Which is better.... Working out first thing in the morning o



  • Stinkybug
    Stinkybug Posts: 61 Member
    I use to workout first thing in the mornings before work. Now I work out in the evenings (around 8:00p.m.) For me, the evening works best. At first I thought it would keep me awake after the workout, but it actually helps me sleep better. As for losing weight with working out in the morning as apposed to evening, it has not made any difference.
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Indeed, I think whenever you are most likely to do it is when you should work out! So if waking up early to work out makes it feel too much like a chore, do it later in the day. However, working out within an hour or so of bedtime can be detrimental to your sleep, so if you find evening work outs make it harder to fall asleep at your normal time, then maybe midday or afternoon is better. It's all preference and what works best for you. Any difference in how effective a workout is at a certain time of day verses another time of day is probably so slight it wouldn't make a difference. Working out is working out, no matter when you do it!
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, just my 2 cents worth here. I've never been a morning person and was not successful at getting up and running, however, I have found that 2 times a week, I love getting up and swimming at 5:30am. So, if you WANT to go early, but have problems switch it up. Maybe strength training will feel better than cardio, or swimming rather than running. It's worth a shot. I let meself "sleep in" a bit longer the other three days a week. So, it's not necessarily ALL or Nothing. Good Luck!
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Let personal preference and life circumstances dictate when you work out.

    I concur with this. For several years, I was a dedicated afternoon-to-evening workout person. Occasionally I would work out during my lunch hour, but no earlier unless I was running in a 5k race because those tend to start very early. I would *not* characterize myself as a morning person.

    However, this plan stopped working out this past fall when I started an evening grad school program on top of my full time job. Next thing I knew, I had pretty much given up on my workout routine because my evenings were so jam packed. I would go to my bellydance class about once a week and on the occasional Friday evening I would reluctantly drag myself to the gym after work, but I was listless and miserable. I gained about 7lbs back during all this, and I finally realized that the circumstances of my life had changed, and my workout regimen HAD to change with it.

    That's when I started doing shorter, more intense workouts in the morning. And I actually don't get up any earlier to do it. I spend less time futzing around reading e-mail or catching up on Facebook, and instead do the workout and a quick shower. The result is that I do get to the office later, but I'm fortunate enough to have a flexible working schedule, and on the days that I don't have school, I can stay later if I need to.

    As a result, I've come down several inches in a relatively short span of time, and I feel much more energized throughout the day. Sometimes I even fit in a 20 minute walk in the afternoon to get an additional calorie boost.

    That's what works for me and my lifestyle right now. I lost 60 lbs doing it in the evenings before, and now I'm losing weight doing it in the morning. So, moral of the story is... personal preference and life circumstances are the way to go. Whatever gets you movin' regularly.
  • NeverQuitting
    I work out in the mornings as soon as I drop my kids off at school. Sometimes I go in the evening with my daughter and I feel heavier and I honestly get tired faster..
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the great answers, I really appreciate it! :smile: