does anyone have a cheat day?



  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Yes and today is it!!! :)
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I don't schedule my cheats. I usually can go a long time eating really healthy, and I never know when it'll hit - that urge to eat whatever the *kitten* I want - but when it does, you can bet your *kitten* I oblige.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I always do a meal at least once a week. Sometimes I do a day but it's usually a day that I end up with the munchies...where I'm just hungry all day for whatever reason.
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    My treat is flavored creamer in my coffee on Sat. or Sun. Also once every 2 weeks I have a nice meal out or buffet and don't feel guilty. A cheat day is a dangerous thing to a compulsive over eater...I have heard it said that "One bite is TOO much and the WHOLE thing is never enough!" That rings true with me. But, when I go without too long I will binge.
  • well yesterday I had a small amount of nachos, that was my cheat day. But once a month i'd like
    to go out to my favorite sushi restaurant and order all you can eat :)
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    I try not to! So far out of Almost 3 weeks, I went over my Calorie limit 1 day!..................If I eat alot of calories, I make sure, I do enough exercise to make up for it!!!!!! If I want wings one night, I will MAKE SURE I get on the treadmill for an hour, sometime during the day!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I don't designate a cheat day, but if I know have an event or something coming up where I'll be tempted, I may designate that a "cheat day". I usually only have one a month though, so it doesn't really do much harm to my progress in the long run.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    My husband and I are both on this and we have a CHEAT day on fridays .Thats the day we get weighed,and we go out and eat I have noticed that we do not go back to buffet 3 times maybe 2 lol .we tried giving them up and it was worse so went back to it .Sort of rewarding yourself for a week well done.As long as u can get right back on track next day,I see no problem.
  • Absolutely, my cheat day is on Tuesdays. Usually I will cheat with a snack or one meal of the day. Sometimes I let myself go all out.
  • biscuit71
    biscuit71 Posts: 43 Member
    It's important to reward yourself with a treat once in awhile. Of course, don't overdue it but one meal, one day a week as a reward for your efforts can be a big motivational least for me it is. For instance, I lost my first 10 pounds so I treated myself to a new sub place that just opened. I didn't go to crazy and it tasted soooo good! So, go for'll help keep you going and you deserve it. Good luck to you!!!:smile:
  • one cheat meal a week.
  • mharring12
    mharring12 Posts: 1 Member
    My trainer says that a cheat meal is good for you... just try to control your portions since you can't control the content necessarily i.e. the point of cheating. Good luck :)
  • Opheliac_Xx
    Opheliac_Xx Posts: 32 Member
    Would a cheat day still help you lose weight if you are a healthy weight?
  • mrsgrant
    mrsgrant Posts: 9 Member
    yes ..right now im doing 1500 to 1600 calories a day, plus one day of yoga class and 3 times a week at the eating lots of protein and veggies, Im not a big fruit person but i try to eat some a couple times a week..lots of water.also i bought the Hyvee brand of vanilla diet shake mix and i have that for breakfast sometimes or a snack..every 7th day i let myself have between 2200 or 2400 calories, i am started to lose weight slowly but thats how i want to do it..i think you have to eat some extra calories once in a while or your metabolism will adjust itself and you might reach a plateau quicker
  • I have a cheat day where I can eat whatever I want for the whole day. In moderation, of course. It's worked in the past for me. It's my way of rewarding myself for being so good all week.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I was thinking about a cheat day ,a couple of days ago I had a couple of cupcakes and exceeded my calorie goal and after that I actually lost 2 pounds. And I was wondering if that incident was part of the reason I lost those 2 pounds.
  • I don't have cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. For me, being able to have whatever I want, when I want to eat fits better with my lifestyle. Having to wait for a specific day to have something I really love tends to make me a bit resentful and I tend to binge eat. I make sure that I can account for whatever it is I want in my calories for the day, I eat the serving size of the item, I log it and I move on.

    I just find this way (in moderation) to be less like a "diet" and more like a lifestyle change. :)

    This -- and most days I make very healthy choices
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Absolutley! I used to do it on sundays but now I just do it once a week if I feel like it. If not thats ok. Mostly I get the urge if my body is feeling the effects of just not eating enough. (I have a hard time getting all my calories in, and more often than not, don't) Or I will save the day for a special occasion like this week is my daughters birthday so we are going out to eat at her request. I am going to allow myself whatever I want and dessert within reason of course. But I am not going to fret over everything I eat or smell or touch! lol This is a life style for me. I have been overweight most of my life so this is not a simple diet and get it off, then get back to my regularly scheduled program. This is a life long commitment and it won't always be perfect nor will I and I don't expect to be. Iife has to have room for cake at a birthday party or a drink or dinner out with friends and family. a weekend get away with my man at which time I am sure we will go out to dinner. These things are all apart of life and since life is ment to be enjoyed I'll enjoy and then I will continue to enjoy taking care of my self and being healthy. one day is not a lifetime! Enjoy! :)
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    I did this for the first time yesterday. It wasn't really a "meal" it was just simply junk. Afterwards my stomach hurt. But now I am back on the path. I needed to treat myself after 3 weeks of hard work...and I still didn't go over my calories :)
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I don't have cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. For me, being able to have whatever I want, when I want to eat fits better with my lifestyle. Having to wait for a specific day to have something I really love tends to make me a bit resentful and I tend to binge eat. I make sure that I can account for whatever it is I want in my calories for the day, I eat the serving size of the item, I log it and I move on.

    I just find this way (in moderation) to be less like a "diet" and more like a lifestyle change. :)