Gym Nut? How many times should you workout a week for optimu



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    2 hours a day INTENSELY is too much. you will burn out at that rate. I think either you focus on intensity OR duration--not both. You're going to get injuries from overtraining. In addition, it simply isn't necessary. Your weight loss goals require a 350 calorie deficit and you don't need to workout that much to get there.
  • hyperkate
    hyperkate Posts: 178 Member
    Always do strength and weight training and then cardio after, it gives better results :-) and as long as you are eating clean and taking 1 or 2 days off a week from strength training you will be dandy :-)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    It's different for every person.
    In general I do 90 minutes of cardio with 30 minutes of resistance 6 days a week.
    I rest resistance Tuesday and cardio every 10 days or so.
    My resistance is lower weights but high reps, then heavy every 3rd workout.
    And I split my body into 3 muscle groups:
    1. Legs
    2. Chest- triceps - shoulders
    3. Arms - back
    I do a lot of weird things for cardio like military march, boxing type training,
    dancing, floor rolls, squat thrust intervals and the good ole jumping jack.
    And I jog, swim, play tennis, fast walk and bike.

    Lost 70lbs and nearly 20% body fat - it works for me.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I just started with a personal trainer and he asked me how often I work out and I told him every morning for an hour. He never said anything like "You shouldn't work out that much" or anything along those lines. So for me anyway, I am going to keep going in the mornings every day. I think you get plenty of rest time after you work out and shower and go about your day.

    Just my opinion though. I'm no expert.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Rest days are crucial, especially when strength training is involved. More (often) does not equal better. When I lifted hard I only hit each body part 1/week broken up over 3 sessions.
    Hit the weights hard, keep the cardio under control and you should see results. Sometimes working out smarter is better than working out harder
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    I cheat! 5am, I'm doing weight lifting (One muscle group per day, for a good length of time), and at 5pm I do cardio. 5 days a week! This morning was Triceps, so tomorrow will probably be legs or abs!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Rest days are when the real magic happens.

    It's true. When you work out, especially strength training, you're tearing muscle. After you eat a good diet with protein and when you rest, your body gets time to rebuild that muscle, making it even stronger - And in turn, a lean and powerful you.

    You're not tearing muscle. You're making small damages to the CONNECTIVE TISSUE...which is what DOMS is.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    1 day off completely per week. Cardio can be done on the other 6 if you feel up for it. I would do cardio in the morning and lift in evenings or do cardio after lifting. As far as lifting different muscle groups on consecutive days it varies, mostly with age, how fit you are etc..

    Overtraining is the highest concern if you are going too hard too often. A rule of thumb is if you feel weaker or can't do as many reps with the same lbs on day 2 of a particular week, you may not be taking enough time off between muscle groups. The hard part is recognizing whether its mental or physical. Over time i learned that i need more than 1 day off between muscle groups so i wont repeat same muscle group every other day, i allow 2 days rest. I still hit each muscle group twice per week. I also take the day off prior to a heavy leg day and the cardio the day after heavy legs i do kickboxing (its 80% punching and 0% kicks). You can choose a 2 day split, 3 day split etc..most all are effective. Give each workout 3 -4 weeks. Find what works and stick with the schedule BUT always change the exercises (every work out or every ~3 weeks) in that schedule. Below are a couple more popular splits. Use your best judgement so that you dont overtrain. You can use the "off days" as cardio or split cardio / lifts into a.m. / p.m. if your schedule allows it. I strongly urge you to take one day of complete rest. A relaxing walk in the park or something is fine tho...

    4 day split:
    Monday: Upper Body Workout
    Tuesday: Lower Body Workout
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Upper Body Workout
    Friday: Lower Body Workout
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off

    3 day split:
    Week 1

    Monday: Upper Body Workout
    Tuesday: off
    Wednesday: Lower Body Workout
    Thursday: off
    Friday: Upper Body Workout
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off
    Week 2

    Monday: Lower Body Workout
    Tuesday: off
    Wednesday: Upper Body Workout
    Thursday: off
    Friday: Lower Body Workout
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    It certainly is different for everybody. Find what works best for you and listen to your body.
    I'm a runner before all else, but I know the importance of strength training. So below is what I am doing this winter..........

    M - Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    T - Rest from Running
    W - Run hills or incline for 3-4 miles 25-35 minutes
    R - Rest from Running
    F- Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    S - LSR Run (long slow run 9-11 miles) 90+ minutes
    Su - Rest from Running

    If I run a 5th day its a tempo run 4-6 miles. Usually on a random T or TH if weather allows outdoor running.

    Strength training I do M-W-F for 1 hour following my treadmill run above.

    T-TH I do abdomen and circuit training work. Sometimes I will also use elliptical 15-20 minutes.

    Sunday is my only dedicated rest day from exercise. And this day follows my long slow run on Saturday.

    So basically I am exercising and/or lifting 1 hour + 6 days per week.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    WOW! Thank You all for this Great Advice! I will take off 1 or 2 days a week depending on my soreness. I will focus on only 1 or 2 major muscle groups instead of doing random muscle groups each day. I feel so relieved that I can continue to go to the gym just be smarter about my time spent there. I agree 2 hours a day is too much and I feel exhausted when I leave each day. I can cut that time shorter if I am smarter about my workouts! I am also going to do strength training first and then cardio. I have always done my cardio first as I am a cardio junkie as my friends call me but I need to do what works best.

    Thanks Again everyone! Here's hoping this works for me!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    It certainly is different for everybody. Find what works best for you and listen to your body.
    I'm a runner before all else, but I know the importance of strength training. So below is what I am doing this winter..........

    M - Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    T - Rest from Running
    W - Run hills or incline for 3-4 miles 25-35 minutes
    R - Rest from Running
    F- Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    S - LSR Run (long slow run 9-11 miles) 90+ minutes
    Su - Rest from Running

    If I run a 5th day its a tempo run 4-6 miles. Usually on a random T or TH if weather allows outdoor running.

    Strength training I do M-W-F for 1 hour following my treadmill run above.

    T-TH I do abdomen and circuit training work. Sometimes I will also use elliptical 15-20 minutes.

    Sunday is my only dedicated rest day from exercise. And this day follows my long slow run on Saturday.

    So basically I am exercising and/or lifting 1 hour + 6 days per week.

    This sounds like the perfect workout for me! I definitely want to be running enough as I am training for races and don't want to cut back on that. Thank You I am going to try this plan first!
  • poppadop89
    I had a trainer tell me that I should work upper one day and lower the next day and cardio and abs everyday was ok...

    I wouldn't recommend doing abs every day. It's like any other muscle you would train, it needs rest. If you want, you can get away with up to 3 times a week if you wanted. I personally do it twice a week, weighted: mondays and fridays, one exercise each. (I engage my core often each workout. i.e Squats, rows, deadlifts, and standing military presses all require the core to engage to help support the lower back. Think of planks...but with resistance)

    As for training frequency, you can workout 4,5, or even up to 6 days a week. You would just need to schedule the workouts accordingly if you choose 6.

    *4 day split
    Monday: upper body
    Tuesday: lower body
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: upper
    Friday: lower
    Sat and Sunday: rest


    Monday: Chest and arms
    Tuesday: Legs and abs
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: back
    Friday: Shoulders and Abs
    Sat - Sunday: rest

    *5 day split
    Monday: chest
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: Back and abs
    Thursday: off
    Friday: Arms
    Saturday: shoulders and abs
    Sunday: off

    *6 day split:
    Monday: Quads, calves, Weighted cable crunches, cardio
    Tuesday: Chest
    Wednesday: Back
    Thursday: Shoulders
    Friday: Hamstrings, calves, Weighted knee raises, cardio
    Saturday: Arms
    Sunday: off

    ^I do the 6 day, just because that's what works for me. Even though I only allow myself one dedicated rest day, my body is actively recovering by having my muscle groups split up like this.

    It all depends upon the individual. Whatever works for them, is more time efficient, etc. *Btw, for the 4 and 5 day splits, you can throw in cardio wherever you wish, I just recommend having a day of no cardio in between. Dont want to put too much stress on your Central Nervous System. It'll be harder to recover. The more often you do cardio, the more you're body will adapt, thus making it harder to shed off the weight.*

    ^Just my opinion :bigsmile:
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    It certainly is different for everybody. Find what works best for you and listen to your body.
    I'm a runner before all else, but I know the importance of strength training. So below is what I am doing this winter..........

    M - Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    T - Rest from Running
    W - Run hills or incline for 3-4 miles 25-35 minutes
    R - Rest from Running
    F- Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    S - LSR Run (long slow run 9-11 miles) 90+ minutes
    Su - Rest from Running

    If I run a 5th day its a tempo run 4-6 miles. Usually on a random T or TH if weather allows outdoor running.

    Strength training I do M-W-F for 1 hour following my treadmill run above.

    T-TH I do abdomen and circuit training work. Sometimes I will also use elliptical 15-20 minutes.

    Sunday is my only dedicated rest day from exercise. And this day follows my long slow run on Saturday.

    So basically I am exercising and/or lifting 1 hour + 6 days per week.

    This would be my dream workout! I still struggle with the running, but nothing beats it!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    It certainly is different for everybody. Find what works best for you and listen to your body.
    I'm a runner before all else, but I know the importance of strength training. So below is what I am doing this winter..........

    M - Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    T - Rest from Running
    W - Run hills or incline for 3-4 miles 25-35 minutes
    R - Rest from Running
    F- Run HIIT for 5k - (walk / sprint intervals). 25 minutes
    S - LSR Run (long slow run 9-11 miles) 90+ minutes
    Su - Rest from Running

    If I run a 5th day its a tempo run 4-6 miles. Usually on a random T or TH if weather allows outdoor running.

    Strength training I do M-W-F for 1 hour following my treadmill run above.

    T-TH I do abdomen and circuit training work. Sometimes I will also use elliptical 15-20 minutes.

    Sunday is my only dedicated rest day from exercise. And this day follows my long slow run on Saturday.

    So basically I am exercising and/or lifting 1 hour + 6 days per week.

    This is very similar program to what I am doing and have been doing for some time. Unfortunately, I have been slacking off in the strength training dept for months now. I look forward to a time when I can get back to it more consistently again. this is what I am doing now:

    M - Run 5 miles (3 X 1-mile intervals). 25 minutes
    T - Rest from Running; Tae Kwon Do class (push ups, sit ups).
    W - Run hills or 8 X 0.5 mile intevals. 70+ minutes
    R - Tempo Run of 5 miles. 41 minutes. And then Tae Kwon Do class (push ups, sit ups).
    F- Rest day
    S - Long Run (long slow run) of 12 - 22 miles. 90+ minutes
    Su - Rest from Running or run 5 miles just for fun; Tae Kwon Do practice (push ups, sit ups).
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My week looks like:

    M/W/F: NROLFW, plus 10-15 min warm up, 35 min elliptical after, abs at night/afternoon ( ~60-75 minutes total)

    T/Th/S: 6-8 mile slow run (60-75 minutes)

    Su: 10-15 mile long run (90-120 minutes)

    **My rest days are usually "active rests" where I might not run but instead do the elliptical and abs. Or I run really really slow. I am only 4'11 so my calorie needs are so low that it really sucks to have a complete day off. I just listen to my body and ease up on the intensity. FOR ME...that's rest :)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Remember, sore doesn't mean you can't workout. Sometimes after an intense workout, usually leg day, I'll still be sore when its time for me to do back (deadlifts) or shoulders (clean & press). However, the most important thing is to listen to your body. There have been days after an intense 2 hour workout that I've gone in the next day and did another 2 hour workout, then there are days where I'll go in and 20 minutes of light cardio (because my body is saying, "NOOOOOO!" lol).

    Honesty, the best workout program I have seen is Madcow's 5x5 workout (google it and you'll get a neat spread sheet). Its a strength workout that, with cardio, should have you shredded in no time. Here's a sample:

    Go to the website link at the bottom for an easier read

    Squat 5x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)
    Bench 5x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)
    Barbell Row 5x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)

    Squat 4x5 First 3 sets are the same as Monday, the 4th set is repeating the 3rd set again
    Incline or Military 4x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5
    Deadlift 4x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5

    Squat 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
    - First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above your Monday top set of 5, use the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
    Bench 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
    - First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above your Monday top set of 5, use the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
    Barbell Row 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
    - First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above your Monday top set of 5, use the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I was told once to use this ratio when I'm planning how to approach workout goals
    60% Diet
    30% Rest
    10% Workout

    Your body needs rest, muscles don't grow get hard at the gym it happens at home while you are sleeping/resting. Formula works for me and take it into consideration when I'm changing goals (muscle gains, fat loss ect)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    3 days I go to the gym to do lifting + intervals on the elliptical (sometimes). I'd like to go for classes now and then as well, but lately I keep it to 3 days a week, and then do some other form of cardio 2-3 out of the 4 other days.
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    I can vouch for this!

    I have worked out for 2 weeks, with no breaks, and had to go to hospital last night because my chest condition has come back. And I am suffering with my knee.

    Working out every day seems ideal, but an injury can knock you out for a week or so :(
  • cracked_belle
    cracked_belle Posts: 18 Member
    What I've been doing is cardio every morning before work (just walking and slight sprinting on the treadmill) for twenty minutes, just to kind of get me woken up and ready for the day. I found that the days I don't do that in the morning, I'm gross, groggy, and grumpy for the remainder of the day. waking up and accomplishing something immediately really charges me up.

    on Mon and Thursday evenings, I'm trying to work out my upper body with weight training for about 30-45 mins. Tue and Friday, I'm focusing on my lower half in the same way. life eight training in the evening really helps me calm my body and helps with my insomnia (especially when I've run out of insomnia meds and am procrastinating on going to the doc to get more, haha).

    Wed and Saturday evenings are when I try to let my muscles renew themselves. like I said, I'll sprint every morning; but I don't do any writs on these two days. I'm a gym junkie, so it's hard for me to not go every evening. but I may start trying to treat myself to something else, like a hot bath or something. give my body love in another way.

    and Sunday is my heavy day. I'll do what my gym calls the "30 Minute Express". they have a variety of ten weight machines set up, with ten break areas in between them. you lift as much as you can bear for one minute on a machine, then go to the break area and just stretch, walk up the little step platform things they have, etc. after a minute of that, you switch over on to the next machine. the ten machines at one minutes, ten breaks at one minute, and the however-long time gap between each minute to allow rotation -- it all totals 30 minutes. it's totally a full body workout. I freaking love it!