So confused by a lot of people on here...



  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    ............I know what works for me.......

    If you truly believe/know this, then it shouldn't matter what others say....keep doing your thing. 98% of the the posts on here are people asking in one way or another "what do you think about this, or why am I not losing, etc", so I think some people automatically feel like they hav to give their two cents......sometimes maybe while thinking they are being helpful.

    The other thing is, like is said earlier, if it's working for you, and you McDonalds every day, then who give a mess about someone saying it's the worst and most unhealthy food in the world. People on here need to take everything said with a grain of salt.......take and apply what you can use, and discard the rest. I get so frustrated to see so many people NEED the validation from others to be able to proceed with their diets with confidence when what they've been doing has been working. Sure, validation and recognition from others is nice, but each one of us has to be responsible for OUR OWN diets.

    Now, if "advice" is coming across as insensitive and rude, then that is another story all together.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I get what you're saying, and people do sometimes get a bit preachy on here, but most of it comes from wanting to help. I have to say, though, that if I don't want feedback/advice/discussion about something, I won't post it or say it. I'll just think it to myself.

    I am grateful for your scientific approach to this. And thank you.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I get what you're saying, and people do sometimes get a bit preachy on here, but most of it comes from wanting to help. I have to say, though, that if I don't want feedback/advice/discussion about something, I won't post it or say it. I'll just think it to myself.

    I am grateful for your scientific approach to this. And thank you.

    As a scientist she is very wise
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I agree with not getting preachy about things here... and I also do not believe in putting ANY particular food (especially if you like it) OFF LIMITS because it will eventually cause resentment and binge eating.

    The majority of us (people in general)... 1. want to help. 2. do not welcome unsolicited advice well.

    Edited... I forgot one more thing... it looks like you're doing great, and I agree with you to do what works for you as long as it's not HCG!!! LOL
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    ............I know what works for me.......

    If you truly believe/know this, then it shouldn't matter what others say....keep doing your thing. 98% of the the posts on here are people asking in one way or another "what do you think about this, or why am I not losing, etc", so I think some people automatically feel like they hav to give their two cents......sometimes maybe while thinking they are being helpful.

    The other thing is, like is said earlier, if it's working for you, and you McDonalds every day, then who give a mess about someone saying it's the worst and most unhealthy food in the world. People on here need to take everything said with a grain of salt.......take and apply what you can use, and discard the rest. I get so frustrated to see so many people NEED the validation from others to be able to proceed with their diets with confidence when what they've been doing has been working. Sure, validation and recognition from others is nice, but each one of us has to be responsible for OUR OWN diets.

    Now, if "advice" is coming across as insensitive and rude, then that is another story all together.

    I don't think you've really got what I'm saying from the thread. I'm not saying that it's an issue for people who've been doing things and know they're doing it right, but for newish people who are still trying to find their way.

    My first month or so, I don't remember it that well now, but I know I was testing the waters with when to allow myself chocolate, and whether or not to offer myself rewards. Over a year on, that's not a problem, but if I'd have been on MFP when I first started and had made the passing comment "I've decided I'm going to have McDonalds once a month", only to receive a flurry of replies and personal messages telling me McDonalds was poison and "What are you even doing on this site if you still think you can eat McDonalds on occasion?", I can imagine that would have had a pretty big impact. I would probably have doubted my own instincts (since this would be before I knew what was working), and possibly have been thrown off course completely - and it wouldn't have been a case of me not knowing that McDonalds wasn't a healthy choice, it would have been due to people aggressively telling me things I already knew and making it sound like they were the authority on the issue.

    Edit: To add, I totally understand when people go "You do know how high the sodium levels in a Big Mac are, and how that will cause you to store water weight?", just not when people are so aggressive.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I tend to disagree on this with some people.
    If we truly know what works then how did we get ourselves to be overweight?
    I had to do things another way to lose my weight and understand the physiology behind weight loss and this new way of life!

    My way wasnt right in the beginning!
    I'm no expert on weight loss or nutrition but when I did what the experts told me to do...I lost a significant amount of weight.
    Now I pass on what they told me!
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    ............I know what works for me.......

    If you truly believe/know this, then it shouldn't matter what others say....keep doing your thing. 98% of the the posts on here are people asking in one way or another "what do you think about this, or why am I not losing, etc", so I think some people automatically feel like they hav to give their two cents......sometimes maybe while thinking they are being helpful.

    The other thing is, like is said earlier, if it's working for you, and you McDonalds every day, then who give a mess about someone saying it's the worst and most unhealthy food in the world. People on here need to take everything said with a grain of salt.......take and apply what you can use, and discard the rest. I get so frustrated to see so many people NEED the validation from others to be able to proceed with their diets with confidence when what they've been doing has been working. Sure, validation and recognition from others is nice, but each one of us has to be responsible for OUR OWN diets.

    Now, if "advice" is coming across as insensitive and rude, then that is another story all together.

    I don't think you've really got what I'm saying from the thread. I'm not saying that it's an issue for people who've been doing things and know they're doing it right, but for newish people who are still trying to find their way.

    My first month or so, I don't remember it that well now, but I know I was testing the waters with when to allow myself chocolate, and whether or not to offer myself rewards. Over a year on, that's not a problem, but if I'd have been on MFP when I first started and had made the passing comment "I've decided I'm going to have McDonalds once a month", only to receive a flurry of replies and personal messages telling me McDonalds was poison and "What are you even doing on this site if you still think you can eat McDonalds on occasion?", I can imagine that would have had a pretty big impact. I would probably have doubted my own instincts (since this would be before I knew what was working), and possibly have been thrown off course completely - and it wouldn't have been a case of me not knowing that McDonalds wasn't a healthy choice, it would have been due to people aggressively telling me things I already knew and making it sound like they were the authority on the issue.

    Edit: To add, I totally understand when people go "You do know how high the sodium levels in a Big Mac are, and how that will cause you to store water weight?", just not when people are so aggressive.

    I see what you're saying. People can get so obsessed. People can become so passionate about health, much like someone might over religion, that they feel that their way, is the ONLY way, and have to push it on others instead of helping to educate them and le them make their on choices.

    Also, if I came across too strong in my earlier post, it wasn't intentional.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member

    I see what you're saying. People can get so obsessed. People can become so passionate about health, much like someone might over religion, that they feel that their way, is the ONLY way, and have to push it on others instead of helping to educate them and le them make their on choices.

    Also, if I came across too strong in my earlier post, it wasn't intentional.

    Not at all, don't worry. :smile:

    I'm really finding all the responses to this thread interesting. It's giving me a bit of an insight into what motivates people to comment on the things the way they do.
  • I have been on here now for nearly 1 month, and I have no friends on here......No I am not antisocial, my weightloss is a personal journey. I got myself into this state and I am going to get myself out of it. I love to read all the threads and comment on a few. i intend on sharing some of my sucsesses and I am sure in the future I will ask for advice on certain things.
    My food diary is private, because of people acting in the very manner you have spoken about. I have the odd bit of chocolate, I even have some crisps (oh the shame lol)

    I eat healthy most of the time, I always stay within my calorie range and i am consistanly losing weight.
    A little bit of what you fancy does you no harm!!!!

    I am happy:tongue:
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    pmsl :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    This is a reason why I keep my food diary set to friends only. I consume a lot of calories in a day (2300-2500 net) and I'm maintaining my weight while doing so. Unfortunately, people seem to think they need to "fix" me and inform me that I'm simply eating too much food.

    What? If I'm maintaining my weight, I'm NOT eating too much!

    I'm also a very picky eater and I tend to eat the same things day in and day out. I'm happy and content eating the same things each day and I don't need anyone to tell me what might be a healthier choice or whatever.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have been on here now for nearly 1 month, and I have no friends on here......No I am not antisocial, my weightloss is a personal journey. I got myself into this state and I am going to get myself out of it. I love to read all the threads and comment on a few. i intend on sharing some of my sucsesses and I am sure in the future I will ask for advice on certain things.
    My food diary is private, because of people acting in the very manner you have spoken about. I have the odd bit of chocolate, I even have some crisps (oh the shame lol)

    I eat healthy most of the time, I always stay within my calorie range and i am consistanly losing weight.
    A little bit of what you fancy does you no harm!!!!

    I am happy:tongue:

    Haha. I've found the forum has become a bit of a demon to me. I'm on here every day now because I'm feeling wrapped up and involved, but I do sort of wish I'd never discovered it because I get this huge sense of disappointment in most of the threads I read.
  • tinacc1
    tinacc1 Posts: 57 Member
    ...Ask my cat!... hahahaha :)
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.

    Frankly if I were to hit a buffet for lunch and McD's for dinner or something, I would hope one of my friends on here would rip me a new one for doing it... make me think twice about doing it again! That's one of the pros of keeping your food journal public... to be held accountable. I say all the more guilt you can make me feel, the better. The less chance it will happen again.

    That being said, yes I do agree that people know what works best for them. However, we are all here for similar purposes, and the point of this site is SUPPORT. If someone can't take some well intentioned criticism, they have more problems than just their weight/fitness/health.

    What really burns my *kitten* is when I see someone go way over their caloric goal, don't log any exercise, hit up the fast food, and then whine "I'm so frustrated... I'm not losing any weight... this is too hard"... HELLO... WAKE UP... It's called EFFORT. I haven't lost much but I am determined... and I know the effort it will take. Complain all you want if you are putting in the effort, but if you aren't... maybe I'm just a (insert nasty word here) but I say put up or shut up!

    There's my rant. And yes, I was deleted from someone's friend list just the other day because I commented on their lack of effort. Oh well I feel I need to surround myself with people who really WANT to change their life. Not just talk about it.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    The only way some people can do this is to be totally gung ho. If they don't set their mind a certain way, do certain things, and act a certain way, they'll fall of their own bandwagon. Fact is, no one eats perfectly... It's nearly impossible these days. And, even better, perfection is all in who you asked. Even experts disagree about this that and the other... Hell, our "recommended" diet from the U.S. government is just about the same as what farmers feed their livestock to fatten them up for slaughter...

    There's two ways to kill yourself through food. Each too much of the wrong stuff, or, eat to little of anything... Everything in between is good enough as long as you're reaching your goals...
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I think a lot of people fail to take into account peoples previous lifestyle, yes they still could be making poor choices, but if they acknowledge that, and have made an improved choice then good for them! As far as i'm concerned thats what the food note bit is for, saying I realise this was wrong but its better than this! Getting a processed weight watchers meal, designed to be well balanced, is better than a high calorie indian processed meal!
    Sometimes your day can make it nearly impossible, like I have a tiny gap between lectures and don't always remember to prepare or buy something better in advance. Fact is though, I've not been at this seriously for long, and so I'm bound to make mistakes. If I went in all guns blazing, I'd end up giving up, like I have before, like I did at the start of the year, and end of last year.

    Lol at the way i've been referenced in this...

    Do what works for you and no one else.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Unfortunately we have people who jump feet first into weight loss and end up harming themselves in the long run. Yea we run into douche bags on here but 90% of the time its people trying to help.

    I often get called "blunt" or "Mean" when on the forums but I can honestly say that the people that I did educate are now losing weight with high calorie diets.

    BTW I'll eat anything that fits into my macros and lose weight.
    I may gain some water weight due to sodium but screw it! I know it goes away after a day!

    sometimes we need to have thicker skin and really read and compare the thoughts and ideas of others.
    A lot of it is bull****.
    Some of it is true!

    Never take advice from someone with 0 weight loss and 1 forum post.

  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hahahahahahha awesome, i like diet drinks cause sometimes water sucks and a lot of other drinks have worse sodium, 20mg for a diet coke woot woot ;)
  • tawanda25
    tawanda25 Posts: 32 Member
    It's all about perspective and self reflection....then hopefully move forward to a better and healthy you.
  • Just TRY and have a diet coke on here.... go ahead... I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dont you know it'll kill you! geez!! hahaha... it is a little uncalled for sometimes