Diet soda ?



  • I reserve soda for nights out like dinner or the movies. I found with drinking water over soda I lose more weight.
  • You guys can have your diet soda or all soda in particular. Just don't get addicted to it, don't get hooked. If you drink enough of that stuff you'll start getting headaches. Worst time of my life was soda withdrawal over a week period when I gave it up. It is a serious thing just like if someone is addicted to heroin. Not the same side effects but I can say that any sort of advil or tylenol you name it did not get rid of the pain I was in. Soda can go to hell.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    You guys can have your diet soda or all soda in particular. Just don't get addicted to it, don't get hooked. If you drink enough of that stuff you'll start getting headaches. Worst time of my life was soda withdrawal over a week period when I gave it up. It is a serious thing just like if someone is addicted to heroin. Not the same side effects but I can say that any sort of advil or tylenol you name it did not get rid of the pain I was in. Soda can go to hell.
    This is anecdotal. If you have NO EVIDENCE to prove it, then it's based on solely your own experience which makes it anecdotal.
    I've never gotten a headache from diet or regular soda, but I do get them from all the bogus information I hear on the forums.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I AM NOT A DIETITIAN... but....

    TBH you'd be better off drinking 1 normal coke and sacrificing the calories than you would be from a diet-coke. The same reason you take the real sugar over the fake sweet-n-low. You don't know whats really in it. It's not that great for you. I found myself still getting a soda gut from diet so I gave it up all together and loving the results.

    I agree with this.. And for the insulin argument.. Insulin DOES signal your body to store fat.

    And BTW.. It depends on the effectiveness of your liver. Your liver is responsible for breaking down fat and filtering out harmful substances. Bottom line, read the ingredient labels.. if you don't know what it is than either does your liver. If it has to work too hard to breakdown artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc... then it doesn't have time to breakdown fat. Your best bet is to eat ONE ingredient foods. Eggs, chicken, steak even... I'm not saying Diet coke will make you gain weight, it might not even make it harder to lose, but if you can't pronounce the ingredients... then it doesn't belong in your body.

    And by all means.. if you disagree, have at it. But if you're going to seek out a professional opinion, speak to a DIETITIAN.
    You're liver doesn't break down artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup. Aspartame is broken down in the intestine like any other protein, and absorbed like any other protein, and high fructose corn syrup is digested and absorbed by the intestine, just like any other sugar, since it's basically sucrose on a molecular level. Also, just because you can't pronounce it, doesn't mean your body doesn't know what it is. You mentioned "one ingredient foods." There's no such thing. "Egg" is what we call it, but it's a substance made up of hundreds of various chemicals that are just as difficult to pronounce as anything you might read on the side of a can of soda. Same with chicken, steak, apples, tomatoes, or anything else we eat and drink. The liver filters the blood, no food you eat makes it into your blood stream, it is completely broken down in the digestive system first.

    By the way, chicken, steaks, and eggs all have naturally occurring aspartame in them, aspartic acid and phenylalanine are both amino acids that are found in all of them, generally in much higher concentrations than a can of Diet Coke.
  • bigredisback
    bigredisback Posts: 2 Member
    It's bad on several fronts

    - Spikes insulin levels for weight loss
    - Has key ingredient which should never of been approved by FDA.

    I am trying to break the addiction at the moment.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    It's bad on several fronts

    - Spikes insulin levels for weight loss
    - Has key ingredient which should never of been approved by FDA.

    I am trying to break the addiction at the moment.
    Where's the actual Clinical data supporting this claim? I for one would like to see it instead of it being said out of opinion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    I adore Diet Coke/ Pepsi (I'm not picky) and I used to drink one (at least) every day. That was when I was at my thinnest, healthiest mind and body. Currently, I drink them occasionally (admittedly I'm going to go buy a case today and probably have more than one) and have been losing weight consistently. I LOVE the stuff and the only thing that contributed to my weight gain was a bum knee, a bit of depression, and wine and cheese.

    With that being said, I've never had a huge sweet tooth so the idea that diet soda triggers a desire for sweets hasn't applied to me- I like salty/crunchy things more. If I had a sweet tooth, maybe my experiences would be different.

    Best wishes!
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    Well, it's definitely a personal choice to drink it, but the aspartame in it is not good for you at all. I won't judge you or anyone else, though, if you have a diet soda. Some people just want different things and that's okay.
    If I drink it that tends to be all I drink; I've replaced the soda with water. I will say, though, that I feel hungrier when I drink it. For example, not long ago I was sitting at work one day and had an empty stomach (I struggle to eat breakfast), so I drank a diet soda and immediately felt ravenous. My stomach was growling like crazy! That was my personal experience.
  • malliexo
    malliexo Posts: 76 Member
    The artificial sweetener in the diet soda is terrible for you. Try your best to stay away from it.

    If you have any type of headaches at all the artificial sweetener is probably to blame.

    This is a pretty good article about the pros and cons of artificial sweetners:
    Articles aren't evidence. Peer reviewed clinical studies are.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    You're talking to someone who is severely allergic to artificial sweetener. I believe it.
  • I drink diet only and only when its an option. Other times I opt for crystal light in a lemonade or tea flavor.
  • Randa11G
    Randa11G Posts: 7 Member
    What my nutritionist told me is:

    Diet soda has artificial sweetener that is many times sweeter than natural sugar and sugar is a natural energy source for your body (obviously over indulging is not good). So when you ingest Diet sodas with no natural energy source for your body it starts to crave the energy it thought it was getting, so you tend to overeat and crave high calorie (carbs and sugars) as a result. I have switched to water and occasionally crystal light tea which still has artifical sweetener.

    Agreed! When I cut soda (including diet) out of my diet my cravings for sweets are almost completely gone.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I drink diet only and only when its an option. Other times I opt for crystal light in a lemonade or tea flavor.

    I don't get it, Crystal Light is basically the same as drinking diet soda. It's all artificial sweetener.
  • I don't think diet soda is that bad for you. You know what is bad though? Being overweight. If it helps you lose weight go for it. I have a rule I don't drink calories.

    However just as I don't like to eat tasteless food I don't really enjoy tasteless beverages. The only time I want to drink water is if I'm hot or working out.

    One thing I have read as others have indicated is that diet soda can make you crave sweets. Perhaps this is true but not with everybody. The last thing I would want to have after drinking a Coke Zero is something like a cake or brownie. I don't have a sweet tooth though so this may be why this works for me. Others who crave sweets may have more difficulty.
  • You guys can have your diet soda or all soda in particular. Just don't get addicted to it, don't get hooked. If you drink enough of that stuff you'll start getting headaches. Worst time of my life was soda withdrawal over a week period when I gave it up. It is a serious thing just like if someone is addicted to heroin. Not the same side effects but I can say that any sort of advil or tylenol you name it did not get rid of the pain I was in. Soda can go to hell.
    This is anecdotal. If you have NO EVIDENCE to prove it, then it's based on solely your own experience which makes it anecdotal.
    I've never gotten a headache from diet or regular soda, but I do get them from all the bogus information I hear on the forums.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Probably because you have 1, i'm talking a huge amount. 4 liters or so in a night for long periods of time. There are people out there that drink that and if you go cold turkey I guarantee headaches..
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Withdrawal headaches have nothing to do with it being soda. It's from caffeine. Coffee, tea, any beverage or food containing caffeine would lead to the same headaches and symptoms.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Withdrawal headaches have nothing to do with it being soda. It's from caffeine. Coffee, tea, any beverage or food containing caffeine would lead to the same headaches and symptoms.


    People with sensitivities to certain artificial sweeteners can experience headaches. But this invariably happens when they are consuming them, not cutting them out.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Probably because you have 1, i'm talking a huge amount. 4 liters or so in a night for long periods of time. There are people out there that drink that and if you go cold turkey I guarantee headaches..
    Like tigersword stated, it's from the caffeine then (which is not an uncommon side effect from any caffeine withdrawl) and not due to diet soda.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I don't think diet soda is that bad for you. You know what is bad though? Being overweight. If it helps you lose weight go for it. I have a rule I don't drink calories.

    However just as I don't like to eat tasteless food I don't really enjoy tasteless beverages. The only time I want to drink water is if I'm hot or working out.

    One thing I have read as others have indicated is that diet soda can make you crave sweets. Perhaps this is true but not with everybody. The last thing I would want to have after drinking a Coke Zero is something like a cake or brownie. I don't have a sweet tooth though so this may be why this works for me. Others who crave sweets may have more difficulty.

    I have a horrendous sweet tooth but drinking diet coke keeps it happy! The way I see it is if I choose diet coke over chocolate (for example), that's going to be better for my diet. As I'm on MFP obviously I prioritise a calorie-controlled diet over everything else, otherwise I'd be off doing Atkins or Paleo or some other restrictive diet. I'm not, so it makes sense to be as efficient as possible with calories. 0 calories for diet coke definitely beats 100+ for a glass of fruit juice.

    Just my opinion :)
  • I challenge you to go six weeks with this goal: Don't drink any other beverages each day until after you drink your needed 48 ounces of water a day. If you do not have a desire for water it will help you develop the taste for it. It takes six weeks to break a bad habit or develop a good one. If your desire for diet soda currently is more than "moderate" this will help you to bring it to that level, accomplishing two healthy goals at one time. I think you'll be pleased with the results. I certainly was when I accepted this challenge.
  • I switched from regular Pepsi to Diet 7Up. I didn't realize at the time that Diet 7Up is caffeine-free, but giving up caffeine is one of the best things I've done for my diet. The surprising thing I found with giving up caffeine is that my taste for sweets disappeared.