Anyone looking to lose around 80lbs??



  • brandts
    brandts Posts: 24
    I am 54, and looking too lose 80+ . I know it's a long road, but I am going to do it with the help of all of you. LET'S DO THIS. Add me.
  • Hi there, I am looking to lose between 50-60 and could use all the motivation and support I can get, so add me and anyone else feel free, we can do this!
  • It looks like several of us are in it to win it...I'm looking to lose 100 lbs this is week one with MFP and I'm welcoming new friends...advice welcome! Helpful hints are welcome! Likewise I would return the favor as "WE" share our success :happy:
  • JackThunder
    JackThunder Posts: 10 Member
    I was in your exact spot on August 22nd.

    ... and I can *already* see the promised land...
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Meee!!! I'm 26, 5'10", and currently am 234. I started out at 240, so now I have 74 pounds left to go...
  • I'm totally with you. I started at 270, want to get under 200. :)
  • Hello. My goal is to lose 110 pounds. I can use all the support I can get.
  • I am trying to lose about 100lbs as my overall goal but I'm going a day at a time. The more support the better so anyone feel free to add me :)
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 296 so I definitely am looking to lose 80+!

    Let's do this!

    Feel free to add me by the way =]
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I'm 21 lbs into a 93lb weight loss goal. I'm 31 and 5'10".
    I was 253lb in November, down to 232 as of a couple days ago.
    I figure if I was able to quit smoking 3 years ago after smoking for 9 years and I found enough time in my life to get my bachelor's last month then I can conquer this as well.
  • Livnitup
    Livnitup Posts: 3 Member
    I have 90 MORE to go! We can do this!
  • I'm in! At 44 years, 5'5" and 228 lbs. I need to lose 80 and just started this journey on Sunday after a doctor (and my 2nd opinion) told me he couldn't operate to fix a hernia above my navel with all of this weight. Just had surgery July 18th on a previous hernia and complications kept me in the hospital for 5 days - 4 days longer than scheduled. Doctor said he could fix the new one while performing a Lap band procedure, but I really don't want that! SO, I have to lose this weight once and for all!
  • I'm 6'3" and 329, I have lost 36 pounds and hope to lose at least 80 more. Have started back working out and mfp has certainly helped, especially losing inches in my waist and butt. My wife (lost 38 lbs.) and I have changed the way we eat. We are doing this together along with about 8 other friends and everyone is doing great. Best program I ever saw to keep you accountable. Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • i'm 6' 1 1/2" started off at 308lbs, down 14lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. my goal is to get to 225lbs.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I've already lost 80, but would love to lose another 80 more!
  • xokelxo
    xokelxo Posts: 13
    Hey!!! Ideally i would like to lose at least 80 pounds frommy starting weight. So far i am down im getting there slowly but surely. it is definately a long road, but i think the longer you stay dedicated,the easier it becomes. i wish everybody success and good luck. we can all do it!
  • Hi there. My name is Karen. I am 53 years old 5'3" tall and want to loose 70lbs but any loss will be good for me. Add me to the list! This site is wonderful. I actually look forward to journaling! It is so easy and convienent. I am so happy to read about all of you. It makes me feel that I am not alone in this battle. We can do it together!
  • Yes! Me! I have about 5 goals along the way but my ULTIMATE goal is around 80 too. So far so good!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    That's my exact goal - ALMOST THERE!
  • I lost 80 pounds 2 years ago...but gained it all back and then some. I am 6' 4" and need to loose 136 to get to my goal of 220. Good luck everyone!