Diet soda ?



  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    I drink at least 5-6 20 oz bottles of water a day, and I have one 12oz soda with my lunch and dinner. It does help with my sweet tooth, I drink diet Dr. Pepper.
    I know it is not the best thing but I have really cut back I used to drink a case in 2-3 days now It takes a lot longer only drinking 2 cans max a day. It is my one bad habit, I gave up smoking and I do not drink so I drink diet soda twice a day big whoop! Just make sure you are drinking lots of water, and you will be fine.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Until somebody dies from drinking diet soda, pass the pop :)
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    For me personally it has always led to me craving more sweets, eventually giving in to the cravings, because suddenly it's "okay" to have sweet things daily. I do much better having one Coke on Saturdays and enjoying that. I think it messes with your mind when you drink something sweet every day, at least in me it wakes up my sugar tooth big time....Plus, I would rather enjoy the real thing once a week. It's hard though, I loooove Coke :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Is it really that bad ? I know water or tea is a better choice but i have been hearing lately how even diet soda can make you gain weight/prevent you from loosing weight.

    The nutrition I went told me something I'd already figured out from listening to my body...
    Sugars and artificial sweeteners INCREASE your appetite.

    The whole sapping phosphorus from your bones, preventing the absorption of calcium and other nutrients and stripping the protective coating from your nerves is what concerns me. My Mom has guzzled diet soda for as long as I can remember.

    She has severe osteoporosis, has broken both hips and several other bones and is now in a wheelchair.
    And she is in chronic pain...

    Personally, I haven't even bothered to look up the science behind this, because I figure cutting out diet soda will do no harm... but, continuing drinking it, however, could potential have severe consequences. Not a risk I'm willing to take.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member

    The whole sapping phosphorus from your bones, preventing the absorption of calcium and other nutrients and stripping the protective coating from your nerves is what concerns me. My Mom has guzzled diet soda for as long as I can remember.

    This is true. But ANY soda will do this - not just diet.
  • GoodbyeFatChick
    GoodbyeFatChick Posts: 32 Member
    Oi, this thread is making me crave a nice cold coca cola...
    I haven't had soda in so long, the last time I did, it tasted really weird >,>

    I haven't had a real soda in years, and I'm with ya this is making me crave one. I drink tea (I know all about the caffeine blah blah) I drink a lot of water, some times juice, never milk! The real reason why I haven't drank a soda is----I am on migraine medicine and it makes anything carbonated taste like the nastiest medicine you could ever put your lips on! But I do miss the taste I once knew of Diet Mt. Dew =)
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I cut soda out all together and it's killing me. If I want to cheat I have dr.pepper 10. Diet soda is horrible for you though, it has twice the amount of acid that regular soda does. My dentist said if I am going to drink soda he would rather it be regular so I am not acid bathing my teeth, lol.
    Where is the information that states that diet soda has more acid than regular soda?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I do see that you are shooting down everyone's thoughts on this information, where are your peer reviewed articles to actually inform us of what is correct?
    Just a few. There is much more from other reputed Journals of study.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Thank you for thinks to these studies.
  • OK, I have been a heavy Diet Coke drinker all my life. I bought into the whole "it's bad for you" thing and gave it up for 2 years. Giving it up made no difference what so ever in my body....none. So I started back up on my Diet Coke. Most of the research says that the reason it makes you gain weight is because you are drinking something sweet, so it makes you crave sweets. I think that is just silly. I don't crave sweets, and why would I when I just satisfied any possible sweet craving by drinking something sweet.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    What my nutritionist told me is:

    Diet soda has artificial sweetener that is many times sweeter than natural sugar and sugar is a natural energy source for your body (obviously over indulging is not good). So when you ingest Diet sodas with no natural energy source for your body it starts to crave the energy it thought it was getting, so you tend to overeat and crave high calorie (carbs and sugars) as a result. I have switched to water and occasionally crystal light tea which still has artifical sweetener.
    It's an interesting theory, but doesn't hold up. See, taste only matters to our brain to decide whether we want to eat something or not, it doesn't matter as far as digestion goes. The sweeteners in diet soda are made from Aspartic acid and phenylalanine, which are proteins. When you drink it, the digestive system doesn't get tricked into thinking it's getting sugar, it sees protein, and breaks them down and uses them just like if you ate a steak, or a soybean, or any other protein source. The other sweetener is made from potassium, and the body sees it as potassium and uses it as needed.

    Diet Soda has a lot of sodium in it, so it creates some water retention. That is water weight.
    False, or at least very much exaggerated. You can get more sodium out of fresh vegetables than you do in a diet soda. A can has roughly 40 milligrams. 1 teaspoon of salt has about 2000 milligrams. So you'd need to drink 50 cans of soda to get enough sodium to equal a teaspoon of salt.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Whether people are for it or not, it's IRRESPONSIBLE to make claims with no actual evidence to back it up. Anything in excess is bad. Anything in moderation is okay. Diet soda is not the best choice, but it's not the worst. It hasn't been shown to cause some of the reported issues in the general population that a few may be experiencing.
    If people started stating squats were bad because it hurt their back, should everyone stop doing them? Of course not. Do actual research. Understand chemistry. Understand how the body actually breaks down anything you consume and how other hormones actually react with them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Diet or not, its very low in pH and tears away the enamel of your teeth.

    Hmm. I'm tempted to go buy a diet coke right now and stick my pH meter in it. In fact.... I think I'll do just that. Excuse me. I'll be back in a few. (Don't tell health and safety I'm taking diet coke into the lab).

    pH = 3.28

    Which is in line with other values I found with a quick google search. Go pH meter.

    And then I went to pubmed and by accident, I discovered that TEA erodes the enamel on your teeth too (at least according to one study).

    Anyhow... I don't sit around with diet coke in my mouth. I take a swallow, the acidity washes over my teeth before I do, and then the pH returns rapidly to whatever the normal pH of my mouth is (no, I'm not putting a pH probe in my mouth to find out).

    We drink a lot of acidic stuff. Not really worth freaking out about. Proper dental hygiene solves the problem.

    DRINK DA COKE! (If you want it)
  • mspears1198
    mspears1198 Posts: 18 Member
    It's your choice. Soda no matter the type isn't good for the body. Regular soda is high in sugar and carbs and diet soda is high in sodium and filled with artificial sweeteners. Ask yourself; what is the nutritional value is this soda adding to my body? I will be the first to attempt I had a Dr. Pepper habit. After I started losing weight, I analyzed everything that was keeping me from reaching my daily goals. I cut the Dr. Pepper which lead to cutting the empty carbs, sugar, and calories.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Whether people are for it or not, it's IRRESPONSIBLE to make claims with no actual evidence to back it up. Anything in excess is bad. Anything in moderation is okay. Diet soda is not the best choice, but it's not the worst. It hasn't been shown to cause some of the reported issues in the general population that a few may be experiencing.
    If people started stating squats were bad because it hurt their back, should everyone stop doing them? Of course not. Do actual research. Understand chemistry. Understand how the body actually breaks down anything you consume and how other hormones actually react with them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This. I agree 100%. It drives me nuts when people make irresponsible and unreasonable claims. The research is out there, folks. It's paid for by YOUR tax dollars (most of the time). Don't you think you should know what it says?

    And I'm talking REAL SCIENCE, not googled up nonsense.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I say if you're going to have soda, drink the regular kind, diet is bad for you!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Many artifical sweeteners cause insulin levels to rise in your blood. This creates problems when all you are doing is drinking a soda with no other foods. Up goes insulin and this means that any sugar in your blood will move into cells, reducing your blood sugar. Th end result of eating artifical sweeteners, especially when it is a soda, is lowered blood sugar. When you have low blood sugar, you are going to be hungry and crave more food. Ref: Sugarettes - Dr. Scott Olson ND
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    The whole sapping phosphorus from your bones, preventing the absorption of calcium and other nutrients and stripping the protective coating from your nerves is what concerns me. My Mom has guzzled diet soda for as long as I can remember.

    It's been proven that soda does NOT strip calcium or prevent calcium absorption. Studies proved that while, in the presence of caffeine, more calcium is lost by the body, however, once the caffeine is out of the system, the body loses less calcium, leading to a net difference of 0 compared to normal daily calcium loss without caffeine. And yes, the studies eliminated all the other ingredients in sodas, and confirmed that it's the caffeine that's responsible for it. So drinking coffee and tea will have the same effect.
  • I'm a firm believer that regular pop is way better for you than diet (although ANY pop is bad for you!). Here's my PERSONAL reason why:

    I used to get migraines so severe that my doctor thought it could be a tumor (IT'S NOT A TUMOR. Sorry, bad Kindergarten Cop reference). Anyway, after 4 neurologists later, and then giving up in life, I stopped drinking diet pop. Migraines decreased SEVERELY. Not saying I'm not getting any migraines now, but ever since I stopped drinking diet, I'm getting less, and the severity of the migraines has decreased.

    I totally agree. I was using A LOT of Splenda in my iced tea. Headaches decreased when i stopped using it. I switched to plain old sugar.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I drink diet soda's all of the time and I lose weight just fine. It's not the best as far as health, but there are worse things out there (such as regular soda which contains typically over 30 grams of sugar).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Many artifical sweeteners cause insulin levels to rise in your blood. This creates problems when all you are doing is drinking a soda with no other foods. Up goes insulin and this means that any sugar in your blood will move into cells, reducing your blood sugar. Th end result of eating artifical sweeteners, especially when it is a soda, is lowered blood sugar. When you have low blood sugar, you are going to be hungry and crave more food. Ref: Sugarettes - Dr. Scott Olson ND

    Interesting, but completely ignores the way the body works. You could apply this same argument to any low/no calorie food. Eating anything at all causes insulin to rise. If blood sugar gets low, glucagon is released, which burns fat to raise blood sugar and stabilize it. So, if anything, the end result would be no change in blood glucose levels.

    Does his statement apply to eating a snack of plain celery? It's roughly the same amount of calories, and you get an insulin response, so, according to his logic, celery should make you hungry and craving food. Good thing ghrelin controls hunger and not insulin.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Many artifical sweeteners cause insulin levels to rise in your blood. This creates problems when all you are doing is drinking a soda with no other foods. Up goes insulin and this means that any sugar in your blood will move into cells, reducing your blood sugar. Th end result of eating artifical sweeteners, especially when it is a soda, is lowered blood sugar. When you have low blood sugar, you are going to be hungry and crave more food. Ref: Sugarettes - Dr. Scott Olson ND

    ^^ THIS ^^

    Here's the deal, diet soda by itself will not prevent you from losing weight. I drank the crap during my first few months on this journey and lost weight. The problem that's been recently discovered with diet soda is that it triggers cravings for more sugary stuff. Obviously, if you give in to the cravings too often, you are not going to lose weight. If, however, you can fight off the cravings and not eat outside the bounds of your calorie limits, then you will be fine. In short, diet soda can make the journey more challenging for you...adds a degree of difficulty in the form of unnecessary cravings. I'm personally glad I gave up the stuff last April and don't have to fight off those unnecessary cravings that it can cause ;)