Diet pills??



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Think about what you're asking here. If there was a diet pill that worked, do you think anyone would be fat?

    it is amazing isnt it? if a pill existed would it be a secret? everyone would be raging about it all day every day on the news in the paper...

    most diet pills are caffeine

    learn to love good fresh ground coffee...its cheaper

    This does seem to work. Many, many cups a day has me losing weight with little to no exercise and more than 1200 calories a day. Question is, how long will it last? And is it part of the reason I feel like a truck ran me over to the point where I don't want to exercise anymore?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Unless you change the things that caused you to gain weight in the first place, it won't make a difference in the end. Sure you might lose weight, but you might put it right back on. That said, if you are using it to boost weight loss along with deit and exercise, thats different. Personally I won't touch any of them, but thats just

    What she said.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Waste of money.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    Well said Lozze. - diet pills only make your wallet lighter.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Just don't . Waste of time and money.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Diet pills is a big NO. They do nothing for you really, fill your body full of garbage. If you were to decide to, go to the doctor and see what he may suggest for you. Thats my only suggestion for you..
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    First off, there is nothing wrong with supplementation. Doing it naturally is great, if you have the discipline and genetics for it to show. However, where most people fail in weight loss is when they don't see results, so if a diet pill produces results until you can form good eating/exercising habits, go for it. If you think most fitness models and athletes don't use some form of supplementation, you're kidding yourself.

    Keep in mind that diet pills haven't worked as effectively since they took ephedra out of them. There are cheaper "diet pills" that will help curb appetite (I think you can get some green tea w/hoodia in it for $15) if you want to try them.
  • skstogsdill
    I'll admit it, I pop a diet pill with my afternoon snack if I feel like I'm draggin and will need an energy boost so I make it to the gym after work. Some days I don't need it, some days I do. But I don't use my "diet pill" as a means to lose weight, I use it strictly as an energy booster if I need it, and so I can get more out of my work out after work. My job can be emotionally and mentally draining, and some days I'm simply exhausted; I see nothing wrong with taking something to get back some "oomph" that is needed so that I get motivated to get to the gym.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    most of that stuff (non-prescription) is pure snake oil. it has no basis in truth for losing weight. next time you see an ad for hydroxy-cut or lipozene pause your TV and read the small print. most of them say something like.... in a study 50% of people lost an average of 1-2 pounds over 6 months.... that is not a quote but a very close paraphrase. many people who think they DO work are susceptible psychologically to the thought. yes, if you really believe it you will act accordingly. that's why in FDA drug studies they use a placebo in their control groups

    don't take these pills.. they make BILLIONS of $$$$$$$ for inert (and sometimes harmful) ingredients that have no proven effect on weight loss. they take advantage of your insecurities about being obese.. just like many entities that take advantage of seniors.. they prey on your weakness and get rich doing it.. no conscience, no problem, for them.. :explode:
  • megansoriano
    Waste of money. Only thing that gets lighter is your wallet.

    AGREED! lol Stay away from diet pills. . .Hard work and dedication. There is no easy pill for anything.
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Diet pills are not only a scam but dangerous. If your main goal in weight loss is to lose weight right now as fast you possibly can, chances are you'll not only fail, but you'll be disappointed with how fast any results you do see disappear. If I ever wanted to succeed, losing weight HAD to be about a lifelong decision to treat myself with respect. Diet pills ravage the body's metabolism (as well as many other even MORE important systems) and I guarantee they will not give you one of the best rewards in the world:


    My suggestion: take the diet pill idea out of your head and decide your going to get fit for LIFE. If there's some event that you feel you need to lose weight for immediately, accept that there will be more events after that where you will look absolutely stunning--and not just for this one thing--for the rest of your time on this earth, because you're going do this the healthy way! Good luck!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    And to all the people bashing the OP because she wants a pill that works, if they really worked we'd all be taking them. Let's not kid ourselves. I'm just waiting for that exercise in a pill drug to come out and I'll be all set.

    I wouldn't. I enjoy feeling healthy and exercising way too much.
  • jld4314
    jld4314 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't believe I'm weak for asking everyones opinion. I've lost 30 lbs since I graduated college and another 13 since I joined this site. I loved reading all of the support in all of the blogs and they were a big help. I understand tough love but I don't believe calling someone weak is necessary when I only asked for some advice. I'm struggling just like everyone else.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    None of them ever seemed to do much and ended up giving me other problems such as headaches and heart pain.

    That lil phrase right there should clue you in to NO these are not a good idea and that you should never take them again.

    Heart pain? Come on.. Would you like to have a heart attack and die at a young age?

    Stay away from the diet pills and keep eating healthy and working out(cardio/strength) and you will see results.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    I've taken prescription weight loss pills in the past and they can be a really effective tool for giving you that extra boost. You have to be aware that aren't "magic". You still need to eat well and exercise, they'll just make it a little easier and give you slightly bigger losses. For me, it was a great help when I was so big and felt overwhelmed by the amount of weight I had to lose.

    I've also put a lot of effort in to learning about exercise and nutrition. I know I can lose weight and maintain my weight without them - some people who haven't put effort in to changing their diet will put the weight back on very quickly. You've already lost a fair bit of weight though so you clearly are doing something right :)

    Their can also be some not nice side effects - insomnia, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, mood swings etc. If you are wanting to go on a diet pill, go and talk to your doctor. You should have your blood pressure monitored at least once a month while taking any kind of prescription weight loss drug. I wouldn't bother with the over the counter brands - they are usually just caffeine and are a waste of money.

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you have any questions :)
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    You lost me at "heart pain." Why even consider something that could damage your heart?:noway:
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    I disagree with much of this. Diet pills do work or there wouldn't be an industry for them anymore. The trick is to not only find one that works for you, but combine it with a life change. Taking diet pills does not equal lazy. And it does not mean you will gain all of your weight back.
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    I would say nixe the pills... Why not take supplements, i.e. vitamin C, multivitamin, biotin, fish oil etc.? Maybe changing your diet and flushing out toxins via drinking a lot of water or yoga (works for me) will help you see a more lasting result. Ultimately, ayurvedic and organic eating will bring back the right chemical balance in your body and you'll see that losing body fat happens more smoothly with all the toxic stuff out of your system. Take care of yourself.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    quite frankly it scares the crap outta me to think of the next 5yrs down the road when they have all the reports of people having so many issues and even death due to it!! i dont like any kind of pills really. they all scare me!
  • dicesha
    My problem is even if a pill could curb my appetite. I rarely eat b/c I'm hungry. I eat b/c I'm board or b/c I like the taste of food. It's about hand-to-mouth for me. So even with no appetite, I still over eat.