does anyone have a cheat day?



  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Yep! Every Saturday. I stay within my calories but eat whatever I like. (within reason! - I've noticed even on "cheat" days I feel guilty indulging too much. And I pick and choose what I really want. That tiny McDonald's hamburger and fries is so not going to win when I can eat a large meal of ribs and cornbread instead!)

    I usually do an extra half hour of cardio that day, too so I can eat without feeling too restricted. :)

    I lost over 45 pounds and I've had this "cheat" day/meal since the beginning.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I don't plan cheat days...they find me. Which may seem like like a meaningless difference, but its a mindset that I find more helpful. As a past binger, I find the psychology of "planning" to cheat a little too binge like. So..if something I like, misses me so much that it searches the world until it *finds me* and presents itself, then I say to myself "okay, let's just call this a cheat meal." Because, really, if a piece of cheesecake went through all the trouble just to find me, who am I to say no?

    I really just think of it as a "higher than normal" calorie day rather than a "cheat" day. Because occasionally eating something rich or "not healthy" but dense with calories is one thing. Purposefully "over-indulging", again, feels too much like "binging" or "gluttony" to me, so I don't do it.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I give myself a few extra calories on my weigh-in day. I set a limit...usually 2,000 calories...and I try to stick to it. It's not always on my weigh-in day...if I have something special coming up that I know will cause me to want to consume more calories, I use my extra calories on that day. I have had "cheat days" in the past and not kept track of what I was eating. Once I started keeping track, I was shocked and embarrassed how much I had consumed! Since my weigh-in is Thursday, it is real easy for that one "cheat day" to roll into the whole weekend and before I know is Sunday or Monday and I have to starve myself to make up for all the damage I had done. I'm a big time procrastinator and there's always So, now I am trying to break my binge habit and eat more consistently. A few extras one day a week, but not over the limit I set for myself...then right back on track the next day. This is not a diet...I am trying to learn to eat in a way that I can live with for the rest of my life....while losing weight as I go. I can't imagine living the rest of my life without some of my favorite foods, and without eating or drinking, a little more than I should now and then. I'm learning portion control...self control...self discipline. So, if you can handle letting go a little bit without losing complete control....I think it's fine to have a day of a little extra. Hopefully, once I am confident in my portion control and self control...I will be able to just have whatever I'd like whenever I'd like...not just one special "cheat day" a week.
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    yes! my boyfriend and i go out for coney island or thai/japanese food once a week. i'm pretty mindful of what i eat and since changing my habits, i don't demolish a plate of anything anymore. when we get thai food, i usually eat half. when we went to coney island, i ate a small plate of coney fries with mustard and a bowl of lemon rice soup. if you deny yourself the things you like, then you probably won't get very far into weight loss.
  • Sofithomas
    Honestly, putting it in perspective, ONE DAY of bad eating, even if it is way over the calorie deficit, cannot make a hugley detrimental didn't gain weight overnight, and you didn't lose it overnight, thus oen day of indulgence won't stall it badly. I normally keep my calories very low during the week anyway - I'm good, which means the odd indulgence normally doesn't hinder it. Mathematically, by the end of the week, I am still in an overall deficit.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I seem to have a cheat day about once a week whether I want it or not. In this case, last night after midnight the leftover pasta, milk, and some rootbeer called to me from the fridge. Of course I answered. As long as it's only one day I guess I'm doing okay, still losing weight, anyway. It might even help keep me from stalling out.
  • sbw2012
    sbw2012 Posts: 22
    Usually only on days that end with the letter "Y"...LOL! About once every week or two.

    this has cracked me up!!!!!
    hahahahhaa. :p
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member

    It's always a social cheat - ice cream cones with kids, naughty starbucks coffee with friends, etc. Today Mr. Sweet Lotus and I stopped at Tim Horton's. He had a cinnamon role and I had latte...and a delicious chocolate danish.

    Food is about nourishment, but it's about pleasure, too. For me, keeping a healthy relationship with eating means honoring both of those aspects at different times.
  • christina571
    Yes, I will have a cheat meal once a week, normally during the weekend. Tonight, for example, was my first cheat meal and I enjoyed some delicious barbecue food. I was still under my calorie goal for today, so I'm not stressing out. Usually, when I plan a "cheat" meal, I try to do some extra cardio.
  • BoxingCoachMo
    i don't know about a day... i mix it up generally.. i will try to eat proper food but i may have a couple of biscuits here and there and a packet of crisps...

    My downfall use to be pastries but instead of eating the, i'd rather eat a proper meal.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I don't have 'cheat days'. That doesn't mean that I don't allow myself to eat some delicious meals or go out to dinner with friends every once in a while. I just accommodate that meal within my calorie goal intake for the day. So I might have a lower calorie lunch to accommodate for a high-calorie dinner or I might do a big gym/exercise session and burn off lots of calories to accommodate a night out with friends. Someone said to me once - "I exercise so I can eat & drink!" And she was a fit woman and it made sense to me. And even when I eat out I try to choose a better choice, or eat only half of the meal (as some meals come out and they are absolutely huge) and I barely drink anymore so I don't need to worry about those extra calories. If I am having take out I opt for chinese food and also try to make better choices then too - 100 grams / 1 cup of white rice tops and lots of vegetables in those delicious sauces! :-)
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    It's not necessary for me. If I really want something, I can usually fit it into my daily calorie allowance.
  • knelson422
    Just read a few of the "skinny rules" from bob harpers new book (coming out in May ) on One of them was to have an indulgence once a week. Just FYI. Bob rocks!!!
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    My cheat meal is usually alcohol.
  • Smansfield1
    Smansfield1 Posts: 50 Member
    I totally had a cheat day today...while out running errands, we stopped at some mom & pop burger joint and now tonight, I am too tired and a bit sore from my workout this morning so I ordered the kids pizza and ended up eating a piece. As of right now, I am still under my calorie goal for today (because I burnt nearly 400 cal at the gym) but not sure if I'll make it another 5 hours till bed. I have found that if I don't allow myself a cheat meal or day, I end up binge eating all the foods I'm not allowing myself to eat, and usually in secret, grab a chocolate bar at the checkout and eat before I get home, stuff like that. So allow yourself a treat so you don't sabotage yourself
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    Gotta agree with most of you, you need to be able to eat 'normal', feel 'normal', believe that you are 'normal' to BE normal. What we all are learning is that WE are in control, not the food, not our bodies. If we want or need to have a TREAT day, meal or even snack (much nicer than a CHEAT day I think) then we should allow ourselves that. And it is true that our metabolisms need to be tweaked otherwise our very adaptable bodies settle into the routine and stop working quite so hard. Choose wisely, exercise well and enjoy your treats. Life is for living every moment. I have realized that when I changed the mental picture that I had of myself then I was no longer bound by what I had come to believe were my limits. I am now achieving what I really thought was never possible.
    Have a great day all of you
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I have done spike days in the past and started them again. Saturday is my spike day. I have whatever I want and I keep it around 2800 calories.
  • supersquaw
    Yes we do it too. Once we hit a goal (his is 10 lbs and mine is 8 lbs), then we have a cheat day. I think it helps you stay on track if you are not totally forbidden to eat those foods. He hits his 10 lbs marks before I hit mine but he waits for me and we do it together :)
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I probably have a cheat day every 5th or 6th day. For me, it means that I'm going over my calories by a few hundred but I'm also eating stuff that I like such as maybe pizza or red meat of some sort.

    The reason for this is because it's like zigzagging. It keeps your body guessing on how much you are going to give it which avoids a plateau.

    I'm only trying to lose 4 or 5 pounds a month so it's a complete lifestyle change that I'm working on. I don't like being fat, but I also don't like depriving myself of my favourite foods.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    Today was an accidental cheat day. :( *sighs*