Replacing 2 meals a day with fresh juice



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Then again, $4,000 is a great prize, and I'd honestly be tempted to do whatever it takes to win it...but is it really worth doing that to your body?

    I can't find where the OP posted this, really? If you are doing this for $4,000 then YES, do whatever it takes but try to get at least 500-800 cals a day just so you can survive. Probably best to cycle as you suggested to prevent starvation mode and cardio cardio cardio!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.
  • 1200 calories is the recommended amount not to go under for women. $4,000 HELL YEAH I would give it a try!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.

    It must be nice to be so wealthy that you think being hungry for a short while to win $4000 is idiotic.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I think you are setting yourself up for failure with this plan. You will fall off the wagon and go on binges because your body is starving. I would suggest a more reasonable plan. If you want to lose weight fast, up the amount of exercise you do. Workout twice a day, but don't cut your calories down to 800.

    The other thing...what is your goal? Are you wanting to win this contest and then put it all back on? If that's your goal, then this will work. If you want to actually keep it off, you need to doing it in a different way.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Lots of people seem to be disagreeing, i would have too until i read Jason Vales book 7 pounds in 7 days. Its about a juice diet, it really opens up your eyes to the world of juicing and the great nutirnets you can get.

    People who are saying juice is all sugar and no fiber are completly miss-informed. Its a great way to get fibre in your diet, remember fibre is soluble...meaning it can come in liquid form too. It does wonders for your digestive system, kidneys, liver, stomach, skin, hair, nails....need i go on?

    Replacing meals with freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juice is a GREAT idea, providing you are still making your calories up for the day i say go for it! And you can come back on in a week or so and tell everyone how you lost weight and feel great!

    Good Luck! :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Most people that juice are NOT making their calories for the day. That's how you lose so much weight so fast. BTW, you're going to be losing muscle with that fat when you lose that fast.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm just simply looking for opinions and input. I know my choices, I just like to hear what others think... Thanks for responding!

    My opinion, since you asked, is this is a really stupid. Starve for money? No thanks.
  • I tried a 500-calorie a day diet for about 4 weeks and lost about 15 pounds ... but it ALL came back in just a few weeks, and I felt like crap during the diet.

    Much better to stick with a reasonable plan, eat right, exercise a lot and be able to keep the weight off afterwards.

    Check out Bill Phillip's Body for Life program & book. It has a 12-week transformation plan that has you eating right and exercising hard enough to drop a lot of weight. If you want to have your juices you can, but the exercise is a big component.
  • I posted i could win $4000 in the very first post!
  • It would be around 800 cals a day for a few days and then jump back up to 1200 for a few days and then back to 800 and so on and so on...

    I love how you say "jump back up to 1200" like it's enough.

    You silly women and the idiotic things you do to lose weight.

    1200 calories is my daily goal according to this web site! Are you telling me that it is wrong?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    After a workout your body has about a 30 minute window to get good protein to its muscles. A lot of people take a protein shake to get it there the fastest. Whole foods take time to digest so that means the protein might not make it to your muscles in 30 minutes. Protein shakes are great because they are already broken down and get to your muscles the fastest. Think of a spounge that has been sitting out in the sun all day. When u throw some water on it the spounge soaks it up. This is what happens when you give your muscles protein after a workout, your muscles soak up the protein!

    I asked a registered dietician about this protein within an hour. Her response was, unless you are of elite athlete status, {professional/Olympic level} that protein immediately after workout is not necessary. As long as you get an increase amt throughout the day of workout, its fine.

    That registered dietician does not understand how muscle repair works obviously.

    Protein provides the amino acids necessary to rebuild muscle tissue that is damaged during intense, prolonged exercise. It can also increase the absorption of water from the intestines and improve muscle hydration. The amino acids in protein can also stimulate the immune system, making you more resistant to colds and other infections.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I posted i could win $4000 in the very first post!

    I don't believe $4000 is worth your health. Take a look at that baby you are holding in your picture.

    She needs you to be healthy and to teach her healthy habits.

    Without proper protein and fat intake you are doing damage to your body.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    As long as you're covering your nutritional needs, eat whatever the hell you want.
  • Fresh juice is an excellent source of a variety of vitimans and antioxidants. Just be careful as it creates an insulin spike. Try adding a small piece of protein and fat. Suggestion would be 4-6 almonds or walnuts (1x per day). Only have the juice right after you workout. This will help the carbs and protein and fats go to the right area to recoup your muscles and burn the fat.
    Good luck with the contest and let me know if you have any other questions!
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    Great book for that is Fit for Life. It's amazing. I do not own a juicer now, but would be doing it as well, if I did.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Then again, $4,000 is a great prize, and I'd honestly be tempted to do whatever it takes to win it...but is it really worth doing that to your body?

    I can't find where the OP posted this, really? If you are doing this for $4,000 then YES, do whatever it takes but try to get at least 500-800 cals a day just so you can survive. Probably best to cycle as you suggested to prevent starvation mode and cardio cardio cardio!

    It depends on how long you have to do it for. A few days? weeks? months?
    If its a month long challenge, you won't really be doing any harm to yourself. Any longer than six weeks and I would recommend just eating low calorie but not dropping below 1200.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    A lot of people I think are assuming the OP is drinking fruit juice. True, juicers remove fiber, but if she's drinking vegetable juice, particularly from things like kale, celery, and cucumbers, she shouldn't be getting a lot of sugar.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Do whatever´s best for you, but I would get hungry with it. I guess my best advice is to be careful, because when you are too drastic with your body, then you might get a cold. From experience, once I got a cold (before joining MFP) and I gained weight, not lost it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I posted i could win $4000 in the very first post!

    One thing I haven't seen, and I apologize if I missed it, is how long the contest runs? How long do you plan to do this?