I need breakfast ideas



  • I usually eat 1 full egg, 3 whites (depending on the egg size) mixed with 1/4 cup of milk & a little salt/pepper. With this I have a few banquet turkey sausage or oscar mayer turkey bacon. I tend to eat late in the morning so I have this with a small lunch later because it keeps me pretty filled up. :)

    note: sometimes I skip the meat part and dice up tomatoes to cook in my eggs. I love the variety. btw - I eat mustard with my eggs, not much of a ketchup person. lol

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  • Egg whites with turkey & spinach using pam olive spray, top with pepper & green onion....its sooo yummy
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Scots porridge and honey, with cinnammon on top :smile:
  • bagel thins and laughin cow cheese wedges

    greek yogurt with Cool Whip Free, and some fruit - also nice as a dessert!
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  • Whole wheat english muffin and natural peanut butter. I'm always running late in the morning, so this is mobile friendly as well.
  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    One of my favorite breakfast meals.... 2 c obrien potatoes, 1/3 c Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles, 1/8 c shredded cheese put all in a nonstick pan cook for about 10 mins so yummy! Only 195 cal and very filling you could add egg for more protein
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sleep is more important! Join the Intermittent Fasting revolution!
    Skip breakfast and eat BIG grow STRONG!!!!!


    PS: My breakfast is at 2pm.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    go to www.emilybites.com all her recipes are weight watcher recipes and are YUMMY!!! You can make the breakfast cupcakes up ahead of time and reheat them in the mornings

    Thanks for posting this site!
  • Cathebass
    Cathebass Posts: 6 Member
    All bran (30g) topped with 100g yogurt (I'm using Easiyo at the moment - if I get myself organised it means I don't run out) and 100ml semi-skimmed milk.

    I used to have the All-bran and milk only, and found I was absolutely ravenous by 11 am. The yogurt makes a huge difference - it keeps me going comfortably until 12.30 or so.
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    I go with Oat Porridge in the morning. Keeps me going for a long time. Do not feel hungry until noon with Porridge.
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  • lisampence
    lisampence Posts: 1 Member
    I like Kashi Go Lean cereal w/ skim milk... tons of protein and fiber... for under 200 calories. Great way to start the day!!
  • I bought a whole pack of english muffins and took and separated them & individually bagged them. Everymorning I take a microwavable bowl spray with cooking spray crack 1 egg white and mix it up a little. Then cover the whole thing with fresh baby spinach. I then microwave it for about 45 seconds covered with a papertowel...(until egg pops a little and make sure its thoroughly cooked) while I toast my one half of english muffin. I then take 1 slice of white american cheese and lay it on the spinach.....covering back up with a paper towel and microwaving it for another 10 seconds. When the english muffin is done I place it on top of the cheesey part of the egg white in a bowl and flip it over, so it is on top of the english muffin. so from top to bottom the order is egg, spinach, cheese, english muffin. It fills me up fast & long!
    It is only 125 calories, 4 fat, 14 Carbs, 11 protein, 2 sugar!
  • i make steel cut oatmeal the night before in a very large batch. We microwave a single portion as needed. I love this stuff. It keeps me from being hungry!!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    This what I have been doing, a banana, 4 oz orange juice, 1 oz slice of ham pan fried and an egg fried. I used to have a fried egg sandwich, but the bread is too high in carbs, also instant oatmeal with blueberries, you can get the instant packages with limited sugar. I don't do sugar substitutes, I can't stand the after taste.

    Grape nuts have no sugar, so that is a good cereal with 2 % milk. I tried steel cut oats at one time, never got them to be palatable, so it's Quaker oats, rolled.
  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member