no weight loss yet, and i get so hungry!!!



  • Jessastar
    Jessastar Posts: 234
    Well, usually i'd say eat slow. Otherwise, try making a home-made smoothie (healthy one) maybe fruits or a vegi smoothie.

    Also, have a snack but don't splurge yourself.

    2nd, is it actual hunger? Or is it boredom? A lot of the times, the two can be misconstrued as one-another. But, maybe have a small snack just in case.

    Increase the size of your veggies. & think about what will fill you up more. Protein usually works well for mornings/afternoon to wake you up (unless that's just me?)

    And drink water. Lots and lots. :)
  • chellabella26
    In the past I have had that problem too. What works for me, very simply, is to make sure that you are eating protein and fiber in every meal. If you do that than you will stay full longer and it won't matter who you have to cook for because it is easy to make sure you have both things. I am drinking more water now too, but the protein/fiber thing worked without it.
    If you are just starting out than it is very important that you keep it simple and EASY. You don't want to get bogged down in too many details or restrictions because you will end up quitting.
    Also, if you are hungry all of the time and still not losing than your body is probably slowing itself down to fight "starvation." The best cure for a slow metabolism is some exercise...and eating a more satisfying meal. If you need some more help and encouragement you are more than welcome to add me as a friend...take care and good luck!
  • USCEE77
    USCEE77 Posts: 50
    You should never be hungry or starve yourself. When you starve yourself, your body starts storing calories, because it's afraid it will not be fed. Plus, you're probably going back for seconds during dinner because you are famished. Keep healthy snacks around to munch on, like celery, carrots, apples, etc. Raw almonds and cashews (remember raw, no salt added) are also good before a meal to curb your appetite. Have a big salad (oil and vinegar, no fatty dressings) with you lunch and dinner to help fill you up.
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    Even I am feeling very hungry since 2 days .... For past 2 weeks, I was eating very balanced and lost 3.1 lbs and on medication too.... But yesterday, I was feeling very hungry and weak too. Couldn;t stand the kitchen work for more than 40 mins..I usually can work for hours long ..... Don't know at this point where my health is not so good, I should eat more food or should I compensate the eating with more of veggies and fruits and try to stay on track. I am so confused. I don wanna gain those lost 3 lbs and wanna have energy to do some workouts (Got JM 30 day shred dvd) which am eager to start.

    Please suggest.

    PS: I am a pure vegetarian. All I can take are veggies, fruits and lentils. Thank you all for your guidance :)

    If you're vegetarian you may have low iron. That was a big problem for me when I was vegetarian. Make sure you're eating a lot of protein and iron rich foods.

    thank you for the response.... will sure make a note of it :) thanks a ton!!
  • rachf2013
    If you are constantly hungry, you are not getting enough protein and good fat (mono and poly unsaturated). Eat a protein and fat (such as eggs or turkey) once every 4 hours. That will stop the hunger cravings.
  • Sasproul
    one cup of plain greek yougurt with 2/3 packets of splenda or equal should do the trick. 24 grams of protein it's sweet and creamy goodness. Throw some banana, blueberries, apple, etc into it for a kick.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    It's hard to make a big change like this and you should be SO PROUD of yourself for making the decision to get healthier!

    Getting healthy and changing what you eat is as much mental as it is physical. For me, I OBSESSED over food my first 3 or 4 weeks after deciding I needed to make a change. Tough it out. It gets easier. In the meantime, keep lots of healthy snacks on hand and have a SMALL snack when you need it. Think one handful of one thing (you can gain weight from overeating "healthy" foods too). After a while, you'll realize it's mental and you don't really need to eat every 2 hours.

    My favorite afternoon snacks, still, are 1/2 a red bell pepper with hummus (single dip for each bell pepper stick); 10 cocoa almonds; 1 celery stick with 1 tablespoon of natural, unsweetened peanut butter; 2 pieces of Trader Joe's sliced turkey or chicken breast lunchmeat.

    It takes time to change old habits but YOU CAN DO THIS! Have faith in yourself. :)
  • jennifer2977
    I couldn't go with the calorie amount that MFP set for me right from the start because I was starving. I tracked a full week of regular eating (the old way), then cut the calories in half for the first week, 500 less the second week, etc. This week is the first week that I am actually shooting for what MFP set for me. If you are still fairly new and don't mind it taking a few extra weeks, cut down you calories gradually until you reach the MFP goal. I tricked myself into eating less that way (and still lost in the process).

    Also, for snacks, I try to keep a few things on hand in case my stomach is growling:

    Fiber One bars--these help alot with a big chug of water!
    String Cheese

    Good luck!
  • Butiful66
    Butiful66 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't get discouraged, you will be fine, I myself am struggling.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jennifer2977
    You need to stop thinking about yourself as dieting. You need to be on a journey of a healthy lifestyle. This would benefit your whole family so you shouldn't need to have different food for them than for you. Still - healthy high-protien snacks mid-afternoon do wonders!

    You are SO right with this statement. The ONLY Reason that I am losing so easily now is because I STOPPED DIETING!!! I Just now know I have a certain number of Calories to eat a day (Just like money in my checking account) you can only spend so much so I track it just like that. Food is a Debit against my account and Exercise is a Deposit. and I use MFP Like my check book. Dont stress about WHAT YOUR eating as long as you are tracking ...the POSITIVE CHoices will come in time when you start seeing yourself overdrawn a few times and realize your not getting enough for your money lol.

    Now relate it all to something YOU understand and just relax. Enjoy the new freedom and learn how to get the best of it.

    PS Email me anytime you have a question or need help. That is what we are here for SUPPORT!!!

    I absolutely agree with this too. Once I decided to stop 'dieting' and make a lifestyle change by not depriving myself of my favorite foods, it clicked.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    You may need to increase your calories a little. If you're at 1200 that probably isn't enough, especially if you're used to eating a lot more.

    As far as dinner goes, don't give in to other people's demands. You can make delicious meals that are incredibly healthy and low calorie. I make one meal for my family that satisfies my needs. My husband is trying to gain muscle mass so he just eats a lot more than I do. My kids either eat what I've made or they don't eat. You should make healthier choices for your family as well as for yourself.

  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    ...the POSITIVE CHoices will come in time when you start seeing yourself overdrawn a few times and realize your not getting enough for your money lol.

    I love this. What a great way of thinking of it!
  • skunkman62
    Almonds, celery, water, and carbonated water like La Croix. During the cold months homemade soup hits the spot. When I know there's a big meal coming up (Wednesday is pizza night), I workout a bit more that morning and the day after. I don't go hungry nor do I get full.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i try to keep myself busy and eat about six times a day. also drink a ton of water ..those three combined are extremely helpful for me not to be so hungry as you are describing.. i was always an eater ...just to eat ..didnt matter if i was hungry or not so now i do eat all the time but its healthy and smaller meals with lots of water so i feel full ..keeping busy is a big one for me because if im not thats when i get in trouble
  • Carolyne14
    Are you eating the proper amount of fruit and protein? Protein has staying power and fruit should help with cravings. In the afternoons, I find that something like a few nuts, fruit, perhaps Laughing Cow low fat cheese wedges and celery, make good 4 pm snacks. Water too is necessary