women who had babies



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.


    Fat is fat is fat, it doesn't matter where it came from oh, and by the way my wife had a baby and lost her belly in 4 months doing no exercise. Breastfeeding and diet alone was all she needed, exercise only allows you to eat more to have the same deficit.
  • I do Cardio everyday, * I love Zumba class* and I am also watching my calories...It's frustrating that my pants are hanging on my legs by can't go smaller because of the pooch and love muffin from the kid. Good thing they are worth it :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I wish I could help, I'm curious as well. I am 5'5 and still have the pooch at 125lbs. It is going down thou, I am doing 30DS plus another workout everyday and seems to help a bit. I really want to get rid of it soon cause we will be trying for another baby soon....

    oh and my daughter is 19months, if that makes a difference. So maybe time will heal all pregnancy scars?? except stretchmarks of course.. darn then stretchy marks :(

    I can so relate. But don't you sometimes think "Wow, that's counterproductive!?!?!"

    I would like another sometime, too, but as I work hard to "regain" my body, I sometimes think that. :-)
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    Uh, I completely agree with him and I've had 3.

    Wonderful! I don't think a man has advice to offer on post-pregnancy issues, though (especially one entitled "women who had babies"). I don't post on threads about prostates.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I had my son when I was 20 and had no problem getting the flat stomach back. I had the triplets in my early 30's and it was harder. I do cardio and sit-ups and planks. It will go away, just takes time and some work.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    Uh, I completely agree with him and I've had 3.

    Thank you. :wink:

    I just wanted to help and I get bashed as I cannot get preggers, which has nothing to do with my advice.
  • and what are reverse crunches? I've never heard of them
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I think it is in your genetic makeup......I understand I will NEVER have a flat stomach with washboard abs.....neither does my mom, aunt or skinny little sister.....it is what it is. Not like I am gonna pose nude for Playgirl or anything. But yes.....cardio really does tighten the area! I have done TurboJam just a couple of times in the last month and have noticed an increased tightness in the ab area......
  • Dammitviv
    Dammitviv Posts: 117
    cardio and core training... it does take a while for this skin to go back. it took 9 months to stretch it out so expect at least that long for it to go back after you've lost the weight.

    This, exactly. It took me about a year to lose the weight, and several months for the skin to tighten up after the weight was gone. But it did tighten back up, and the stratch marks faded too.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    Uh, I completely agree with him and I've had 3.

    Thank you. :wink:

    I just wanted to help and I get bashed as I cannot get preggers, which has nothing to do with my advice.
    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.


    bash·ing   /ˈbæʃɪŋ/ Show Spelled[bash-ing] Show IPA
    1. the act of beating, whipping, or thrashing: a series of unsolved bashings and robberies.
    2. a decisive defeat: We gave the visiting team a good bashing.
    3. (used in combination)
    a. unprovoked physical assaults against members of a specified group: gay-bashing.
    b. verbal abuse, as of a group or a nation: feminist-bashing; China-bashing.


    ob·ser·va·tion   /ˌɒbzɜrˈveɪʃən/ Show Spelled[ob-zur-vey-shuhn] Show IPA
    1. an act or instance of noticing or perceiving.
    2. an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching.
    3. the faculty or habit of observing or noticing.
    4. notice: to escape a person's observation.
    5. an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose: the observation of blood pressure under stress.
  • I'm really glad you asked this!! I'm having the same problem and the answers are great!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    Uh, I completely agree with him and I've had 3.

    Wonderful! I don't think a man has advice to offer on post-pregnancy issues, though (especially one entitled "women who had babies"). I don't post on threads about prostates.

    You are posting on a public forum, which everyone can see, and I took the opportunity to offer better advice then the previous responders in hopes that it will help people reach their goals more efficiently.

    FYI: fat on the stomach is not the same as prostates
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    and what are reverse crunches? I've never heard of them

    Lay on the floor, legs in the air, 90 degree angle. Lift from the buttocks. Gets that lower belly area.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    While I have long weight loss journey ahead of me, I have shrunk in inches... just doing Zumba (CARDIO) my pooch has shrunk! (not flat but shrinking)!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    I took the opportunity to offer better advice then the previous responders in hopes that it will help people reach their goals more efficiently.

    That's very kind of you. :smile:

    I was merely observing the fact that it was interesting that a male replied to a thread entitled, "women who had babies."
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I've had 4 "naturally" and things losen up permanently. Twice I've been skinny since. The skin stays, but the fat under will go. Even if it's the last to go. It gets wrinkly and won't tighten up past a certain point. I did 30 day shred which had a lot of abs work. That did help. I nearly got a 6 pack! And even under the lose skin! But nearly. The last "pack" is where the pouch is and it's a little hidden. Running is also a big whittler of the waist. And a butt lifter.

    Yeah yeah yeah, cardio and diet. But we all know how to lose weight on here. It's about the Mom gut. It's valid to look for answers.

    Make friends with the pouch. It's a badge and reminder that it was worth having those babies. I understand wanting it gone. But I also know that I would never regret having the babies, nor would I be trading my smooth tight skin back for my babies. Recently I had cosmetic surgery. Not on my breastfeeding boobs, not on my mom-belly. I got my eyes fixed from older lady droop. Know what? I feel so good! Worth it. Do I want my belly fixed? Naa... It's in my pants and under my shirts. Do what's worth it.
  • I have heard that planks are great for getting rid of the pooch. I have begun to incorporate them into my daily routine. Good luck to ya!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Cardio and working the transverse abs has done wonders for mine so far... enough that I now (after 5 births, one a c-section) have hope that I'll be free of the pooch.

    I really, really, really can not ever say enough good things about working the transverse abs (as opposed to relying on crunches and planks for all your core needs.)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member

    FYI: fat on the stomach is not the same as prostates

    Nope, that's fat between the legs.

    I kid!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I havent read the responces given, but appartenly it is achieveable without surgery... lots of cardio, lots of protein and lots of abs workouts.... start with Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack... you can do it, its just that you need to put in A LOT of work.... good luck!! btw, my youngest is near 7 and I look 4 months too, however, I havent really started do anything about it until of late...