Do you log everything?



  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I don't think it's being *obsessive* to keep track of EVERYthing- anymore than when you first go on a budget, and you keep track of every single realize where it all goes at the end of the day....

    and keeping track of calories is just one part of this- for me,the sodium and saturated fat affect me way more than calories....

    so learning where they hide is part of the education of learning a whole new lifestyle.

    I'm @ my goal, in maintenance, and just have learned where the hidden calories go now.
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I log everything including spices. It helps me keep an eye on my sodium.
  • RobertaKR
    RobertaKR Posts: 22 Member
    I try to log everything. Even black coffee.

    My starbuck's Tall = 5 cals If I have three in a day that's 15 calories/day. ( If I ate a candy that was 15 calories I'd log that.)

    15 cals x 7 days = 105 cals/week

    It all adds up.
  • michellelynne474
    michellelynne474 Posts: 49 Member
    I log everything except spices too... even down to the gum that I chew and all drinks!! I am not sure how to log the medication that I take... any suggestions?? I also used to log the tums that I took (I took a lot of those before the surgery that I just had to stop the acid reflux)... let's hope that that changes :-)
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    I log anything with calories.. which includes my little cubes of cilantro when I make rice. haha. But I don't log diet coke or anything without calories.
  • WendyKing1974
    WendyKing1974 Posts: 80 Member
    I do log everything. But mainly in recipe complilations. Lemon juice has calories. a splash of milk has calories. So yes I log everything. If you dont see it in my diary, trust me it is in the recipe entry.

    For me, every little thing counts

    Ditto this
  • merlinralph
    merlinralph Posts: 12 Member
    just want to say awesome job on your weightloss incredible! :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Spices have a carb count,
    the oil you cook in counts even if it's just a teaspoon.
    vitamins count
    the coffee or tea is worth noting if you re looking at a day to day picture it's the real deal.
    I think it's a slippery slope to be on if you don't add everything in.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I love everything, mainly because I like to see what I'm eating. I log supplements because I want to make sure I'm getting enough calcium each day. When creating recipes, I do include the spices on the ingredient list.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I don't log spices
    I don't log vitamins
    I don't log tea
    I don't log a spray of cooking oil (like PAM)