6'2, 250lb fiance wants to only eat 1500 calories... help me



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    His health is his responsibility. How is he supposed to learn anything long term if you do everything for him?
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    Let go of the illusion of control... he will figure it out :flowerforyou:

    ^^^ This
  • loozit4good
    loozit4good Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with DZ Rogers about him taking responsibility for his own weight loss. I don't think 1500 calories is going to kill him but you may want to tell him if he eat way under what he should be eating, it can actually cause your bodies metabolism to hold on to the fat he has. Also, if he loses weight so rapidly he may risk losing a lot of muscle along with it. Good luck.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    My fiance is former military so is in pretty good shape. He has gained some weight over the years and wants to get back to being lean. He wants me to count the calories for his meals for him and stay at 1500 calories a day. He is 6'2 and 250 lbs. I try to tell him this is way too few calories but he just wants to lose weight quick. He claims he can lose 10 lbs a week because he has a super fast metabolism. Please give me some ides on how to back up the fct that this is NOT healthy.

    I started at 5 '11 247 and went on a 1790 cal. Diet and lost 15 lbs. in 1 st 4 weeks. Then they dropped me to 1590 cals. And the loss has slowed somewhat. Have him make sure he gets some fat burning exercise (65% Heart rate).
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I count for him because I make all his meals. I stay at home with our daughter, so I make the meals. It is easier to measure and notate as I cook. I don't mind doing it, really.
    I do this as well because I am the only one that cooks out of the two of us..( I work alot though).plus I cook everything from scratch....Alot of people don't really understand why women spoil their hubbies like that....but I do because he deserves it:) I would just make sure he's getting enough nutrients, but 1500 cals seems okay to me. If he's starving then make something satisfying, but HEALTHY and low cal. Hope this helped a little.

    I'm at home and I do the cooking (from scratch most of the time), but my husband still counts his own calories. I just tell him what I made. If it's a complicated recipe I create a listing for it. It is up to him to decide how many servings he wants of it. He goes to work and smacks on God knows what. He's accountable for it. My husband has lost over 20lbs. and counting his calories has become an automatic thing for him.

    It's not a question of "spoiling" your husband or not. It's a question of personal responsibility.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    What you really need to do is tell him to count his own darn calories. Why should you do it for him. That's the first problem. He needs to take responsibility for his own weight loss.

    As to him eating 1500 a day, if he is hell bent on it, good luck getting him to do otherwise. My husband was the same except he was 6'2" and 311. Once he started to see how bad he felt on that few calories he started eating more. Your husband will figure it out. It's not up to you to change his mind. Just mention that it's too few calories, tell him why and then be done with it.
  • I'm 6'2 " 273 Lbs and I eat 1500 a day . I cant seem to eat at any more I try but it rarely happens . Been doing it for almost 4 months and Im still here
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    If he eats too few calories he's going to mess with his blood sugar and could pass out. I suppose he'll figure it out on his own... But if you make all the meals make sure the things you're feeding him are the right choices for his blood sugar so he doesn't get too screwed up.

    Not to mention... eating so few calories for someone so big is going to cause that "super high metabolism" of his to come to a screeching hault because his body is going to be trying to conserve as many calories as possible because it's going to think he's starving it.

    And there is no way he is going to lose 10 lbs a week. If he does that. Tell me, I'd be very interested to know the result of his little experiment and this "super high metabolism."
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I count for him because I make all his meals. I stay at home with our daughter, so I make the meals. It is easier to measure and notate as I cook. I don't mind doing it, really.
    I do this as well because I am the only one that cooks out of the two of us..( I work alot though).plus I cook everything from scratch....Alot of people don't really understand why women spoil their hubbies like that....but I do because he deserves it:) I would just make sure he's getting enough nutrients, but 1500 cals seems okay to me. If he's starving then make something satisfying, but HEALTHY and low cal. Hope this helped a little.

    My 2 cents here:

    1) 1500 cal is not necessarily wrong. I am at 6' 1" and my cals is 1880, and will probably be in the low 1700's once I get to my ideal weight.

    2) Don't lie to your husband, feeding him more secretely. I would be really mad if my wife did that.

    3) Let him count his own calories.
    My wife also cooks dinner for me, but I ask her for the ingredients in the recipe, and then I can figure out calories per portion, etc.
    My wife spoils me in other ways, but I am in control of what I eat.
    If you try to count the calories, you will need to be asking him for what he ate during the day, etc; that would not make sense.
    Much better if he counts, so that he knows ahead of time (before eating) how large a portion he should eat, etc.
  • What has happened to the "community". She ask for some advise about calories and half of you respond that it is "not her job".
    My wife does things for me, I do things for her. She does cook more than me - I change the oil more than her.
    Come on - don't we do things for each other because we love each other.
    Where is the love here?
  • It's a difficult situation. I can undestand that you do not want him to weaken.
    Why don't you try to suggest to go to a nutritionist?
    He will surely suggest a different calories amount.

    Another way you can try to take action is making him light food. There are a lot of recipes on the internet.
    Without sauces, mayonnese and other junk ingredients, you can cook more healthy food in 1500 calories.

    Anyway, if he feels weak, he will surely add some calories by himself. I don't suggest you to do it lying at him.
    It's not a good idea for your relationship.
  • rodneypierce
    rodneypierce Posts: 10 Member
    1500 calories a day is enough for me. Im 5'11" tall, and weigh 310. I have no issues only eating around 1500 calories a day, and am fine without being hungry. In order to get more then that, I have to have a snack of almonds and 85% dark chocolate. That will get me closer to my 1700 a day goal. (mfp says I should be at 2010, but 1700 has been more then enough for me)
  • KC5ZRQ
    KC5ZRQ Posts: 21 Member
    Yes. He is responsible for his own weight. Tell him to do it himself. I guessing that if he doesn't lose the weight he's going to blame you. I wouldn't stand for that and neither should you.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    1500 is plenty
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    Hey I'll tell you I am 283 pounds right now and MFP calculated 1730 for me to lose 2 pounds per week. What does his calculation say? I'll bet it's going to be close to that with him being 30 pounds lighter... Don't worry. If it's too low, his body will tell him.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    I honestly think he should count the calories himself too.
    Because that way he can learn what works for him and what doesn't.
    Personally for me SEEING the calories consumed and the calories burnt is rewarding and keeps me on track!
  • Wow at all the self righteous people!! I don't believe she was asking for relationship advice!

    Anyways, I am about 5'10" 240 and a pretty big guy that should drop about 30lbs.....I often end up around 1500 calories and almost always under 2000. I make sure to keep my carbs below 200, and eat high protein meals (ie:tilapia, chicken, turkey meat, etc). People take this MFP tracker way too serious, and while I think it's a great thing I believe it's more for people who are just getting into shape and learning nutrition. If you are eating too little and slowing your metabolism you will feel lethargic and overall not well, so eating too little is clearly bad. You still want to put your body into a deficit though, so while I only eat 1500-2000 calories a day and burn off whatever I do exercising my body is metabolizing fat for energy. If he feels any different than eat a bit more, I think a similar meal plan to mine would be ideal for him.

    Good luck and KUDOS for being an awesome wife!
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    What you really need to do is tell him to count his own darn calories.

    :laugh: THIS!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my husband is 6 foot 2 and was 275 in december. he put himself on a 1500 calorie a day diet, and has actually done a pretty dang good job sticking to it. he is now at 258 as of yesterday morning, and he is very proud of himself. i do not see a change in his energy, and he says he actually feels better now that he has cut all the greasy, fried, fattening food from his daily diet. he is eating mostly raw foods, and taking a "diet" meal to work each day for lunch. he even has a smart ones treat each night after dinner. he definatley does not feel deprived! i feel like its his body, and 1500 calories a day is not dangerous, so, if thats what he wants to do, more power to him. to each thier own i guess!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    If he wants 1500 fine, if you want to cook fine. But If he wants to track them, have him sign up on MFP and make it a joint adventure! You have my sympathy, I struggle to get my DH to eat something/anything during the day - he forgets. Just how he does that I will never know. LOL.