Organic? Should I try it?



  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    It's definitely much better for your health!
    Additionally, because of their natural defenses against pests, they tend to have much higher concentrations of nutrients.

    No they don't
    On the basis of a systematic review of studies of satisfactory quality, there is no evidence of a difference in nutrient quality between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs. The small differences in nutrient content detected are biologically plausible and mostly relate to differences in production methods.

    There is also a recent study concluding that birds prefer seed that is conventionally produced over seed that is organically produced – likely because conventional production methods result in a 10% higher protein content.

    And if you think that organic farmers don't use pesticides, you're sadly mistaken:
    With regard to pesticides, it must also be noted that organic farming, while using methods to minimize pests and the need for pesticides, still uses organic, rather than synthetic, pesticides. For example a rotenone-pyrethrin mixture is commonly used. Such pesticides are not as well studied as synthetic pesticides, often require more applications, and may persist longer in the soil. In fact the use of “natural” pesticides is nothing more than an appeal to the naturalistic fallacy – there really is no evidence for superior safety, and they have not been adequately studied.

    but they do have higher concentrations of mutagens:

  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    The funny thing is Organic fruits and veggies still contain pesticides.. and they taste the same.

    They certainly don't taste the same to me.
  • Gina033
    Gina033 Posts: 11 Member
    It is expensive!! I heard if you are going to buy anything Organic it should be Milk and Eggs. I also buy Organic juice for my kids because the fruit they use in regular juice has lots of chemicals and pesticides on them and they dont wash them before they use them for juice so all that gross stuff on the outside of fruits gets into your juice!
  • shrdlicka23
    I don't pay attention to "organic" labels at the supermarket because, they too, are regulated by the FDA. And, my I remind you, the FDA is also the one that allows a certain amount of rat *kitten* in our food. So if they let that kind of thing "slide" who knows what else. So, instead, I tried to buy only locally grown produce from farmers at a farmers market, 100% grass fed beef from a local cattle rancher/processor, chicken from a local farm, eggs from a local farm and I'm still trying to find a good resource for pork. I only buy absolute necessities from the supermarket like bread, jam, butter, beans, you get the idea. At that point I pay attention to the nutritional info and ingredient list. You have to understand most of the "organic" brands are actually owned by the huge corporations poisoning America today. I look out for sodium and sugar content the most. I mean, I would love to make my own bread and butter but I'm just not invested enough to do it right now. So I try and pick the lesser of evils...regardless of whether it's organic or not.
  • PirateJohn
    It really depends. Some people say organic tastes better, but I've never noticed the difference. I don't seek out organic, but I don't avoid it, either, and since I do shop at stores like Sprout's and Trader Joe's often, I end up buying a lot of organic food by pure chance.

    Personally, I think the damage caused by pesticides and preservatives varies greatly from person to person. It's a myth to assume that since pesticides kill insects that they are bad for humans, too, especially since the amount of pesticide required to kill insects is an infinitesimal fraction compared to what it takes to make people sick.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i dont bother with organic fruit / veg but i always buy organic dairy, free range eggs. If i can afford it i buy organic / free range meat, if not i go for the higher welfare / freedom food meat, more for the animal welfare aspect than the chemicals. there is definetley a taste difference between cheap mass produced meat and organic / farm shop meat!
  • mrs_lanza
    Thanks everyone! Your info is very helpful!