So frustrated i'm in tears!



  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    This is a journey which has ups and downs, starts and stops and even plateaus. Think of it this way. You lost 8 pounds over 3 weeks. That is about 2.6 lbs per - week which is excellent!

    Secondly, start measuring. Your inches will go down on weeks where the scale doesn't move. Validate that. In the end who cares what the scale says if you are physically smaller?

    Great work and stick to it.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    fight through the frustration and keep going, you will see the results, its not always about what the scale says. Keep it up!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    2 quick observations
    Again, most days you are not eating back exercise calories.
    And you eat out a lot, and some food choices are not to healthy.

    It's the little things that kill us.
    Try this.
    Go into settings to Update diet/fitness profile.
    Set your goals for 1 lb weight loss per week.
    NO MORE!
    And eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Do both cardio and resistance exercise.
    That's it.

    Good Luck to you!
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    If you think you are eating well, you need to think again... I've gone back through your diary for a few days and you are actually eating very little food... a very high percentage of your calories are empty calories, your body is not getting vital nutrients here, mountain dew, hershies, pizza hut??? Try switching to some whole foods, and you really need to cut out the soda's. Whole foods will make you feel fuller for longer, maybe try and start eating some good fats too, some nuts ( I find brazil nuts brill) or maybe some avocado... As far as i can see, you really need to eat more, your body prob thinks it's starving
  • pokergal76
    You sound to me like you are doing a fantastic job! Kudos to you!!!!

    One reason that you might be at a standstill is that you are probably gaining some muscle from all the hours in the gym. So think about this for a minute. If this week you gained 2 lbs of muscle and lost 2 lbs of fat. The scale will say you didn't lose anything. However, if you gained muscle, you boosted your metabolism. That's a good thing!

    Years ago I went to Diet Center and once a month they did a body comp. They measure how much of your weight is fat and how much is muscle. Well, one particular month, my weight loss really slowed down. My diet counselor was concerned and I don't think she thought I was following the program faithfully, but I knew I was. Well guess what happened when she did my monthly body comp? I had lost 10 lbs total and gained 4 lbs of muscle! All 10 lbs on the scale were from fat! This happened because I was working out so much. I asked her if this were ok and she said YES!!!!

    Also one other thing, We used to weight in twice weekly. I f I weighed in very soon after exercising, I didn't get as much of a drop on the scale as the days when I hadn't excercised. I believe it has something to do with your muscles retaining fluid after excercising. (I can't remember precisely what I was told about this, sorry), but I was told it would affect my weight in.

    Don't lose heart, my motto is as long as the scale is headed in the right direction when you step on, you are moving toward your goal. You didn't gain all this weight at once, and it isn't going to come off all at once.
  • ncfranco
    Just keep going.. Don't stop. One thing I have learned is to accept the journey. Once you accept it and you keep pressing forward and you are positive about your progress it WILL happen. :wink:
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member

    You could possibly change what you're eating, but honestly I'm not seeing much wrong. Your fast food is a bit more than it should be, but at the same time you're just starting out. Let yourself ease into it. Weight loss is calories in, calories out.

    Really, truly? Did you look over her diary? The OP is regularly (like, nearly every day) getting 20-25% of her total daily calories from soda. And she admitted that Mt Dew is a huge weakness.

    I do steps. But I don't think sugar-coating (sorry, probably bad choice of words) things is going to help her.

    I know soda is addicting. I drink a diet soda pretty much Working on that as it's nearly my last bad habit in a pretty clean diet and.

    Going cold turkey is hard. And you don't need to make yourself miserable striving for perfection. How about setting SMALL weekly goals that you can stick to - also as a way to measure success even if the scale doesn't move much that week.

    For example, you could choose 3 things to focus on one week like:

    1) cut down to no more than 1 20oz Mt Dew per day (really, this would cut probably 800 calories a week from your current intake)
    2) drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day
    3) replace 2-3 restaurant meals with meals at home

    Again, not cutting out all the "bad" habits at once, but focusing on small reductions and replacing old behaviors with new. Pick 2-3 things for this week, then next week add another 1-2. Give yourself a month and you will have a whole host of new, good habits that you have built up.

    I want for you to succeed and depriving yourself and being miserable will only lead to spiraling back to old habits.
  • jenncaroon
    8 lbs in three weeks is amazing! Weight loss is not always going to happen in a linear fashion. Be patient and enjoy what you have accomplished. This is a learning process. Learning about fitness and healthy eating habits can be rewards along the way. Don't forget to take your measurements so that you have another guage for success. Keep at it!
  • Shanphichloe
    I'm sorry that you are feeling so frustrated but give it time! We are so used to seeing "big numbers loss for bigger people" but that is not always the case. My advice to you: You are still new at this and you are in the learning phase. You need to change your eating habits and that takes time. Watch you salt intake (Restaurants and take out meals are very high in sodium). Try to only drink water and lots of it; 8 glasses is the minimum! Limit juices and pop for the OCCASIONAL treat (especially pop: nothing healthy in this type of chemically-sugared mixture!). Aim for lots of fruit and veggies and proper protein intake.

    Good luck and hopefully everything will fall into place for you!
    (You can add me for support if you wish :smile: )
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    [ However I am told when I don't lose weight, to measure myself, because if I'm expecting to lose pounds and don't then something most likely has lost. So measure yourself. I find I get more excited about inches lost :).

    I was just going to say the same thing; take your measurements. Photos will help as well. Every two weeks, I have new photos taken and I measure myself again. These two things tell me much more than the number on the scales does.
  • mp13cat
    mp13cat Posts: 26 Member
    Just one tip after looking at your diary, try to avoid the Mountain Dew.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I have been stuck at my current weight for quite a while, and wifey pretty much slapped me with the obvious as to the reason why... I am eating 2300-2500 calories a day. Strangely enough I am still hungry most of the evening, which is where my problem is. I have been exercising quite a bit, as much as 1000 calories/day or more. Still, need to watch how much I eat... I think I suffer from portion distortion. "How" are you working out? Are you sweating profusely after you are done? I have seen some girls at the gym go thru the motions, only to see that their elliptical resistance is still set to ONE! EAT VEGGIES, VEGGIES, VEGGIES!!!
  • bono
    bono Posts: 179 Member
    Give yourself some time to figure it out and look back on the weeks that worked for you. As a woman you are going to have monthly fluctuations. Concentrate on the overall, month to month losses. You are doing everything and making the right changes, but it took awhile to get to where you are and of you really want it to change for good you have to take the time to figure out how to get there. Old habits will be shed and new ones gained, but it will take time.

    People here have great advice, ask questions, find some friends that are making healthy choices and have already figured it out. Then try, watch, adjust and try again. You've got this!
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Hang in there. It can be a frustrating journey. A few things to think about, drop all the soda not only are they empty calories they are full of chemicals that WILL effect how your systems work. Also I would suggest adding sugar to what your tracking ie fat/carbs/fiber. Lastly try to eliminate processed foods. They are faux foods and offer no nutritional value and they like sugars impeed your bodies ability to work properly.
  • Shariet0630
    Hun, you lost weight. Thing to remember is that your body does not loose weight and inches at the same time. So u are prob now loosing inches from your weight loss. Keep at it, you are making a difference.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    "Do what you know is right and the numbers on the scale will follow."

    I repeat this to myself over and over when I get frustrated. It's absolutely true.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    didnt read the whole post willing to bet you need to start tracking your sodium....and watch your sugar/carb intake
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    You are crying because you lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks?!? Don't make yourself crazy -- plan to lose slowly to make this part of your life and not just a diet! Slow and steady. Good luck!
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    I have almost 150lbs to lose (i'm 5' 5.5"), seems so daunting. I've been going to the gym for 2 months now, 4 days a week, averaging an hour of cardio and recently i've started adding weight machines, alternating upper/lower body. I wasn't worrying about counting calories too much in the beginning as I was trying to just focus on consistency with my workouts.

    For the last 3 weeks i've been tracking EVERYTHING I've eaten and staying under/at my calorie goals. The first week I lost 6lbs and the second week was 2 lbs, this week was NOTHING! I admit it, I cried like the frustrated girl I am!

    I weigh so much that I figured in the beginning I should be consistenly losing. I am working so hard (ok here comes whining) I am eating better than I ever have, I've worked out more than I ever have, i'm taking time to focus on myself finally, and i'm just so mad. I have 4 kids plus 2 foster kids, I don't have time to take at the gym, but I know it's important for my health. Not seeing results is so hard, i'm not sure what I need to do differently.

    Feel free to add me, I need all the help I can get. I'll open my diary and promise i'll take constructive criticism well!

    you have been working out and the only thing to explain is that muscle weights more than fat so you probably didnt lose or gain because of it...

    also, you need to weigh yourself as soon as u get up in the morning.. thats when you weigh the least..

    no lie, i weigh myself naked..
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Girl dont get all stressed...You are doing wonderful! You have been adding weights into your work could be that you are gaining muscle.