Three things that made you happy today



  • hornedone
    hornedone Posts: 57 Member
    Another day of life
    Fit into a size 32 pant (with ease)
    Had an awesome workout
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    1- A spirited drive in the mountains in my car with the top off, (including a couple of doughnuts).
    2- Some sweet texts from a friend that made me feel special.
    3- The thought that I would rather be living my life than anyone elses.

    All of the above made possible by God.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    1) It was my last day at a job I've worked at for 4 years. Very exciting to finally leave.
    2) Went out and had a good time with a friend.
    3) Ate some delicious sushi.
  • 1. My hubby went grocery shopping for me
    2. My kiddos didn't fight this evening :smile:
    3. The weather was BEAUTIFUL here today
  • iwannablean
    iwannablean Posts: 28 Member
    This is such a nice idea! :)
    1) Am happy that am at work on a monday (yeah! Am wierd! My work place is fun and I loving coming to work! :)) coz I was unwell and had a lousy weekend!
    2) My folks pampered me a lot this morning coz of me being unwell (again), which was very sweet n reminded me of my mum and made me smile a lot!
    3) My jeans seems a little less tight than it was few weeks ago! (Maybe its in my head, but it makes me happy!)
    4) Am reading a beautiful book by Randy Paush, which makes me count my blessings in life and smile a lot! :)
    5) Am happy hoping to grab a cup of coffee in the day with my sweet crush at work! :P
    Phew! I have many reasons to be happy about today! :)))
  • Bullyfan2011
    Bullyfan2011 Posts: 40 Member
    1) Playing with Ariel, my English Bull Terrier (SPUDS or TARGET DOG)

    2) It stopped Raining long enough to go outside and run two miles....started raining a couple minutes when I got home!!!!

    3) The thought of a brand new week at a brand new gym using a brand new weight loss website, THANKS MYFIT!!!!
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    1. I finally got to sleep in. I've missed sleep so much!
    2. It was absolutely gorgeous today.
    3. Didn't feel like going to the gym but I did it anyways and managed to get a nice lil workout in. I can feel my arms right now ooo yah!
  • hybridscientist
    hybridscientist Posts: 93 Member
    1. went for a run, followed by coming home to breakfast cooked by boyfriend, followed by beach outing
    2. relaxing in bed watching a tv series i'm getting into
    3. going out to a pub on the harbour with my boyfriend for lunch followed by going to look at the house we're currently building.

    i know there's more like 10 things in there but it was a really good day.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    1. Received some great advice from a good friend :-)
    2.Got some needed good loving
    3. Knowing no matter how hard it may seem I can always pull through
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    1. Lied in.
    2. Received my Ebay purchases and my popcorn that i ordered, Metcalfes skinny top popcorn mmmm...
    ]3. Fiance and kids coming home tonight.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I had a really good work out at home...Great endorphins.
    I have wonderful ladies I live with. They are always so supporting and giving.
    I slept 14 hours. The bed felt WONDERFUL, and got up feeling well and happy.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    1) Waking up this morning to find the blood soaked dream I'd had was in fact not reality (Wtf is my subconscious up to?)

    2) Writing a very satisfying email to my manager and HR Dept telling them how crap they are (I'm challenging a Redundancy selection)

    3) My 18 year old daughter finally passing her driving theory test on attempt No 4 - Yay!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1 - when i woke up this morning, i didnt have a gain on the scale! :happy:

    2 - i handed in my CV and a covering letter to apply for a job :bigsmile:

    3 - lots and lots of fruit and vegetables were on special offer in my local supermarket - soo i stocked up! :tongue:
  • 1. My 2.6 pound weightloss!
    2. That I'm at work this morning!
    3. That my boys are cleaning my house for me today!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    1) Remembering that I didn't have my laptop on arriving at work car park meaning I missed our yawn inducing first thing Monday team call :-)
    2) Getting invited to daughter and boyfriends tonight for dinner and drinkies
    3) Waking up to find knee not aching after yesterday's run (keep having to rest it)

    Brilliant thread thanks for that :-D
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    1. lost another 200g last week
    2. got finally a date for switching departements at my job
    3 and most hapyp about that - finally my most beloved weather out there so I gonna walk home from work (sun and blue sky, cold air, a bit of snow)
  • 1. I saw my best friend today!
    2. I had a lovely sleep in
    3. I had an amazing relaxing bath
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    1) I've got my first outdoor run of 2012 planned for after work :)
    2) super quick morning at work!
    3) Tasty lunch with lots of carbs and meat :D (but its ook.. number 1 cancels this out :P)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    1) Told by Dr that I'm the ideal weight
    2) Managed to get through the morning without a snack
    3) We're halfway thru Monday.....:happy:

    Sue :smile: x
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    1. I woke up this morning and wasn't overly tired. (Some days it's the little things that count)
    2. I noticed that my coat isn't as tight; I no longer feel like a fat girl in a little coat.
    3. I was able to find 7 books that I need for my thesis at the local library instead of having to buy them. (Saving money makes me happy!)