when did you wake up and realise....



  • monika_loses_it
    monika_loses_it Posts: 6 Member
    When I got married (and was deliriously happy) but couldn't stand to look at any of the photos because all I can see is the fat.

    And ditto the bloatey feeling everyday being uncomfortable. It's more exhausting to constantly struggle with the weight than it is just to get it under control once and for all.
  • clothes start fitting weird
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    Like others have said, I didn't have a real wake up moment either, I was very aware from the first 30 lbs gained. But I did finally have a moment when i said to myself, that is IT, something has to be done. I was at a baby shower, and on my way out another woman (bigger then I was by at least 50+ lbs!) asked me when I was due........yeah.......I told her I was not pregnant and what she did next was unreal.....she looked me up and down and said "oh come on, yes you are".........yep, the woman actually argued with me! This went on for several minutes before she finally realized what she was saying and apologized. I cried the whole way home and for a while after I got home. Was a bad night. But, I have since taken action and lost 108 lbs, so I guess maybe I should thank her.......but....no....probably not! lol

    I've had similar issues. Don't you give her none of the credit! You did the work and you did FANTASTIC! Your story is inspiring, thank you for sharing!

    Thank you!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    These answers seem weird to me. I've always known I was fat but I didn't care and did't have the will power to change. It's hard to imagine someone NOT knowing they were fat, so it has been insightful to me to read these comments.
  • When I was getting dangerously close to 200lbs. Cut down in one summer to 165lbs through bike riding and dieting, then decided the next spring to start lifting weights.
  • JT1090
    JT1090 Posts: 79 Member
    Honestly, I noticed one night during sex. Everything felt weird. My body felt so much heavier and I could tell that I gained a lot of weight in inner thighs. My husband and I weren't fitting together the same lol.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    did anyone just wake up one day n think -- woaah when did i put on all this weight??
    when did u realise???

    mine was a xmas night out and i couldne get into my comfy jeans

    I always knew I was gaining weight, but I came to realize that I no longer wanted to get any bigger was a) when I went on one of my favorite hikes and ended up puking after hiking 3/4 of the way up the mountain; b)when I was trying on a pair of fishing waders and they were so uncomfortably tight that I felt like I would burst them if I actually tried to go fishing. Not being able to do the things I love to do because of my weight wasn't something I was going to allow to be part of my life.

    Since that time, I have lost as much as 42 pounds, have gained some of it back, but am refocused on staying on track to reach my goal of being physically fit.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    When I over heard the guy I had a crush on pretending to vomit when another friend was teasing him about sleeping with me....


    Oh, wow, that's brutal. But look how far you've come! His loss.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    When I over heard the guy I had a crush on pretending to vomit when another friend was teasing him about sleeping with me....


    Oh, wow, that's brutal. But look how far you've come! His loss.

    LOL.... THATS the best part : ) : )..... now he makes my tea in the morning :) ........................ check out my morning view :tongue:


    ps... he's not giving you the finger.... his two fingers are broken that way ........ummmm past occupational hazard :P lol
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    when my stretchy sweatpants were too tight! Okay I realized it long before it got that bad, but I think I just didn't care!
  • mine didnt really sneak up on me i dont think, I watched it happen, saw my stretch marks get worse, it was more an enough is enough moment when my jeans didnt fit anymore. should have done something sooner!
  • When I got tired of looking in the mirror and going "eww."
  • When I had to go buy a new dress belt because my old one broke. Going from a 42 inch belt to a 46 inch belt was kind of a slap in the face..................

    Now I have to cinch the new one all the way in. Woo-hoo!!!!
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
    When we got back from Vegas and we were looking at all the pics from my wedding (the reason we were there) and other times throughout life. My brother, a few girlfriends and I all noticed that I was almost 1 1/2 times the size of myself at my wedding (189lbs) than I was at my 8year olds 1year birthday party (135lbs). :embarassed:
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    When my 3 year old daughter told me I was walking like grandma -- my mom who can barely walk b/c of her size.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    For me it was a lot of things, but I remember one day my husband was talking about his friend's wife and said something to the effect of, she really let herself go and stopped taking care of herself... and I thought.... well hello, so did I. That day and the need to feel more in control of myself and my life really helped guide me in the direction of leading a healthier life.
  • I knew for years I was overweight but never actively did anything about it until I went to the doctor because my mom was worried I might have type 2 diabetes. My fasting glucose level was completely normal but my doctor asked me about my eating habits and told me that I needed to start eating healthier. I think she basically told me to eat salad, exercise, and never eat taco bell again (I haven't touched anything from there in at least a year:happy: ). I also hated pictures of me with my stepsister. I looked so short and huge compared to her. And then I started having trouble shopping for tops in my favorite store. It took me several months afterwards to find my fitness pal and for progress to actually be made.