Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    :smile: Good Morning all! :smile:

    I started the day off right with the 30 day Shred.... Also brought my walking shoes to work and am going to walk during my breaks. :glasses:

    I had a relatively good weekend. Had a couple graduation parties to go to, but I really surprised myself and resisted the temptation to over indulge!

    Hope everyone else is doing great, and starting the week off right! Good Luck, we CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy:

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Cyprianna
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I am so motivated after joining this challenge!

    I had a good weekend, ate within my calories, went to the gym for a nice looong workout on Saturday, and actually got all of my water in! I have the hardest time on weekends drinking all of my water without the work water cooler... :ohwell:

    Here's to another good week! :drinker:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Good morning everyone!!! I know I haven't been posting much, last week was so blah for me, I'm back in to it now and ready to lose more, I lost 2 more lbs last week for a grand total of 15...:laugh:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Here's to another good week! :drinker:

    here, here! :drinker:
  • kvcarden
    kvcarden Posts: 175
    Lets do this! Count me in :bigsmile:

    Starting weight 200
    Current weight 192
    Goal weight 135
  • Hi Everyone! I too need to lose 15lbs by mid August. I am eating healthy and exercising. But has anyone tried or thought about slim fast for a short term weight loss? I've done it before in the past and it worked great to kick the 15 lbs I needed. Probably not as helpful for 40 lbs, but does anyone have thoughts?
  • Beppy8
    Beppy8 Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry for not posting my stats on Friday. I got busy at work and planning the wedding.

    Starting Weight (Pre-MFP): 185
    Current Weight: 182
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165
    Goal Weight: 140
    Age: 37
    Work Out Goal: 4 days a week for 50 mins - 1 hour
  • johnsjackie
    johnsjackie Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first post, but count me in! I graduate from college (BBA) on August 31 and I would love to be 20 lbs thinner by then!

    Age: 23
    Starting Weight: 186
    Current Weight: 179
    Goal Weight: 145
    Work Out Goal: 6 days a week, 30-60 mins per workout
  • Hi I want in! I have been trying to lose weight for a long time but I really kicked it up a notch two weeks ago. So I found this and hope it will be the motivation I need to keep it up

    Starting weight:173
    Current weight: 165.5
    Goal weight:118
    WOG: 6 days a week, 60-90 mins a day plus the hundredpushups.com and 200situps challenges!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hi Everyone! I too need to lose 15lbs by mid August. I am eating healthy and exercising. But has anyone tried or thought about slim fast for a short term weight loss? I've done it before in the past and it worked great to kick the 15 lbs I needed. Probably not as helpful for 40 lbs, but does anyone have thoughts?

    Hi mfriedensohn,
    IDK, I have never really liked those replacement meals. They're loaded w/ sugar! Plus, it doesn't really teach you to eat correctly.... real food, six times a day is the way to go if you ask me, but that's just my opinion..... I have tried them before, don't get me wrong, but the poundage always comes back twice as fast and twice as much!

    For me, I need to teach myself to eat in moderation. I know I'd go back to my 'old' way of eating in no time.

    Hope that helps a little.... Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84

    I just found you folks. I'm in if it's not too late.

    Age: 39
    Starting weight: 146
    Current weight: 146
    Goal weight: 125
    Days/minutes of exercise: 1 hour treadmill on incline
  • arashton
    arashton Posts: 15
    ok! That's 12 solid weeks from now, and to attain that goal 1.7 pounds must be lost each week without ANY BACKSLIDING!!!! I'm in :bigsmile:

    oh lord

    Age 27
    Starting weight 195
    Currant weight 195
    Goal weight 140
    Days/minutes of exercise: 3 days/60 min
  • Hi everyone- how's your week going so far? Happy to see all the new arrivals- and NO- it's never too late to join us. Welcome!!!
    Already in week 3 of our Summer Challenge and feeling the pressure. Why is it that weight and fat will stick to you like glue and betray any slip ups you may have had in a day/week, but taking it off is such a slow process. That's the key word for me this week. This is a lifestyle change and although it may hurt in the beginning, imagining myself in skinny jeans at the end of this journey is soooo worth the pain and sacrifice.
    Hit the gym hard today and felt like a winner afterwards. Am now at the point where it's definately becoming addictive and find myself pushing to 15mins more on the treadmill or 100cals more on the elliptical. Love it!! Ok- so I sound like a bit of a freak, but hey- got to get into this big time as the clock is ticking and I gotta lot of fat to shed :tongue:
    Have decided that June will be my "ALL CARDIO" month and will incorporate weights in July. I love strength training, however I do need to concentrate on burning the most calories I can each day to see a shift on the scales. I will not leave the gym until after one hour minimum. All of June- all cardio!!
    So... any great tips about your strategy for this month???

    GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!:tongue::laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Hi everyone- how's your week going so far? Happy to see all the new arrivals- and NO- it's never too late to join us. Welcome!!!
    Already in week 3 of our Summer Challenge and feeling the pressure. Why is it that weight and fat will stick to you like glue and betray any slip ups you may have had in a day/week, but taking it off is such a slow process. That's the key word for me this week. This is a lifestyle change and although it may hurt in the beginning, imagining myself in skinny jeans at the end of this journey is soooo worth the pain and sacrifice.
    Hit the gym hard today and felt like a winner afterwards. Am now at the point where it's definately becoming addictive and find myself pushing to 15mins more on the treadmill or 100cals more on the elliptical. Love it!! Ok- so I sound like a bit of a freak, but hey- got to get into this big time as the clock is ticking and I gotta lot of fat to shed :tongue:
    Have decided that June will be my "ALL CARDIO" month and will incorporate weights in July. I love strength training, however I do need to concentrate on burning the most calories I can each day to see a shift on the scales. I will not leave the gym until after one hour minimum. All of June- all cardio!!
    So... any great tips about your strategy for this month???

    GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!:tongue::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    I'm concentrating on cardio as well this month and I have to tell you about something that I did for the first time yesterday! I pulled up some Tae Bo videos online and worked out for a whole hour! It may actually be the most INTENSE cardio that I've ever done. I had heard about them and really wanted to try it out before I went out and invested in the program. I must have burned anywhere from 600-700 calories (according to MFP)! It was amazing and I'll definitely be doing more of it. :bigsmile:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi, is it too late to join?? I need some extra help with losing weight and I think this will be a nice extra push :flowerforyou:

    CW: 152
    Age 24

    I would like to work out for at least 50 minutes 5 days a week and to stay as active in the day as possible :bigsmile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm in ... I'm in. Sounds like fun.
  • Susanhs6
    Susanhs6 Posts: 8
    Count me in!!

    start weight 182
    current weight 178
    goal weight 132
    exercise 6X 1 to 2 hours

    Happy losing Guys!!
  • musicisluvxo
    musicisluvxo Posts: 18 Member
    FOR SURE! i already started, and im HOPING dearly for some results.

    Age: 17
    Starting weight : 171... OH THE SHAMMMEEE
    Currant weight: 170.6 ... fail haha
    Goal weight: 150
    Days/minutes of exercise: i try to exercise more than just half an hr a day, but i didnt get to do that today. :(, i will!!!!

  • yoga1
    yoga1 Posts: 5
    I'm in too!! Will post my stats tomorrow.........
  • Hi everyone- how's your week going so far? Happy to see all the new arrivals- and NO- it's never too late to join us. Welcome!!!
    Already in week 3 of our Summer Challenge and feeling the pressure. Why is it that weight and fat will stick to you like glue and betray any slip ups you may have had in a day/week, but taking it off is such a slow process. That's the key word for me this week. This is a lifestyle change and although it may hurt in the beginning, imagining myself in skinny jeans at the end of this journey is soooo worth the pain and sacrifice.
    Hit the gym hard today and felt like a winner afterwards. Am now at the point where it's definately becoming addictive and find myself pushing to 15mins more on the treadmill or 100cals more on the elliptical. Love it!! Ok- so I sound like a bit of a freak, but hey- got to get into this big time as the clock is ticking and I gotta lot of fat to shed :tongue:
    Have decided that June will be my "ALL CARDIO" month and will incorporate weights in July. I love strength training, however I do need to concentrate on burning the most calories I can each day to see a shift on the scales. I will not leave the gym until after one hour minimum. All of June- all cardio!!
    So... any great tips about your strategy for this month???

    GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!:tongue::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    I'm concentrating on cardio as well this month and I have to tell you about something that I did for the first time yesterday! I pulled up some Tae Bo videos online and worked out for a whole hour! It may actually be the most INTENSE cardio that I've ever done. I had heard about them and really wanted to try it out before I went out and invested in the program. I must have burned anywhere from 600-700 calories (according to MFP)! It was amazing and I'll definitely be doing more of it. :bigsmile:

    I love taebo!! That's how I've been getting my cardio in!! Of course I am so out of shape that my Favorite Taebo is still sitting on the shelf. I couldn't finish the workout. UGH!! But I did find a "Believers Workout Taebo" on netflix and I am loving it. He really pushes you to finish the workout!!!
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