sad, ashamed and mortified

Well, ive bit the bullet and realised that I need to get a grip and lose weight to be happy and healthy for me, my partner and my 2 children.

Just weighed myself and I am mortified. Cannot beileve how much I have let myself go and how disgusting I look! When I was younger I was so outgoing, reasonably confident but now Im so ashamed!

Heres to a new me though, so if anyone wants a 'friend' to support each other then please add me xx


  • sunshine91479
    sunshine91479 Posts: 15 Member
    You can get it under control. It's all about the support and the want to do it. Sounds to me like you want it bad enough. At least that is what my trainer told me. If you want it bad enough you will have it. Good luck
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I felt the EXACT same way in December of 2010.

    Remember that you are in this for the long haul. Take your time and never forget this feeling. Let it motivate you to keep going.

    My #1 rule to newbies is this:

    Learn to forgive yourself but never forget why you are doing this.

    You will slip up. You will make mistakes. Your weight will fluctuate. Just keep going and you will find success.

  • Than you so much!

    I am 100% determined to do this and I WILL do this. Im getting married next year so thats my goal - I will not be a fat bride xx
  • timeformetofly
    timeformetofly Posts: 64 Member
    you can do it.. once you start losing it will keep you going.. it is the getting started that is hard.. good luck.....
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Than you so much!

    I am 100% determined to do this and I WILL do this. Im getting married next year so thats my goal - I will not be a fat bride xx

    Great stuff! When are you getting married? Mine's 1st June 2013.
  • Hi - I came on here about 3 days ago - and can say it is very very exciting seeing the weight dropping off! Literally in 3 days - so exciting - good to have you on board!
  • heidi2004
    heidi2004 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the same boat, last week i had the rude awakening of the scale!! i hate that thing!!!! her we go once again!!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You can't change the past. You can only learn from it and go forward in a better way. A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. You have take that step! Bravo!!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    I think that's how a lot of us found ourselves here - myself included. But you will love the positive attitude and encouragement of the community here on MFP. I had over 80 pounds to lose when I started just over three weeks ago. I am on track to lose 10 pounds in my first month, and I've lost one pant size and two jacket sizes already! Feel free to add me, I'd love to take this journey with you. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • myfourcats
    myfourcats Posts: 13 Member
    :wink: I would love to add you as my friend. We are all in this together!! Dont be so down on yourself!! You are doing it now that whats matters!! I left my weight since my kids came home (they are adopted) and had 4 miscarriages before them so all I kept getting was weight gain and dissappointment. But this year is for me!! I have only lost 10 pounds so far, it is coming off slowly but that is a good thing!! Be positive!! You will get there!! I have a friend who just hit 50 pounds weight loss!! We can do this together!!! hang in there!!!
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    You can do it!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    You can and will succeed and joining mfp is a tremendous first step! Congratulations and good luck!!!
  • Bexx435
    Bexx435 Posts: 83 Member
    I felt the EXACT same way in December of 2010.

    Remember that you are in this for the long haul. Take your time and never forget this feeling. Let it motivate you to keep going.

    My #1 rule to newbies is this:

    Learn to forgive yourself but never forget why you are doing this.

    You will slip up. You will make mistakes. Your weight will fluctuate. Just keep going and you will find success.


    True stuff. So congrats on taking your first step to a healthier you! You'll find a lot support here on MFP and before you know it you'll be well on your way to your goals!!!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    Where there is a WILL there is always a WAY :happy:
  • jnsjns
    jnsjns Posts: 1 Member
    We have all been there. I lost 50 lbs without this tool - just trying to track calories and nutrients on my own using Joel Furhman's "Eat to Live." Now I am trying to get rid of the last 10 pounds with proper nutrition and excercise - using this tool will make it much easier. It helps keep you honest and gives you the information you need to reach your goals. You can do it. Just get started with having the right foods on hand and excercise plans.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Now let go of those feelings. THAT is the old you! Welcome to the new you! You are off to a great start! MFP is valuable tool!!
  • This is just your starting place! I think everyone feels this way at some point. It's hard when we make time for everyone else but ourselves but you took the first stop and now you are on your way to a healthy you!
  • queenlaureen
    queenlaureen Posts: 21 Member
    Take a look at the "success stories" on this website and see how much change can happen in 6 months. You can do this! You WILL do this! For you, your partner and your children!
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    You CAN make a change! There's lots of support and kindness here!
  • myfourcats
    myfourcats Posts: 13 Member
    To charlee-A

    Dont be so hard on yourself!! We all have to find a starting point and you did it!!Congratulations!! I understand were you are coming from. I have gained and gained weight, throughout my whole marriage. Had for miscarriages and all I got was more and more weight on!! Now I have two beautiful adopted children and now it is my turn, I only lost 10 pounds so far but that is ok, because it takes time to come off and I know that it will!!! I would love to be friends with you!!! Dont give up!!!

    My four cats!!