about you be married for more than say, a month, more like 10 years and report back k?

    you beat me to it!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    "Plenty of wives think about divorce at least once a month, if not more, and manage to stay married for decades."

    "What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?"

    I strongly disagree with these statements... I don't think there are truly that many women who honestly think about divorce as frequently as once a month. At least not in my group of friends. The thought process should be "for better or worse", and divorce shouldn't be considered for something as ridiculous as "domestic humdrum" or a little bickering and annoyances.

    As far as the second statement, I can say honestly no, I've never felt the need to "numb the pain" when it comes to dealing with my spouse. God created marriage, and if it is centered around Him, is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Of COURSE, it has flaws, because we are human. I, myself, have been through some real trials in my marriage, but what has kept us together is what our marriage is centered around... and that is God. He has thoroughly blessed our marriage, and when we come against something we can't handle, we take it to Him in prayer, and it always works out. His word gives us instructions on how to be good wives and husbands, on how to respect and treat each other, and He blesses our efforts to do so.

    I am also surrounded by many amazing, godly marriages to look up to and model mine after, and for that, I am thankful.

    Of course, not everyone is going to agree with me here or think about it in the same way, but just had to add my 2 cents... that's what forums are for, eh? =)

    and who told you god created marriage? Marriage hasn't been around since the dawn of time, its something we invented
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    "Plenty of wives think about divorce at least once a month, if not more, and manage to stay married for decades."

    "What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?"

    I strongly disagree with these statements... I don't think there are truly that many women who honestly think about divorce as frequently as once a month. At least not in my group of friends. The thought process should be "for better or worse", and divorce shouldn't be considered for something as ridiculous as "domestic humdrum" or a little bickering and annoyances.

    As far as the second statement, I can say honestly no, I've never felt the need to "numb the pain" when it comes to dealing with my spouse. God created marriage, and if it is centered around Him, is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Of COURSE, it has flaws, because we are human. I, myself, have been through some real trials in my marriage, but what has kept us together is what our marriage is centered around... and that is God. He has thoroughly blessed our marriage, and when we come against something we can't handle, we take it to Him in prayer, and it always works out. His word gives us instructions on how to be good wives and husbands, on how to respect and treat each other, and He blesses our efforts to do so.

    I am also surrounded by many amazing, godly marriages to look up to and model mine after, and for that, I am thankful.

    Of course, not everyone is going to agree with me here or think about it in the same way, but just had to add my 2 cents... that's what forums are for, eh? =)

    Um, how about you be married for more than say, a month, more like 10 years and report back k?

    I'll take that challenge! I have been married fifteen years and have never once thought of divorce. Nor will I allow myself to think such thoughts. I intend to remain married to the same person for the rest of my life and I know that my spouse feels the same. We got married later in life and brought a level of maturity and wisdom to our marriage which may be lacking in many marriages, but I'm here to tell you that good, solid, loving, lifetime marriages are possible. Sure, we have had disagreements and arguments, but we never allow such things to fester and grow. It's really as simple as loving your spouse more than you love yourself. Sound hard? Not really; it's just personal commitment to do so and then living it out. Trust me when I tell you, it is worth every perceived sacrifice!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    good read. thanks
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Well thank you ladies for the ones who have been married longer than me and had positive things to say about their relationships... Go you!

    to the rude poster who asked me to come back after ive been married more than a month... i've been married for 3 years... and although that;s not a vast amount of time, you don't know me or my relationship, and I will tell you we have been through a LOT... and GOD has strengthened us for it.

    There's no doubt that God created marriage. It is the BIBLE who discusses how a man and wife should treat each other. God gave Eve to Adam as his WIFE... and those were the first two people ever created. If you don't believe in the Bible, that's fine, but its all true, and in the end... there's no getting around that.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    "Plenty of wives think about divorce at least once a month, if not more, and manage to stay married for decades."

    "What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?"

    I strongly disagree with these statements... I don't think there are truly that many women who honestly think about divorce as frequently as once a month. At least not in my group of friends. The thought process should be "for better or worse", and divorce shouldn't be considered for something as ridiculous as "domestic humdrum" or a little bickering and annoyances.

    As far as the second statement, I can say honestly no, I've never felt the need to "numb the pain" when it comes to dealing with my spouse. God created marriage, and if it is centered around Him, is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Of COURSE, it has flaws, because we are human. I, myself, have been through some real trials in my marriage, but what has kept us together is what our marriage is centered around... and that is God. He has thoroughly blessed our marriage, and when we come against something we can't handle, we take it to Him in prayer, and it always works out. His word gives us instructions on how to be good wives and husbands, on how to respect and treat each other, and He blesses our efforts to do so.

    I am also surrounded by many amazing, godly marriages to look up to and model mine after, and for that, I am thankful.

    Of course, not everyone is going to agree with me here or think about it in the same way, but just had to add my 2 cents... that's what forums are for, eh? =)

    Um, how about you be married for more than say, a month, more like 10 years and report back k?

    I'll take that challenge! I have been married fifteen years and have never once thought of divorce. Nor will I allow myself to think such thoughts. I intend to remain married to the same person for the rest of my life and I know that my spouse feels the same. We got married later in life and brought a level of maturity and wisdom to our marriage which may be lacking in many marriages, but I'm here to tell you that good, solid, loving, lifetime marriages are possible. Sure, we have had disagreements and arguments, but we never allow such things to fester and grow. It's really as simple as loving your spouse more than you love yourself. Sound hard? Not really; it's just personal commitment to do so and then living it out. Trust me when I tell you, it is worth every perceived sacrifice!

  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    "Plenty of wives think about divorce at least once a month, if not more, and manage to stay married for decades."

    "What wife among you hasn't occasionally sucked down too much wine to numb the pain of grinding against the same person, in the same house, every day, for weeks, months, years?"

    I strongly disagree with these statements... I don't think there are truly that many women who honestly think about divorce as frequently as once a month. At least not in my group of friends. The thought process should be "for better or worse", and divorce shouldn't be considered for something as ridiculous as "domestic humdrum" or a little bickering and annoyances.

    As far as the second statement, I can say honestly no, I've never felt the need to "numb the pain" when it comes to dealing with my spouse. God created marriage, and if it is centered around Him, is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Of COURSE, it has flaws, because we are human. I, myself, have been through some real trials in my marriage, but what has kept us together is what our marriage is centered around... and that is God. He has thoroughly blessed our marriage, and when we come against something we can't handle, we take it to Him in prayer, and it always works out. His word gives us instructions on how to be good wives and husbands, on how to respect and treat each other, and He blesses our efforts to do so.

    I am also surrounded by many amazing, godly marriages to look up to and model mine after, and for that, I am thankful.

    Of course, not everyone is going to agree with me here or think about it in the same way, but just had to add my 2 cents... that's what forums are for, eh? =)

    and who told you god created marriage? Marriage hasn't been around since the dawn of time, its something we invented

    Genesis 2:22-24
    "Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into woman, and He brought her to the man.
    And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
    Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the shall become one flesh."

    Have a blessed day! :smile:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Please don't ruin a wonderful post by bringing religion into it as it's inappropriate for this particular forum. We all believe what we believe, and that's fine, but I would really hate to see this post removed as it was quite different from what I'm used to seeing on here of late.

    There is a group for religion...
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, this was a depressing read! I've been with my husband for nearly 13 years and haven't felt this way about him - ever. I've never considered divorce, nor have I ever felt like I hated him. If so many women feel this way toward their husbands, then no wonder our divorce rate is so high. I'm so sad for all of these women who live in misery with only momentary joy in their lives. I love my husband and wouldn't give him up for anything in the world. Our routine and the consistency it brings satisfaction and comfort to my life.

    Great post.

    I believe that loving is a choice. If you choose to look at the negative and only focus on that so much that it makes you unhappy in your circumstances, then yes I can see how you'd feel miserable. But marriage is about compromise. I can say that whatever sacrifice or compromise I felt I had to make, was a great thing for me in the end. I have always chosen and I will ALWAYS choose to love my husband, despite his minor flaws or our "domestic humdrum", (which actually we both comment on quite frequently how much we just love doing our thing with our little family... no matter how boring younger/single people may percieve it to be). People have such a discontentment... I mean do some of these women think their lives would have been that grandiose if they hadn't gotten married? Realistically, the answer would be no. They'd find some other reason to be discontent in a life that didn't include thier husband. Some of these women may feel they have no purpose in life, because they have such "domestic humdrum". I'm one that believes I have a very high calling, to be the helpmate of my husband... to teach my children, to be a blessing and a godly influence in the lives of my family members. I couldn't feel more fulfilled than what I do right now in my life. Are there days I'm irritated, stressed, mad at my husband? YES! That man knows how to drive me up the wall sometimes... and I know how to do the same to him. But man... does our love and committment run deep, far beyond what we ever could have imagined. It's all in the prayers folks... it's all about letting God bless your relationship... If you don't believe it, try it with your partner, renew your committment to one another, find a desire for something beautiful in your relationship... I can guarantee you you will see changes.

    I do beleive there are marriages built on the wrong things, and with the wrong two people in them, and these marriages will not and probably SHOULD NOT survive. Cheating spouses, disrespect, lying, abuse, etc etc... those things shouldn't be tolerated... Give it to God and work it out, or just... give it up =(
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i think many people think this way including husband's about their wives, it's just a matter of how you deal with it and/or what you do to make it better....

    i have been with my husband for almost 12 years (married just over 8) and we have 2 children - 7 and 4...being a wife is stressful, being a wife and mother is doubly stressful and adding a full time job into that mix makes things even harder overall....i will be honest and say that i have "thought" about divorce, we have seen a counselor together and i currently see one on my own to work on me BUT i want to be married to my husband who i do love very much...with that being said there are stupid things we each do every single day that just piss us off and make i say, I HATE MY WIFE/HUSBAND, just like you would with a coworker or a friend or another loved one....

    the bottom line is this (in my opinion)...just because you HATE your loved one occasionally doesnt mean you want a divorce "for real"....you just need to vent and blow off steam and "get over it"...this is what i'm learning to do...let things go that can be let go and push harder for the things that need to change....

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    This is fantastic.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Please don't ruin a wonderful post by bringing religion into it as it's inappropriate for this particular forum. We all believe what we believe, and that's fine, but I would really hate to see this post removed as it was quite different from what I'm used to seeing on here of late.

    There is a group for religion...

    Well my marriage has everything to go with God, not much to do with "religion", so that's where my references come from.. comparing my marriage to this article.. And posting something on a public forum will call for all types of responses... If it gets deleted, that can't be my problem. I'm just being an American, right? =)
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    "the more you ruv someone, the more you want to kill them"
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