10 questions about you.

Hello everyone!

In an attempt to get to know everyone better I have decided to
make a thread which allows me to find out a little bit about you.

You are much more than pounds lost tickers, food diary entries
& exercise logging. We are humans & it is not only essential but
uplifting to make friends on our journey towards happiness, love
for ourselves, health & fulfillment! So I have decided to ask you
all ten questions & I will start the thread by answering them.

I look forward to meeting you all & making new friends!


[1] What is your name? :

My name is Amanda! Nice to meet you!


[2] Why did you choose your username? :

Well, I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) & as such my
hormones are incredibly imbalanced. As a result not only do
I have a masculine body structure but I also have a deep voice
as well as a beard. Yes. A beard. A 5 'o' clock shadow & everything.
It won't go beyond half an inch, but, it is ABSOLUTELY noticeable
when I do not shave. So, I shave daily & when it grows to a certain
length (as well as when I have stubble) it is scratchy & prickly,
like a cactus! My secondary reason is because I also happen to
LOVE cacti. They are so resilient & hardy. Cacti are survivors.
Cacti persevere! & so do I. ^_^


[3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

I am one of those people who are interested in such things.
While I do not follow the study religiously, it is of interest to me.
I'm an Aquarius! My birthday is February 11th. I'll be 27.


[4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

Ever since I was a child I've always been fascinated with big cats.
Wild cats. As I've grown I've narrowed it down to the LION. Why?
For one, I am a cat person! Two, I LOVE the manes on the males,
they look so majestic & beautiful. I also dig their loyalty to their
pride, like a big ol' family & their willingness to protect each other .


[5] What is your favorite color? :

First & foremost I love green! Any variation or hue.
In reality, though, I love ALL colors. I am drawn to
colorful things the way a moth is drawn to a flame.


[6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

To post a picture copy & paste the following :

[ img ] Post picture address here [ /img ] <---without spaces

You do not have to post a picture, you can just describe it, too! :)

Even though I am masculine I believe I can pull this off!


[7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

I would have to say that my inspiration is, without a doubt,
my girlfriend Catfish9. We lift each others spirits when the
going gets tough & we motivate each other to succeed.
We challenge each other, we compete in a friendly manner,
we spur each other forward. She is a wonderful partner.


[8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

For me I have learned that patience is everything. We all want to lose
weight YESTERDAY & not have to apply effort, but, the truth of the matter
is that you MUST work for what you want. For someone who is new to
the whole fitness thing I would advise them to do lots of cardio on the
treadmill with a high incline. For me that works best. I push myself, I get
a great burn & I see results! Drink lots of water & make sure to eat most,
if not ALL, of your calories. It seems counterproductive but it isn't!

Also! Don't go it alone! Get a buddy! It makes a huge, huge difference
to have someone to encourage & support you. It would be much more
difficult for me if my love was not doing this along side me. <3


[9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

I like taking walks with my girlfriend. We talk, we reminisce, we
laugh! Before you know it an hour has gone by. I like walking!


[10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

I tend to gravitate towards the more upbeat sounding music like
Owl City, Fall Out Boy, Breath Carolina & Mew, but, I really like a
little bit of everything. Techno, Rock, Pop, you name it. :D


Well everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my answers.
I sincerely hope you will take the time to do this small ice-breaker
quiz so that we can all get to know each other & become friends.


  • geistmadl
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    My husband and I own a ghost tour / paranormal book publishing company :)

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Aquarius- just had my birthday yesterday.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Cats- cause they do what they want.

    [5] What is your favorite color? :


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I don't have the clothing in mind, but I will know it when I see it.

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    I am inspired by my family. I just want to be healthy and stick around for them. I am in awe of those around me who have made the journey.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I've been down the yo-yo path before. I lost 70 lbs 9 years ago and gained it back- but didn't get any heavier than that, which is someting. I've lost as much as 30 lbs since then. I just need accountability- so here I am. Logging fool that I am.

    Don't give up- it takes time to lose and to change your ways.
    This is a lifestyle change- not a diet. If you dont see it that way, you will have a higher chance of failure. Been there, done that.
    Get a buddy- In 2003 I had a buddy. I haven't had one since. My husband is here with me on this journey so we are holding each other accountable.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I like walking on the trails around my house- and the tours-- and I love my treadmilll and playing basket ball (though I don't get to do it much anymore). And I like tennis.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I love all types of music except rap and country. But I do tend to work out to 80s music- heavy metal and whatnot..... I do love Night Ranger. Yummmm. :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Nice idea... but be aware that posting your name and date of birth on an open internet forum is pretty risky!

    PS. I'm a Libra and I love to run!
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    1. My name is Lacey, feel free to add!
    2. I chose my username because I have a naturally petite figure, but I'm getting a little extra baggage in places I didn't have baggage before. So "wittlelacey" is motivation to be wittle (or little) again! :D
    3. Leo, August 16...during summer, aka bikini season ;)
    4. Lions, hand down. Always have, always will. It's definitely a coincidence that lions are the sign for the Leo ahaha
    5. I like black. It's a nice color. Or green. Red, too.
    6. When I get my stomach where I'd like to be, crop tops here I come! They'll look nice with the belly button piercing I plan on getting ;) I'll also be wearing just about everything on Tumblr. lol.
    7. The people on MFP inspire me. Everyone around me stuffs their faces with junk, the only real motivation I get is from the success of my friends and average people I met on here :))))
    8. Oh gosh. I'm definitely not one to give advice on health and whatnot, but I have learned that an easy way to cut back calories is to not drink them. I can't emphasize how much this helped me. Switching from sugary juices and sodas to water was so very helpful!
    9. I love ab exercises. So. Very. Much. The burn isn't as strenuous as other exercises and I enjoy it so very much! I also feel like I see results in the mirror the next day. It's a great feeling after I do some sit ups or various other ab activities!
    10. I'm not picky with music. At all. I prefer rock and alternative though :) I'm also a country fan!

    Anyone feel free to add, loved the idea, thanks for reading <3
  • skarr28
    skarr28 Posts: 98
    [1] What is your name? :
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    28 is the age of someone special
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    1. FIERCE, a quietly commanding presence
    2. Exudes strength without havng to make a show of it
    3. Loyal to it's pride, fights for what's theirs
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    Grey; reminds me of the rain & stormy wet weather
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    a white monokini! :love:
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    My MFP friends! :flowerforyou:
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    Attitude is everything. Cultivate a positive outloo, and "just do it" (exercise. No excuses.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    My work! I work in a fast-paced restaurant setting (12 hour shifts/cardio!)
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    Dubstep, RnB, Rap, Industrial, House
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is GlitterMouse. Call me G.Mouse for short.


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It's from an afternoon of hanging out with my sister. We were hanging around, watching old movies and being silly. I was wearing a pair of glittery mouse ears, so she started calling me the GlitterMouse. When I needed a username for a site a few years back, it came to mind.

    Fun fact: if you see GlitterMouse on another fitness site, it's probably me. Say hello!


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :



    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dragons or pandas. I usually go with pandas until I can gauge how the person I'm talking with will deal with my dorkiness.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Green all the way. Recently it's been lime green. It's just so calming, yet cheerful.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    --> No pic.

    I just hope to keep my same basic clothes: jeans, black t-shirts, converse, but to look better all around.

    . . . . And it'd be nice to wear a swimsuit with confidence. Just a simple one piece, probably black.


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    People in the Success Stories who post big numbers and show pictures of their loss. I know what they had to do, and admire them for sticking with it. I'm always amazed when I see something like 100+ down in 2 years. That's incredible to me, that someone had the discipline and drive to stick with it for that long and get the results they wanted.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    If you are *just* starting out and you are extremely out of shape and you (think) you have no will power:
    1) create a daily habit of exercising - even if it's just marching in place in your bedroom for 15 minutes. If you started where I did, that's enough to get the sweat pouring.
    2) drop one bad habit - for me, I gave up soda. Cold turkey. It was HARD. I went from 2.3L of coke DAILY to nothing overnight. Be strong, you can do it.
    3)When you've got the two things above mastered, do it again. Add one more good habit, and take away one more bad habit. Start taking stairs instead of elevator and give up potato chips.
    4) READ AND READ AND READ about weight loss. Watch videos, listen to podcasts, etc. There is TONS of information out there and NOT all of it is true.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Walking. I love long walks, by myself with music. If my mp3 player is fully charged I can walk for hours upon hours.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    This may sound odd, but Eminem's old stuff has the perfect tempo to do strength exercises to. Squats, lunges, sit ups, etc, work perfectly.

    If I'm walking, I like rock, rap, hip-hop, pop--anything with a tempo/beat to keep me pushing myself. I'm also a fan of cheesy songs like Eye of the Tiger--think 80s montage scenes from movies.


    Bonus round: I'm a teacher, I'm 27, I'm black, I'm a writer, I'm a Christian. If you relate to any of those things and are looking for someone to friend with similar interests, feel free to send an invite.
  • chicklidell
    [1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I absolutely love Chuck Lidell, a retired MMA fighter and a great mentor. I switch the chuck to chick and there ya go! lol

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    July 29th i'm a Leo

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    English Bulldogs, I have two at the moment, Lola and Daisy, but have had many over the years...beautiful friends!!

    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    anything that makes me stand out in a crowd...currently loving electric blue

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I'm already at my goal, so my pic speaks for my clothing choices, if I could wear this to the mall, heck, I probably would!! lol proud of my accomplishments.

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    I inspire me, no one can do this for me, I don't put that much love into anyone ekse but me...hard work and dedication, and in the end, it was all me...i like that..i'm selfish that way.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing?

    Take responsibility for your own health and physical fitness....make healthy and wise choices, and if you make poor ones, don't feel guilty about it, accept it and move on, that's how we create change. :


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Lifting weights, it relieves stress and morphs the body from skinny fat...to damn sexy!!

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I listen to just about everything...currently loving Snoop dog
  • BabsKelso
    [1] What is your name? :
    Babette Kelso
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    Babs is what everyone calls me.
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    Crazy, because they don't really exist, but Dragons are my favorite animal.
    I love Dragons. 'Nuff said.
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    Don't really have one...I like alot of colors.
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    Well I don't have a picture of anything i want to wear when I lose my weight, however, i am going to Jamaica in May and found a really cute bathing suit that I am using as motivation to stick to my guns.
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    My Daughter - she is on this journey too, and she is doing great!
    My Son- He never has an ill word to say to me, but encourages me and supports me on everthing.
    My Grandson - I want to see him grow up! =)
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    Don't Give Up!!! You are worth it!
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    Walking. Because it no longer hurts to walk!
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    LMAFO - Party Rock Anthem. That has got to be the best beat to work out too!! Besides I'm gonna learn how to shuffle if it kills me!! LOL
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Nice thread!!

    [1] What is your name? : :) It's unique, and I kind of like the privacy of people not knowing.

    [2] Why did you choose your username? : It's an obscure reference to my favorite tv show, a username which I have been using since the first year I got an email address, and I am the only one on the interwebz. ^_^

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? : I'm a Leo! :)

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? : I love all cats and birds!

    [5] What is your favorite color? : Green too!

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!: I'd love to be able to pull off whatever I wanted. Part of the reason I'm trying to get in shape is so that I can go into my first real job dressed in the clothes and sizes I want to be dressed in. Also, I have a pair of bell bottoms I want to fit in one of these days!


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? : I'm not sure that I have one.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? : Sometimes, you just have to do what you're supposed to until the motivation finds you.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? : I like walking/hiking, and also skiing, and ice skating. :)

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? : Classic rock, all the time.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member

    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Kowser! Nice to meet you! Add me if u like


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Something that i use everyday


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Virgo Aug 25th


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Lion. king of the animals


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Navy blue


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    Nothing in mind as of now


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    Thinking of my family .. want to stay healthy and live long with them so i can enjoy every moment with them


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    I am new at this so all i can say what helps me... i like to talk to people to get advise what to do


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Walking by far is the best .. sometimes running or elliptical trainer


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Listen to all ... love country mostly
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    my name: Chrisitne

    user name- juicygurl1
    it's different, sexy and fun..that's why i chose it

    birth sign- cancer

    favorite animal-cats
    they choose their humans, enough said

    favorite color- dark red

    desired clothing- my size 6 skinny jeans from DKNY

    tips for success- stick with the program, write everything down, even if you don't want to. everything that goes in your mouth has calories, if you ate it count it! keep your new buddy motivated and they will help you too!

    favorite exercise- spin cycling or bike riding. they only thing i can do and still walk a few hours later
    without hurting.

    favorite music- techno for working out! jazz for studing and relaxing pop music for fun, alternative for what ever, or just go with the flow.
  • KariePerez
    [1] What is your name? :

    My name is Karie! Nice to meet you!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Its kariewalrath My name!


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I am a libra. I was born the 26th day of September 1978!

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I would have to say Whales! I have always thought they were
    so fasinating! Thats part of the reason I want to be Cremated
    and my ashes spread in the ocean to finally see their world!


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    I love the color red! Which is kinda wierd because I don't like
    blood! I think the reason I like red is because I love roses red
    ones in paticular!

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!



    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    Life I would have to say above all else living a long life is
    Inspirational enough for me! Second my 14yr. old daughter
    who also struggles with her weight, I figure if she sees that
    i can do it maybe she will try too, and my sister julienanez
    who used to weight 375lbs. and now weights 185lbs!!


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Well I think no matter what fitness regamin you have the key to
    success is consistancy, and Patients. You have to be in tune with
    your body to know when to step it up a notch.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I like taking walking with Chris Freytag!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I like to listen to music that makes me wanna get up and get moving!
  • Bullyfan2011
    Bullyfan2011 Posts: 40 Member
    1) Eric

    2) I love English Bull Terriers (SPUDS or the TARGET dog) and my baby EBT was born 2011

    3) Libra

    4) English Bull Terriers...Well, they are so darn beautiful!!!!

    5) Depends on what the color is on and who it is on

    6) NO PIC, sorry....

    7) Myself...For me to be successful, I ahve to be self motivated or I will fail!

    8) Don't just count calories...read the labels and check portion sizes. You can be under in calories, but over in FAT and
    CARBS...that defeats the purpose and weight loss will be DIFFICULT!

    9) Cardio activities like tennis, basketball, hiking, and of course jogging with my puppy girl!

    10) Um, I listen to talk radio or ESPN RADIO...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Betmar83
    Betmar83 Posts: 30 Member
    [1] What is your name? :
    Betsy Betmar83 - Add me, I love friends!!
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    It's a combination of my first and last name (kind of a self-proclaimed nickname) and my birth year
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    Gemini, June 5
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    This one is tough.I love animals. More than most people actually. So I can't just pick one.
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    I love green. Any and all of it.
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...
    I don't have a pic, but I haven't owned a bathing suit since I was in 4th grade (almost 19 years!). I'd love to wear one again.
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    I love celebrities and entertainment and all that jazz so, I honestly think my main motivator for this whole thing was Kirstie Alley. Have you guys seen her lately? She looks amazing. If she can do all that at 60 years old, then I have no excuses.
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    It takes time. In a world of 'instant gratification', patience is a hard thing to maintain, but you've got to have it. This doesn't happen overnight. Strength, determination, will power, and patience, patience, and patience.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    I LOVE HIKING!!! I always have. I would do it everyday if I could. The more challenging the better. I love the adventure and it's an amazing workout. You shred the calories without ever realizing it.
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    Music is my life and I have a very eclectic palate, but country music is my passion. It's what I live for.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Ooh, I like this, thanks! Good to read about you all!


    [1] What is your name? :

    Cheryl - always looking for new friends, too!


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    I'm boring on this one. It's my first name and the initials of my surname.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I'm a Virgo, and a fire rabbit. 17th September, and I'll be 25 this year. Gulp!


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Like you, OP, big cats are up there as one of the best. I love how they can be so powerful and majestic, but so playful as well. They look gorgeous, they're incredibly cute as cubs, and those paws are awe-inspiring. I also love dolphins for their intelligence, which I believe matches that of a human. I've been swimming with dolphins and it was a wonderful experience. Finally, tortoises. I have my own, and he's such a huge part of my life, but so many are mistreated in captivity. I appreciate every second with my own - he's a companion for life.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :



    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    I'll be honest and say I HAVE no sense of style. I'm a comfort person. All I want is to be able to wear a t-shirt and to have it go straight down, following the proper contours of my body.


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    I'm doing this for my children, and I've not had any yet. My future family inspired me to start this, and they get me through it every day. I've a lot to thank them for, when they exist.


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    It is a slow process, but it's YOUR slow process. It's all about you, and what works physically and mentally for you won't necessarily be the same thing that works for everyone else. Forge your own path.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I hate all exercise, really. I think I always will. I walk, cycle and play Kinect, and those are the three exercises I consider 'bearable', but I can't see my ever finding something I love.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    There's a bit of everything on my MP3 player. Musical soundtracks, Disney songs, rock, pop, country, classical/opera...

  • pumpkinmoccasins
    1.) What is your name? :

    Jessica :)

    2.) Why did you choose your username? :

    My dad calls me pumpkin (or "punkin", lol) so I'm kind of partial to that word, and I enjoy wearing moccasins!

    3.) What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Cancer/June 25... I am definitely my sign, lol.
    If you want any other insights into my personality look up INFJ and "phlegmatic/melancholic" and you basically already know me :P

    4.) What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Musk oxen! And, more broadly, any sort of oxen or buffalo. I have no idea why, I've just always loved them.

    5.) What is your favorite color? :

    Purple & turquoise

    6.) Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!


    Cute dresses with no sleeves/cardigans/boleros. I'm in a band and want to be able to get on stage without a lot of layers so I'm more comfortable.

    7.) Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My BFF who has lost almost 50 lbs already on her weight loss journey! So incredible :heart:

    8.) What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    "Tomorrow you'll wish you had started yesterday."
    I feel like I've seen that as fitspro on tumblr but it's so true...

    9.) What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    I love the elliptical at the gym... I feel like an astronaut running from aliens :smokin:

    10.) What is your favorite type of music/band to listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    I listen to all sorts of stuff! I have an "energy" playlist with all of my upbeat music on it. In general I listen to a lot of indie artists but I have a wide range of interests that go across classic rock, pop, industrial, you name it!

    Feel free to add me <3 I'm always looking for new additions to my MFP family!
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    [1] What is your name? :

    Katie. Nice to meet you! ;)


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    Nine is my favorite number, and I think catfish are adorable.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    I'm an Aries! My birthday's March 22, right around the spring solstice! (I adore the spring.)


    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    I feel a little unoriginal, but I am a cat lover through and through. We have three of the little monsters, and they make me so happy. :)


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Lime green, but I am attracted to most bright colors.


    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    That's the beauty of it... When I am at a comfortable weight, I will wear whatever I damn well please! I will wear the all of the cute clothes I usually glance at irritably as I walk past, on my way to the fat ladies' section. A bathing suit, a cute sundress, those shirts with the gather under the bust that always male me look pregnant, skirts that aren't intended to hide my legs... I am SO excited.


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My girlfriend, mostly, but all of you fine people definitely help. Girlfriend makes me want to do this the right way. She's also currently beating me by 2 lbs lost, so I have to whoop her *kitten*. (Friendly competition, of course. I keep trying to feed her pizza, but she just won't eat it.) :wink:


    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Don't give up on yourself; you deserve the body that you want. That being said, respect your body. If you abuse it, it's going to quit on you. There are no shortcuts. Your body is the way it is because of poor choices you have made in the past, so start making some good ones!


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Anything, as long as it's outside. There's a nature trail where I love to go walking or catching frogs in the summer. I adore walking by the beach, too. There's a boardwalk we go to sometimes, and it's great for people watching; especially on the weekends in the summer. Musicians play, and people just wander up and start dancing, right there on the boardwalk... Love it!


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    It changes a lot. I love the Hush Sound, Guster, Fall Out Boy, The Bird and the Bee, The Beatles, The Who... Lately it's been the Couch 2 5k podcasts that I downloaded. I no longer want to cry when the guy says, "alright, it's time to run." :wink:
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    [1] What is your name? Gisselle
    [2] Why did you choose your username? : I believe in life being about Peace & Love, and I'm a Vegetarian.
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? September 25, I'm a Libra <3
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? Don't have a favorite. Love all animals.
    [5] What is your favorite color? Pink & purple!
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when: I already wear whatever I want! But I'd like to be more "fashionista" when I get to my goal weight.
    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy eating, exercise & meeting your goals? Me, myself & I
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to this whole fitness game? One step at a time. This isn't a race.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? Cardio Boxing <3
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to? 80's Rock - Journey, Heart, Cheap Trick; & spanish music. My current fave that's none of the above is LMFAO's "Sexy & I Know It" <3
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    [1] What is your name? :
    [2] Why did you choose your username? :
    Its my full name
    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :
    April 20th, cusp of aries and taurus (its a load of balls anyway!)
    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :
    Cats. Everyone loves cats.
    [5] What is your favorite color? :
    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing...

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :
    Everyone here and myself x
    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone ..? :
    Delegate where possible, only do what only YOU can do.
    [9] What is your favorite exercise? .. :
    Weight training. lifting heavy.
    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band..?
    Metal, Punk, Ska, Hip Hop, Dubstep
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 500 Member
    1] What is your name? :


    [2] Why did you choose your username? :

    It's my Native American name.


    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday? :

    Gemini - June. It fully fits me.

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why? :

    Dolphin. I've always loved them. They are so majestic and intelligent.


    [5] What is your favorite color? :

    Blue. Pretty much all shades.

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    No picture - but I would like to be able to wear a tank top withour looking like a flying squirrel.


    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals? :

    My husband. He has supported me through all the ups and downs of weight loss and encourages me to keep doing better.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing? :

    Be patient. It will NOT happen overnight. Also, tracking is crucial.


    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much? :

    Zumba. I'm addicted.


    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not? :

    Combo of zumba music or hard rock. (Pitbull, Enrique, Disturbed, Eqypt Central)
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    [1] What is your name? : Kristen

    [2] Why did you choose your username?: It's just something that I liked.

    [3] What is your zodiac sign/When is your birthday?: I'm an aquarius and my birthday is Feb. 15

    [4] What is your favorite animal & why?: Favorite animal is a wolf and there's just something about them that is appealing to me.

    [5] What is your favorite color?: Purple/black, I hated it at first but now I'm in love with it.

    [6] Post a picture of a piece of clothing you hope to wear when
    you reach your ultimate goal, show me your style, you sexy beasts!

    [7] Who inspires you on this journey of healthy
    eating, exercise & meeting your goals?: My wife definitely inspires me but the best answer I can give you is that I inspire me, because only I can make myself do it.

    [8] What are some tips you'd give to someone who was new to
    this whole fitness game? What helped you on your journey that
    someone may have told you, or that you have learned in passing?: Patience is key. You didn't gain the weight over night so it won't come off overnight.

    [9] What is your favorite exercise? You know, the one thing you
    do that doesn't even seem like exercise you like it so much?: Walking is always a good but in the gym, seated cable rows or bicep curls are awesome.

    [10] What is your favorite type of music/band to
    listen to while you workout/hang out and what not?: I listen to pretty much anything: Halifax, Anberlin, the Downtown Fiction, August burns red, Adele, Lady Gaga, whatever really!