.... a burned out Weight Watchers member!!



  • shellybean826
    im a member of weight watchers online ..ive been a member for almost 3 months...i love the ap on my phone that tells me what i can eat if i want to go to a restaurant ....other then that i never eat the points they give me in a single day ....
    i was diagnosed with ednos late last year, ....the weight watchers gave me a feeling of control of what i was eating and what i could have ...my 3 months is about over and im seriously thinking of cancelling my membership ...im 10 lbs away from goal and i wonder if you can become a lifetime member online and not have to pay ..hmmmm ....i googled the tools and im going to wait until morning to find out my fat percentage but im interested in knowing :) ...
  • shellybean826
    i also wonder ...because ive lost over 120 lbs ..i have alot of loose skin ...they want you to measure your waist and hips ..where most of my skin is ..and enter that for the fat percentage ??? will it be accurate ??? just asking since im not sure :blushing:
  • alvabang
    Hang in there...there are a lot of good people support here and it doesn't cost a dime. Little changes - big wins.
  • lkfritsch
    I lost a lot of weight on WW but they were no help at teaching me to maintain it. So surprise I am on a health change not a diet, although I do have 20 pounds to go, it is just one choice at a time.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I just quit WW... and will be doing MFP instead.
    I think WW could work, but I find their online food database scarce compared to this one.

    Also, why pay if I could do this on my own. I was only doing the online version anyway. I did not get the group support. You folks look awesome :)
    It is a lifestyle change, I am in no hurry and this feels right.

    Honestly, this was the initial thing that impressed me most about MFP. The database is sooooooo complete. WW has some type of partnership with Smart Ones....so guess what....Lean Cuisine meals aren't in their database! Retarded! Also, what can beat free? Nothing! And if I see another Jennifer Hudson endorsement, I'm gonna :explode: :explode: And another thing....points don't save me from water retention and hypertension from all those sodium soaked frozen dinners I was eating...I lost 15 lbs on WW, but I gained it all back because I still didn't learn everything I needed to know about HOW to eat. MFP forces you to take a look at individual nutrients, as well as rewards you just for logging your food in.

    And how about that cool barcode scanner on your phone with the MFP app? Coolness.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I lost ~140 pounds on WW. Not really going to bash it. Every way of eating isn't for everyone.

    I lost about 15 lbs on WW's. They taught me to eat better, they taught about measuring, I became a better/healthier cook and grocery shopper, they taught the value of accountability and group support. You won't see me bashing it either.

    I'm here because this is free and I've moved on to a more advanced stage of my health and fitness journey.
  • dyanaah
    dyanaah Posts: 9 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Jasmine .... I'm looking forward to a wonderful link to success through this forum. Diana
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    My adult daughter just joined WW, she has a serious weight issue, 5' 4" and over 400 lbs. She needs a program with support. I hope it works for her. As for me, I went to a meeting and here is what I think. The new points plus system seems to hide calories, I think my daughter was given too many points and the points aren't a good gauge for what you are eating, sometimes the points are free and other times they count. I think the system has people losing at a very slow rate, so they can maximize your time in the program and collect $45 a month from you forever.

    It appears that WW is more into taking your money, than really helping you lose weight. When I make something like a large batch of spaghetti sauce and then try and break it down into points for a serving, it becomes anyone's guess how many points to give a serving. MFP works nicely for me, haven't really lost any weight yet, but am trying to follow the program.

    In my opinion you are correct in your statement. I'd rather put that $45.00 in a jar for a new wardrobe when I lose all my weight. If your daughter has the same problems as I stated below, she may want to join you here. I'm glad my friend told me about this site as even though I have only been here since Tuesday I am seeing results already.

    Last year I joined and it took me 16 weeks to lose 15 pounds and I was over 380 at the time. They had me on 54 points to start with, which seemed awful high to me but I followed what they said. After the first 16 weeks I lowered my points to about 35 and lost 11 pounds that next week, 6 the following week and was told if I continued at that rate I would not be allowed to continued. I went 1 more week and lost weight again and should have gotten my 10% weight loss token. I never got it. I think they were mad at me because in 3 weeks lowering my points I had lost more weight than I did in the 16 weeks following there points. I said goodbye to them and came here in the New Year.
  • jen6608
    jen6608 Posts: 2 Member
    I rejoined ww in january. Went to my first meeting and recalled the reason I stopped going in the first place. I found this site and am so happy i did. It's free.... I have tracked better and longer than ever before yea!!!!! only down 7lbs but feeling better
  • Mmmporkrinds
    I'm a WW drop-out too, though at the time it did work for me - I lost 12 kilos but then over a few years, 'found' it again. I agree that MFP gives you all the information you need without paying. Also WW seems to encourage you to buy in to the idea of 'it doesn't matter what you eat so long as you stay within your points' - but I'm better off sticking to good whole foods without too much refined/processed stuff in it. That way I feel satisfied and eat the right amount. The WW meals I see in the supermarket don't attract me at all; they seem mean in proportion and tend to have lots of additives. Yes they're limited in 'points' - but I'd rather have 'real' food.
  • MommyLouLous
    MommyLouLous Posts: 25 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    I tried to do this, and I don't know if I messed up or what, but it said my body fat percentage is 28.6%, and I'm sure it would have to be way higher than that, since I'm morbidly obese. I put in my measurements correctly, so I don't know how I messed up. I just don't get how I could supposedly eat like 2300 calories without exercising and lose weight. Surely I messed up!
  • shellybean826
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    I tried to do this, and I don't know if I messed up or what, but it said my body fat percentage is 28.6%, and I'm sure it would have to be way higher than that, since I'm morbidly obese. I put in my measurements correctly, so I don't know how I messed up. I just don't get how I could supposedly eat like 2300 calories without exercising and lose weight. Surely I messed up!

    i actually put in the measurements and it said 27.4 ..then said i should weigh 136 lbs ..and then i did the waist to height ratio test and it said im extremely obese lolol ....i think its the extra skin throwing it off :noway:
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    hmmm i just tried out that fat to fit radio tools.... its says i should lose 55lbs!!!! i have a goal of 40lb as 55lb would put me down way too low!!! to the point i would look sick

    Wow, that's interesting that it told you to lose more than what you wanted. It told me to stop when I hit 169 pounds! I don't think I trust that...it seems really high.
  • MommyLouLous
    MommyLouLous Posts: 25 Member
    It told me mine was 253, lol!
  • outofideaz
    I went to 3 ww meetings several years ago and never went back because after everyone weighed in, the leader just handed out the weekend booklet, tried to sell us some ww products and the meeting was over. I never bothered to go back and ended up just using the info on my own. I managed to lose 32 lbs and kept it off for 3 years until I started experiencing major digestive problems. Over the last 2 years, I ended up gaining back almost all of the weight I'd lost and have struggled unsuccessfully to get back on track with WW. I even considered becoming a member again, but the new plan seems daunting and I don't want to pay to start from scratch and find out that I can't do it.

    I've been trying to do the old plan on my own again for the last few weeks and have made a few futile attempts to create a group here and to get involved on the free ww board but I'm just not getting any where. Part of it has to do with the fact that my digestive system is so screwed up and sensitive now and I've only recently discovered that a major part of the problem is meat, dairy or some legumes (chick peas, soy, peanuts, kidney beans and lima beans). Having to cut out all of those things has been a major challenge and has left me feeling kind of lost finding my way around.

    I find that just counting points doesn't take into account the limitations I face with my "new normal" and I haven't lost an ounce, but realistically, I don't know if switching to counting calories will be any better. I'm open to any ideas/suggestions anyone has to offer.


  • outofideaz
    I just quit WW... and will be doing MFP instead.
    I think WW could work, but I find their online food database scarce compared to this one.

    Also, why pay if I could do this on my own. I was only doing the online version anyway. I did not get the group support. You folks look awesome :)
    It is a lifestyle change, I am in no hurry and this feels right.

    Honestly, this was the initial thing that impressed me most about MFP. The database is sooooooo complete. WW has some type of partnership with Smart Ones....so guess what....Lean Cuisine meals aren't in their database! Retarded! Also, what can beat free? Nothing! And if I see another Jennifer Hudson endorsement, I'm gonna :explode: :explode: And another thing....points don't save me from water retention and hypertension from all those sodium soaked frozen dinners I was eating...I lost 15 lbs on WW, but I gained it all back because I still didn't learn everything I needed to know about HOW to eat. MFP forces you to take a look at individual nutrients, as well as rewards you just for logging your food in.

    And how about that cool barcode scanner on your phone with the MFP app? Coolness.

    What reward do we get for logging food and what is the barcode scanner app? I'm still relatively new to the site and don't know much about all of it's perks.
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    I have to say WW had it's advantages. But the Point system just seemed a lot more complicated then before. I was on my second time through when my friend who was struggling so much was not getting any help. They just gave her a hard time when she tried to make HERSELF feel more comfortable with her losing (she explains it earlier in this thread) SO I just told her we didn't have to go back. I was losing fine for the most part but I was content with 2-3 pounds a week or even 1 pound as long as I was losing.

    I think the statement made earlier was right. WW is now just geared to keep you on the program as long as they can to collect your money every month.

    I have been on MFP for a month on SUNDAY and I am down 19pounds!! I am loving the easy website, tracking, support community, and person-ability of the whole thing. Yes there are some Flaws that have to be accepted but I am willing to just for the rest of it.

    I am so glad that I found MFP and that I was able to get my friend on with me and that it is working for her! That is the best support I think we can share.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I wish my brother would come here instead. He keeps gaining as he says juices are free and fruit too. It still has natural sugar. He continues to gain, and he doesn't have a lot of money but is paying for WW where here is free.
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I did WW fairly successfully for about 3 years back in the 1990s, and still have loads of their magazines and recipe books. It worked fairly well, but restarted in 2001, and again in 2002, and then dropped out altogether, and put all the weight back on plus some. I feel much more in control here on MFP, and am learning so much more about the metabolism and need for water, that I never learned at WW. And like all you others, I resented paying - initially I thought paying out good money would keep me at it, but in practice I would rather save that money for treats like theatre or pampering days!
    And the support here on MFP is fantastic - only downside is that I am spending too much time online!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    im a member of weight watchers online ..ive been a member for almost 3 months...i love the ap on my phone that tells me what i can eat if i want to go to a restaurant ....other then that i never eat the points they give me in a single day ....
    i was diagnosed with ednos late last year, ....the weight watchers gave me a feeling of control of what i was eating and what i could have ...my 3 months is about over and im seriously thinking of cancelling my membership ...im 10 lbs away from goal and i wonder if you can become a lifetime member online and not have to pay ..hmmmm ....i googled the tools and im going to wait until morning to find out my fat percentage but im interested in knowing :) ...

    You can't become a lifetime member if you are an on line member because they have no way of verifying your weight, so they say, but they also have no way of keeping your money if you are lifetime member ;-)]