Moms who have lost the weight without the gym!



  • shariTN
    shariTN Posts: 53
    I am 48 have 10 children (only 4 at home now) and I have gone from 180 to as low as 120 and NEVER paid a penny for a gym. I did originally invest in a quality rebounder. NOT the cheap ones from Wal-Mart. I LOVED IT. I have since started using DVDs from Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. And I also love them. 30 day Shred is a good one to start with. Another good beginning DVD is the Biggest Loser Power Walk. This is EXCELLENT for beginners. Most of them are less than $10 and Bob has specials on his website all the time sometimes selling his DVDs for as low as $5! (although shipping may get you if you order only one).
    I went to my high school reunion this past summer and received tons of compliments. It can be done at home cheaply.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    30 Day Shred changed my life and my body. You must try it :happy:
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    bump :)
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    You must have been reading my mind b/c I wanted to search for a post like this one or create one of my own!! I am also a SAHM of 3 girls (one is school age but we homeschool). And we are a single income family as well.

    Thanks for creating the post and thanks to everyone who replied! It is great encouragement!!!
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a single mom, no time for a gym. I do free weight exercises using shampoo bottles for the weights (I started with soup cans) and found a treadmill for $50 at a used sporting goods store.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    No gym for me! I did the C25K and now run 3-5 miles a day 4 or 5 days a week. One or two other days I do a circuit/toning video like JM's 30DS or another video I got cheap.
    I got a jogging stroller free from a neighbor, but I've seen good quality ones cheap on Craigslist. I also downloaded the mp3s from Running into Shape so someone would tell me when to walk/run.
    I've lost 40 lbs and have been maintaining for about 5 months.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I lost weight as a mom without the gym. Children lead by example so if they see you working out they will too. If they can walk let them join you while you are doing the dvd they mostly will just jump around but when you finish they will be tired with you so they will have fun and you all can spend time together. My daughter is older now and she is a runner and I got a treadmill and she practices on that until track starts.
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    After my first pregnancy I had 15kg to lose. I tried several diets which didn't work. Then I bought magazine with Callanetics exercise. Wow I couldn't believe how quickly I lost those unwanted baggage.

    Callanetics is very slow motion exercise which tone and shape your body.
  • dbaumgarn
    dbaumgarn Posts: 111
    I am a Mommy to a busy 3 year old Boy. I do my workout's from home. I have lost 24 pounds in 7 months working out from home. I live in a small town and not much for gym's available here!! I have been doing running on the treadmill along with various Jillian Michaels videos..Shred in 30...ripped in 30..and now doing shred with weights (in addition to running) I get up at 5:30 am to beat my kiddo up and get my exercise done. Some days he will wake up while I am in the middle of it but he has LOTS of toys to keep him busy!

    I know it may seem difficult but "If you will it, you WILL achieve it!!" I know you can do it!! I also recently changed up my diet, I eat mostly fish, chicken, fruits and vegtables. I try to stay away from carbs but still add them in my daily diet..whole wheat...

    Anyway I hope this helps some. Good luck to you!!!
  • 1jeaniebeanie
    1jeaniebeanie Posts: 86 Member
    Mommy of 3 kiddos 1 yr old, 3 yr old, and an 8 yr old. I have a double jogger.. Love It!!! I live in Texas so the weather is usually awesome for a jog or anything outside.

    I have had the most success with working out away from the gym... the gym's that offer day care are just too expensive and always crowded...

    I love Jillian's DVD's, 30 ds & RI 30... I also recently found a new free phone app called Gain Fitness... Absolutely love it. It is an app where you design your own workout for your own purpose... example:
    choose: amount of time,
    reason: fat loss, gain muscle
    Gym, no gym
    What type of tools available: dumb bells, exercise ball etc... then it gives you a complete workout... from warm up moves to cool down moves...

    Very cool... and it even gives you illustrations on each exercise and tracks your progress....

    For the Cp25K workout... You can totally swing it... I am on week 5 right now. It starts you off really easy like jogging a minute at a time...
    I highly recommend the Active trainer app for this...It cost a dollar.. but you can play your music through it and still receive the verbal cues for when it is time to walk/jog... very cool! My 8 year old has been doing it with me... It is just now starting to get scary for me... next workout is has an 8 minutes of nonstop jogging... but I know I am ready.. =)

    Best of luck to you!!! =)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I work full time first shift and DH works full time second shift so I cannot go to the gym either. I exercise after my kids go to bed. I started out mostly doing exercise bike, and I still do that 1-3 times per week, but now I also do workout DVDs a lot. Jillian Michaels DVDs, Tae Bo DVDs, other kickboxing workouts. :-)

    I have tracked my food everyday on mfp, and i pretty much always eat around my BMR (check tools section). It's been 11 months and I've lost 58 so far.

    ETA. I have 2 kids, ages 4 and 1.5
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Ok, so I am needing some inspiration (I haven't lost anything this last week!)

    Moms (or even non-moms), how have you lost the weight without going to the gym everyday? I have 2 little kids and are a one income family, so I can't afford to go to the gym. What kind of exercises did you do to lose the weight? What have you been doing to tone up? How did you change your eating habits? How much weight did you lose? Pictures are always a plus! And thank you so much! :smile:

    I lost 80 pounds when i was 21 just from walking on track 3 miles a day 6 on sundays....then after my daughter (1st child) my husband deployed so i would have my mom babysit for a little and go for a walk/job some up to the track and then walk the track and go home it was like 4 miles then at night before dinner i would do a walk away the pounds video with weights and i lost pounds (all prego weight) in 4 months... so yes it can be done!!!

    now i have a gym membership to ymca so i can get daycare to watch the kids but i also do stuff at home i either do a video after they in bed or when my son naps and my daughter does it with me or sits and laughs at me lmao (she is 5) and i do my elliptical which i bought cheap off a someone.
    DANCERPURPLE Posts: 134 Member
  • monilove78
    monilove78 Posts: 100 Member
    Mom of an 11 month old (as of tomorrow) and I've been using videos at home (Insanity, Billy Blanks, Biggest Loser) along with participating in various challenges (i.e., 30 Day Cardio Challenge with Mr. Shut Up and Train; 100 miles in 30 days). I've also been watching what I eat. It's been slow and steady, but I've lost 13.5 pounds since November and I'm well on my way to losing another 62.
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    I bought TurboFire DVD's so I can workout before anybody wakes up, otherwise I tend to let life (ie kids) get in the way ;) I started Jan 2 and have lost 5 lbs so far and loving it :) Heck of a lot cheaper than a gym membership plus I don't have to shlep out in the rain.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I lost a total of 72 lbs without stepping foot in the gym... I started off slowly with using my treadmill, I moved on to 30 day shred (never finished that one) and finally I started doing Insanity, which I completed 4 rounds of. Of course while I was working out, I changed my eating habits, no more fried foods & no soda. But everything else in moderation :wink:
  • All4Tris
    All4Tris Posts: 215 Member
    I've exclusively used workout DVD's to lose weight post baby! I've done Turbo Jam, Walk Away the Pounds and 30 DS. It's easier for me to workout after I've put my 3 y.o. to sleep. Otherwise, he's crawling between my legs or getting on my back as I try to do push-ups... LBVVS!
  • BrookeMax
    im a huge fan of walking with the kids. And I also loved Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Check out my blog for pics!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I don't have a gym membership and have lost all of my weight by changing my eating and working out at home. I use the Wii & walk (sometimes jog) around our subdivision.
  • shyandemily
    shyandemily Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a mom of 1 7yr old. I work 4 10 hour days. I have lost all my weight w/o the help of a gym. I love Jillians 30 day shred. I use that as my starting point. I try to make many of my daily activities into a workout. Sometimes when I walk my daughter to school, I'll give her a piggy back and try to run a little, do walking lunges. If I'm watching tv, I'll grab some hand weights, sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups. Exercise does not have to be going to the gym and using the elliptical, treadmill, all those fancy weight machines. It's moving your body. I have some pictures on my profile if you would like to take a look. I have lost over 50 pounds all on my own,

    Also, track your foods honestly. It helps keep you a little more accountable with what you put in your mouth.
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