Who works out 5 days a week?



  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Sunday - 60 minute cycling class

    Monday & Tuesday - 35 to 50 minutes of elliptical (depending on how much time I have)

    Wednesday - off day

    Thursday - No More Trouble Zones dvd

    Friday - 60 minute cycling class

    Saturday - No More Trouble Zones dvd
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    6 days/week for me.

    I prefer working out at home with DVDs. Been pretty consistent over the last 10 months to my own shock and amazement.
    I've completed 1 round of Turbo Fire and 1 round of ChaLEAN Extreme. Tried Insanity but hated it.
    Right now I'm doing a hybrid of Turbo Fire and Brazilian Butt Lift.

    MY WEEK:
    M - BBL Strength Legs & Butt (70min)
    T - Turbo Fire Cardio (45-60min)
    W - BBL Strength Legs & Butt (70min)
    Th - Turbo Fire Cardio (45-60min)
    F - REST
    Sat - BBL Strength Legs & Butt (70min)
    Sun - Turbo Fire Cardio (45-60min)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    5-6 days a week. I alternate 30 minutes running intervals & 30 minutes various cardio (bicycle, arc trainer, crossramp) and strength training with 30-45 minutes cardio. Strength training consists of cardio in between sets of weight lifting, including: jumping rope, high knees, running up and down 1/2 flight of stairs, plank jacks, mountain climbers. For strength, I do bicep curls, dead lifts with hammer curls, various planks - some with weights, lots of squats and lunges, plie squats, crunches, bicycle crunches, scissor kicks...
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Monday - 40 min walk - until dancing class starts again next week then 90 min of rock n roll
    Tuesday and Thursday - cycle commute, 2.5 hrs per day
    Wednesday - 40 min walk
    Friday - 45 min lap swimming and\or an evening of dancing
    Sunday - cycling, either 2 hrs "milk run" (an easy bunch ride) or a more intense 2-3 hrs ride
  • garyl7593
    Monday....Body Pump
    Tuesday...Spin & Body Balance
    Thursday.....Body Pump
    Saturday....Heavy weight Circuits
    Sunday....Body Balance/Rest
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    M-F - minimum 15 minutes on the elliptical, but usually I can talk myself into at least 30-45 minutes once I get started.

    7 days a week - 15 minute workout of Sun Salutation cycles, plus extra if I am having pain that needs addressed.

    Also, at some point during the week, I attend a formal yoga class of at least one hour. This week it was a 3 hour class.
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    Monday - Body balance 1hr
    Tuesday - off
    Wednesday - Gym 1hr
    Thursday - Body balance 1hr
    Friday - Horseriding 1hr
    Saturday - off
    Sunday - Zumba 1hr

    Trying to do a mix of stretching and full on cardio.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    Monday: Max workout by Shin Ohtake, tabatta on biceps and six pack abs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tDZRogSbbU)
    Tuesday: cardio (bike or run) and full body weight lifting (2X30sec exercises back to back and 30 sec rest between 3 Rounds)
    Wednesday: Max workout by Shin Ohtake, tabatta on triceps and six pack abs
    Thursday: cardio (bike or run) and full body weight lifting (2X30sec exercises back to back and 30 sec rest between 3 Rounds)
    Friday: Max workout by Shin Ohtake, tabatta on legss and six pack abs
    Saturday: long run
    Sunday: rest (usually 1h walk in the forest)
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Monday-- Zumba (one hour)
    Tuesday- (week 1) Low Impact Aerobics (90 min) --rest day week 2
    Wed: (week 1) Rest Day or Week 2 Walking (60 min) or Tae Bo (60 min)
    Thursday: Walking (60 min) or Biggest Loser workout (30 min)
    Friday: Rest Day
    Sat: Walking (60 min) or Circuit Training (30 min)

    I just started working more than just sporadically at the end of December and it was one of the best decision I have ever made!
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    I do... Usually depends on how I feel but do try and weight train about 3 to 4 day a week. With cardio I swim 5 days for 40 to 50 mins of laps and the treadmill try and do 5 day. This a Monday thru Friday and week and weekends don't do much besides cleaning and my Wii and trying to get up at least 1 of those days go and walk. Try to do a mile.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    I do try to...
    Sunday: 2 hours of roller derby practice (about 60-90 minutes is active)

    Monday: off

    Tuesday: 2 hr. practice

    Wednesday: off

    Thursday: 2 hr. practice

    Friday: 1 hr. of videos- all are The Firm: "Tight Buns & Killer Legs" (30 min), "30 Minute Cardio", and/or "Complete Aerobic & Sculpting" (60 min) - this is the day where I intentionally work until I'm terribly sore. I've just recently gone up in weight and use 12 & 8 lb dumbbells while doing these videos.

    Saturday: 1 hr. of either running or stationary bike with some weight work- arms & abs

    and then back to practice on Sunday

    Of course... this is in a perfect world. My team usually gets bumped by private parties (they pay the rink more than we can afford to) at least once a week in the winter.
  • blind4
    blind4 Posts: 28 Member
    Monday - chest,bicep and tricep with abs
    Tuesday - Back, shoulders and traps
    Wednesday - legs (Quads,calves,hamstring), forearms with abs
    Thursday - chest,bicep and tricep
    Friday - Back, shoulders and traps with abs
    Saturday - legs (Quads,calves,hamstring), forearms
    Sunday - Rest

    if i work in the day then i add boxing training, if i work at night ill run for 20 to 30min
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    6days with one day of rest.

    1 hour on treadmill at 3.5 to 4.0 a hour. Wearing 30 pound weight vest and 3 pounds in each hand. On Monday Wednesday Friday

    Kick boxing for one hour on Tuesday and Thursday. On Saturday. I do a combination of 30 minutes of yoga for strength and balance and strength training with dumbbells.

    Sunday is my rest day.
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    Wow, so much variety! I should probably start mixing it up. Currently I am on my elliptical about 5 times a week. It's watching TV while I exercise that motivates me, so this is what I do - for now. "24" is a great workout show!
  • Seamoan87
    Seamoan87 Posts: 106
    If you workout 5 days a week you're amazing and keep it up. Let me know what your routine looks like, Im a personal trainer so im interested in getting a lot of viewpoints on how and why people do what they do at the gym. Feel free to add me.

    Mon Wed and Friday I usually go walking anywhere from 30 to 60 mins and add some abs workouts or I do the 30 day shred workouts on those days just to mix it up or depending on how I feel.

    Tues and Thurs I have aerobics in the morning and martial arts in the evening. Hence why I try to take it easy with walk days for those other days.
    I'm doing aerobics just to up my cardio right now because its a little lacking and also because since I've made blue belt, the work outs have intensified for martial arts.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    M-W-F Run (lengths/times vary), fill in the rest of the time with yoga, wii, dvd's; later in the day, walking; evening short run/stairs intervals

    T-Th Strength training upper/lower, Gold's Gym Cardio, Just Dance 3, fill in the rest of the time with yoga, wii, dvd's; later in the day, walking; evening short run/stairs intervals

    Sa Long run in the morning, later in the day yoga and a shorter run/stairs intervals

    Su Go for a walk, short runs, gentle workouts
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    6 days.....

    Saturday......Work with trainer or 2 hours of tennis
    Sunday .........Cardio
    Monday.......Cardio warm up 20 minutes then strength routine
    Wednesday .....Strength weights
  • Bsnell10
    Sunday : 45mins of spinning or 60 mins of turbo kick
    Monday: 9:00/ 10:40 spinning fusion 45 mins of spinning followed by a power flex weight lifting class
    Tuesday: zumba 60 mins plus 10 mins of abs
    wed: spinning fusion
    thursday: 60 mins of zumba toning with 2.5 pound sticks
    Friday: 60 mins zumba or 60 mins on elliptcial trainer
    saturday: when i dont work 60 mins of turbo kick when i do work elliptcial trainer
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I work out M-F

    I do:





  • ErikaKBee
    ErikaKBee Posts: 26 Member
    Couch to 5k: 3 Days
    Zumba: 1 Day
    Group Fitness: 1 Day