Zumba for the Wii



  • I Just did the 20 minute Intermediate Class # 3.. I wore my HR monitor.. I weigh 132lbs and I burned 168 calories.. Hope this helps : ) If you weigh more you burn Far more than that I am sure! But I am a runner so It takes getting my Heartrate pretty high for big burns.. I burn 170 calories running 2 miles in 20 minutes, So this was a pretty darn great workout on the Wii : )
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    didnt know they had a zumba wii game?! i want that!!

    me either and me too!!! :smile:
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I got the zumba for wii for christmas, and while I can get the belt around myself, it has to be up high, just below my breasts. Maybe after playing for about a year it might fit me! haha. It is a fun game, though.
  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    It's not out in the UK til March! If it's any good I'll get it! :))

    I am in the UK and have had Zumba Wii for a few months now. I got it from Amazon I think.
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    I use Zumba for the Wii and it is pretty good. I also can't get the belt to go around me. I find that if I stick the wii remote into my pants or pocket, it works most of the time.

    I also take Zumba classes. My instructor told me that you burn about 800 calories in an hour class. So I added that to the data base on here.
  • I got zumba for the wii and found it really hard to follow the steps. Then I actually started going to zumba classes where I was taught all the different steps and dances. Now I love the wii zumba (especially in winter when I don't want to go out in the evenings). It is really fun and challenging once you know the steps.
  • Candeka
    Candeka Posts: 7 Member
    I love Zumba 2 for the Wii. Next to The Biggest Loser Challenge, its my favorite game!
  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    I have the zumba for wii and absolutely love it. I do the short class right now that is 17 minutes and burn approx. 190 cals.
  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    I love Zumba 2 for the Wii. Next to The Biggest Loser Challenge, its my favorite game!

    I have the Biggest Loser and find that exhausting !!
  • RL100less
    RL100less Posts: 15 Member
    The best way to track it is buying a Polar (my preference) watch, there are some unexpencives just for Basic Training as they call it, you already invested on a game wright?, ok, now kick it up a notch..., this watch is what made me think about my weight, a heart rate of 100 beats per minutes when sitting down it is not good at all. that's what I had.
  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    I have the zumba for wii and absolutely love it. I do the short class right now that is 17 minutes and burn approx. 190 cals.
  • My fiancé bought me zumba for wii for Christmas and I love it. Like some of you had mentioned the graphics stink but the dance and workout you get from it is awesome. The time goes so quickly because you're constantly doing something new. Love it. A+!! Definitely a must buy. :)
  • cavy4
    cavy4 Posts: 3
    I would love to know how many calories you burn doing zumba on wii. I have it and absolutely love it but have no idea how much I burn each time!!
  • The research I found ranged from 180-250 calories depending on what level beginner intermediate or advanced and for how long. I did Zumba today for 25 min on intermediate and burned about 220! Between the songs where its a few seconds down time I keep moving!!

    Another cool bit of info to share. Type in cleaning for cardiovascular an the amount of time you cleaned. You'd be surprised how many calories you can burn!!
  • brysongs
    brysongs Posts: 1 Member
    I have been googling how many calories you can burn doing zumba b/c I also have to Wii Zumba and do 20 minutes and love it. This is the best website I have found that tells me how many calories you burn.


    I don't know how much good it is if they are correct in what they say but it's something.
    Most sites that I read said that it is hard to say excatly b/c each class/dance is different so would do different results.

    Hope that helps everyone
  • mocheeks82
    mocheeks82 Posts: 5 Member
    I have Zumba for Wii. I use this... Www.zumbacalories.com
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Wow I really suck at this. The tutorials are way too fast!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    My knees can't handle the twists and turns of a regular zumba class. so i do the aqua zumba, i am sure i dont't burn as many calories as i would in a regular class but it is awesome, great music, great teacher and i will end up with great everything else with its help:laugh:
  • karmiew
    karmiew Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, I just tried it out and I'm a little disappointed..the tutorials move along before I got a hang of the move and I got really frustrated with it. I think I'll try it again tomorrow when I'm not tired.. :/ Did anyone else think it was hard at first when you had no idea what you were doing??

    It was so hard at first but honestly after doing a song three or four times you really get it and it is so ful!!! I do mine at least three times a week and have been able to move into the full classes. It has taken me about 4 weeks to really nail it and then it seems new dances come along so you don't get bored.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Ok, I just tried it out and I'm a little disappointed..the tutorials move along before I got a hang of the move and I got really frustrated with it. I think I'll try it again tomorrow when I'm not tired.. :/ Did anyone else think it was hard at first when you had no idea what you were doing??

    It was so hard at first but honestly after doing a song three or four times you really get it and it is so ful!!! I do mine at least three times a week and have been able to move into the full classes. It has taken me about 4 weeks to really nail it and then it seems new dances come along so you don't get bored.

    Thanks, I guess I'll just keep trying and I hope that my husband won't laugh at me haha
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