Anyone NOT with an ED want to be friends?



  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    No ED here just a matter of stuffing my face with too much food for too many years. Now I'm doing it the right way. It aggravates me to see some diaries showing 800 calories or so a day and I call them out on it. But everytime others will simply say WTG! Great on Staying Under! BS!

    My friends knew my conditions from reading my blogs. I vowed to be 100% honest and call it the way I see it. I also expect the same in return. For every time I encourage people to change this or that, there will be 15 others saying good job. D"ont understand it! I dont need or want a pat on the back when I do something totally insane. Heck I kick myself all over the place if I get 1190 and trying to get to 1200 for the day.

    Feel free to add me if you like honesty and want to be friends with an older woman who thinks 145 will probably look good on me.

    This is why I am so glad you are my MFP called me out on those 3 sweet rolls! tee-hee!

    LOL my friend, but you know I do it with love! I always have all of my friends best interest at heart cause I luv you all!
  • USNGirlMel
    USNGirlMel Posts: 33 Member
    Okay, Im relatively new on here, You might want to tell me what ED stands for???? When I read it I had to read all the posts because I thought it was Erectile Dysfunction! I figured Id problem here...yet.:blushing:

    Never mind I just figured it out Eating Disorder! Sorry

    LMAO oops
  • SlideboyxBrian
    SlideboyxBrian Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I have been using the Iphone App for about a month now and have had great success quitting my cola and soft drink habits, I am in for the long hall all year and maybe more to get myself down to a healthy weight range. I am looking for anyone who wants to Add me as a friend, my plan is to eat fresh fruit a veg and protein, not processed to start I have been using meal replacement shakes when at work just to get me on a kick start because I need to loose 50kg plus maybe a little more. I crave very healthy food now, a big change from 5 weeks ago, and I am researching nutritious food, heading towards following The Gabriel Method, as I have just bought his cook book and I like his whole approach to health and mind. Also starting in the gym in February three days a week.
  • ashlee_g
    ashlee_g Posts: 20 Member
    I want to become healthy not lose wieght. Fasting is the worst thing you can do to yourself in the quest to become healthy. If i get too hungry it effects my will power. So i eat heaps, but i eat crispy vegetable stir frys, yummy watermelon and frozen orange quaters. Pleae if you feel the same add me. If you want to starve please don't. Im in it for the long haul. Healthy eaters Unite!
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, I'm supporting the healthy way of loosing weight and living. I have been a little under the caloire goal on my first first days but I am learning and improving. Fasting and depriving myself is not a good way to be healthy and stay healthy. I requested you, an d anyone else can feel free to as well!
  • RobDelco
    <--- Doing it the right way. Eating right and lifting heavy, come at me body fat %
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize people were doing that on here, how sad! This site should be for people who want a healthy lifestyle, feel free to add me as a friend. Although I do not have a lot of weight to lose (about 10 lbs) I want to feel better and have more energy!
  • GreenSmoothieQueen
    No ED here, and I'm very happy to be friends with anyone who also wants to live a healthy lifestyle!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Feel free to add me. I had an ED but I am working hard to not go back. I have NEVER been skinny though. Always been over 100 pounds heavier than I shoule be. I have lost weight slowly over the years and I am aiming for a sensible 152 pounds.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Sent you a request, always good to have girls who actually eat!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    ED is eating disorder
    I see ED and always think erect!le disfunction,,,
    I have

    this is what I thought too when I clicked the topic. lol
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    So it took me several posts but I finally understand what ED means. Hehe. I don't understand the mindset of starving yourself. Our bodies need fuel to survive. Anyway, your welcome to add me. I do love to eat, just trying make sure it's good portion sized stuff. :)
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I'm all for healthy eating and obtaining a healthy weight (I wanted to be perfectly clear before my next statement).

    There are many benefits to fasting, but given the tone of this thread thus far, I don't think I'll be very popular for stating any. For anyone who has an open mind to learn more about it, you might find this an interesting read:

    I will risk making one comment though (before I head off to bed)...I see multiple people referring to doing it the "old fashioned way", and not fasting. We were fasting long before we ever tried this whole six small meals a day idea, so wouldn't the old fashioned way be to include intermittent fasting?
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    It's for this reason I'm wary of commenting when someones diary is closed! I eat loads. Just watch the chocolate and do some exercise :)
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I know exactly what you mean, it's really frustrating when I see girls who are my height (5'5) trying to lose weight from like 125lb to 100! I'm doing it the boring, normal, eating right and exercising (occaisionally!) way!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    LOL @ fasting = ED.

    I'd send a request but apparently I have an ED. :laugh: Clearly wasting away here.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    LOL @ fasting = ED.

    I'd send a request but apparently I have an ED. :laugh: Clearly wasting away here.

  • paulslimjonesbryant
    im 5ft 8 target 145 llb feel free too add me
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    ED is eating disorder
    I see ED and always think erect!le disfunction,,,
    I have

  • SlimmingSammie
    Feel free to add me (: