when did you wake up and realise....



  • Mine was when my dr told me i had gained 9 lbs in a 11 day period (total of 250) and put me on blood pressure meds. Decided it was time to get livin' or get dyin'
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I had been overweight for awhile but Christmas 2010 was when I was finally sick of being fat. Many of my clothes were tight and I refused to buy larger sizes. Strange think is I still worked out regularly, just ate too much and the wrong things. Started an eating plan and lost 40 lbs. By my birthday in May I want to be back to my High School weight which will also put me solidly in my healthy BMI.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Probably, after my boyfriend left (with no explanation) and I came to the conclusion that I'm better off without him... that I finally had a chance to focus on myself and be me without him.
  • when i was on holiday in the dom republic and wouldn't take my tshirt when i was with my ex--- 30 degree heat and i wouldn't take of my tshirt because of my man boobs and massive gut
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    My ah ha moment was when i saw a pic of me sitting next to santa on 12-18-11 and i was BIGGER than Santa WTF.

    not funny, but kinda funny lol....

    My moment has been over and over throughout the last 10 years when people ask "when are you due?" and I'm not pregnant... ouch.. makes me wanna run away and cry!
  • thoma74
    thoma74 Posts: 187 Member
    Seen pics of myself at my nephews bday party on 4th of July 2011. Couldnt believe HOW BIG I was compared to my other siblings and my nieces that are close to my age. I was even bigger than my one niece who was 9 months pregnant at the time. It was time for a change at that point lol
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    When I finally realized how much my weight gain had really affected not just my overall sense of self, but the way that I was treating those closest to me. I hated mysefl so much for the near 100 pound gain, but I was taking it out on my family. The day that my daughter asked me why I was always mad at her and her little brother....That really made me stop and think, Whoa I need to make some serious changes before I push away those that mean the most to me.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    When everyone was getting hit on at the bar in my group of friends except me.....
    ooooo yea! me too, thats another reason. not to mention i am fairly tall so if i pack on the pounds, then i look like amazon woman!!!
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    When I looked in the mirror after thinking about how I thought I looked and the reflection didn't look anything I had envisioned. That was a BIG (pun intended) dose of reality.
  • when i found out i was pregnant with my second son, i already weighed as much as i did when i was pregnant full term with my first son... i only gained 25 pounds this time, but hit the 200 mark..now we are going to the beach this summer and i want to enjoy it with my family, and not be debbie downer with a sweat suit on in the water!
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    When this guy that led me on told me that my arms were bigger then his were and that we couldn't fit comfortably on the couch together.


    oohhh BURN lol what an idiot x
  • bzbee
    bzbee Posts: 1
    Mine was a few years ago when I looked in the mirror just after showering....I no longer felt sexy!
  • when i couldn't fit into my favorite jeans. i would normally have to wear a belt with them and little by little, the belt was needed and no i can't even wear the jeans. sad sad sad.
  • Saw a picture of myself in May 2010 at a graduation event and looked 8 months pregnant! Didn't want to look that way when my son graduated a year later. I lost 40 pounds. I have gained about 5 of it back, but want to lose 15 now.
  • When i went on myspace for the first time in 2 yrs and saw pictures of myself at 115 lbs -__- I cant even remember being that small...
  • When I put my skinny jeans on and my muffin top was SO bad, no shirt in my closet would cover it... :sad:
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    It was on my 25th birthday. I was out of state visiting my grandparents and some of the trip was spent looking at old photos and remembering the "good times". There were a few pictures on the table left out and when I woke up I grabbed one, went to the bathroom, and compared the picture to what I saw in the mirror. I was almost in tears... I knew then that my weight was spiraling out of control, and that if I didn't make a change, I could gain even more weight and get even fatter. That was when I had to look deep down inside and figure out what I wanted to do, needed to do, and stick with it. Since then I have lost 33.8 lbs in a little over a year. That is the best birthday present I could've ever given myself!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    When my ex and I noticed that my tummy hung lower than my boobs! Not the best mood maker..ugh.. Glad that experience is no more!!! :drinker:
  • xokelxo
    xokelxo Posts: 13
    I had always been bigger and unfortunately still am but I'm getting there. I knew how I looked but just seemed to not care. I NEVER weighed myself. I would to say todays going to be the day I start..it never was. A couple months ago for whatever reason, I'm not completely sure what triggered it, I decided it was enough. I got on a scale, almost fell over and have stuck to healthy habits since.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    I've always been a bit chubby, but after high school I really started to pack on the pounds from laziness and depression. I knew I needed to lose the weight but just couldn't be bothered to care, until I realized I was just a few pounds shy of 180 and I was in size 14 jeans that were getting tight - I used to be able to fit into size 10 comfortably. It was around that time that I went from vegetarian to vegan and very quickly dropped 10 pounds just from my diet change, zero exercise. That was what really woke me up & made me realize I could and should work on losing weight.