..SORRY(not accepting friend request at this time :/ ) ...W



  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    I have this statement on my profile because I actively support everyone on my list.. My celebrity status has nothing to do with it.
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    I have this statement on my profile because I actively support everyone on my list.. My celebrity status has nothing to do with it.

    :( Damn I wanted to be friends with LL

    On topic if you're looking for friends you can add me :D
  • Christinemary6
    Christinemary6 Posts: 60 Member
    I was sent a Freind request by a young man and when I checked his site discovered his friends were ONLY young women. As a woman of a more mature age, I felt it rather inappropriate to accept his request. I am 57. He was 22. The young women were in his age range.

    I did wonder if he was looking for mum?
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I've considered adding this to my profile....not that I'm too good as I'm certainly not. I just get so many these days. I'm glad my loss is inspiring others, but 100+ friends is really hard to keep up with. I'm thinking about picking out about 30 or so that I correspond with on a regular basis & remove the rest. I'll take the time to send each a message first though.:drinker: :laugh:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I don't need the sign. I am still convinced you all are still figments of my rather fertile imagination.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Some of us come to this site with baggage, I had lost over 270 lbs. without the help of this site but I am always up for trying new things on my journey and had been logging (in handwritten journals since the beginning) but decided to try this site but the main reason I joined is because my therapist suggested I start stepping outside of my comfort zone. You see my journey with myself not only includes my weightloss it is fixing what is broke in my head. I was homebound the final 2 years before I finally had that AHA moment and was dealing with severe depression and major social phobia issue. This site was a big step outside of my comfort zone by putting my story out there and interacting with this online community. I have taken baby steps and have around 35 friends that I make a point to interact with daily even when my social phobia fears would have me curl up in my shell because it is good therapy for me. I make an attempt to respond to topics daily outside of my friends list and take message and reply to them if I get them. I have over 140 friends request and get more daily and feel bad that I don't except them but I feel comfortable with my progress right now and as I open up more I add a more few from the list but I also like to interact with everyone on my list and I want the same back because it does help me open up so I can see where keep your list smaller helps....... Just my 2 cents....
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I wouldn't let that hold you back. Most people who write that just genuinely do want to only have a certain number of friends to they can really focus on holding them accountable without being overwhelmed or spending 12 hours on the computer per day. That said, you are able to send people a message on here without being friends with them. So, in the event that someone says they are not taking requests, simply send them a message. Explain why you would like to be friends with them even though they are not currently taking requests. More than likely they'll add you anyhway, but if not they'd probably be nice enough to dialogue with you via messages if you have any questions for them. Good luck!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I responded to a topic someone posted, where they were looking for friends and mentioned they added a few people who responded to the post. I sent a friend request and was denied because she was "only accepting friends who were taking part in some challenge" That's totally fine, but being rejected isnt fun and she could have mentioned it in her post.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    when I see that, I just read through their profile, and look at their diary because I probably wanted to add them because of how well they are doing, but I won't send it, honestly It's a bit pretentious to me, but that's because off MFP I am sociable and like everyone so I guess I bring that here, and just accept everybody who friends me, I find it simple to keep up with people, even with a large friend's list
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I was sent a Freind request by a young man and when I checked his site discovered his friends were ONLY young women. As a woman of a more mature age, I felt it rather inappropriate to accept his request. I am 57. He was 22. The young women were in his age range.

    I did wonder if he was looking for mum?
    What the hell has age and gender got to to with anything? If you're fat and unfit and looking for mutually supportive friends, it's irrelevant. It's a friend request, not a date! :bigsmile:

    Maybe he too felt it was wierd to have only young women as his friends, maybe all his current friends were people who had sent HIM friend requests, and yours was the first he'd sent out.
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    I get it, some people dont relate to everybody and some people dont want everybody in their business..I was only getting request from people who only had a little little little weight to lose, and I cant relate to that. And some I accepted, then seen they were request *kitten* and they had to go. If I'm one of like 50 of your new friends, its a numbers game with you..
  • LOL ...Actually I was filling up the stink so I don't waste the water when I wash my hand, which I do everyday so ha!
    I use hand sanitizer.....no water........BAM come at me bro:glasses:

    sanitizer but no water? so you never wash your hands? that's nasty.

    op, they probably just want privacy to do their own thing or don't feel like being a cheerleader and supportive to others or just have a group of people they want to journey with. i personally wouldn't get offended but you can friend me if you'd like. i'm good people :)
  • I have never posted that on my page. I have reach my goal, but if i can encouarging one person who is trying to lose 1 pound or 500 pounds.i will be there.:smile:

    ^^ i agree. I have 58 friends but many of them are inactive on their mfp journey. they fell off, but one day they may get back on and come back, as i recently did. i'm glad no one unfriended me during my stressful trying time!